
10 reasons why women are better than men

This is a really funny list, and we had a lot of fun making it up. The debate about who is better, men or women, will last forever. We present our list of reasons why women are better.

1. Women give new life

Women within themselves can raise a new person. Men only produce tadpole-like sperm that don't even know where to go until they accidentally bump into an egg. That is, in principle, the whole role of men in creating a new life. While the woman is carrying a growing, kicking child inside her.

2. Women are better at enduring pain

The baby in the womb is constantly pushing and causing considerable physical discomfort. But women perfectly tolerate pain, and throughout the 9 months they continue to do their usual household chores. Men, on the other hand, hide under the covers and quietly die with a simple flu.

3. Women can do everything at once

A woman can easily check e-mail on her phone, cook dinner, look after a child and listen to news on that TV at the same time. Men can't do that.

4. The female brain recovers faster

For example, if a man and a woman collide with each other head to head, the woman will rise and continue to do her business before the man opens his eyes. This is due to the fact that the neurons in the female brain are closely related to each other, and the neurons in the male are separated.

5. Women have better communication skills

Women can talk to anyone, anywhere. They know how to communicate with a bus driver, their children's teacher, a cleaner, a salesman, or a travel companion. Communication is the engine of human life. And women succeeded in this.

6. Women bring everything to an end

If a man is not interested in something, he will not do it. Without encouragement and praise, they won't even get down to business, even if they just need to wash the dishes. Women do whatever they need to do, even if they don't really want to.

7. Women have a secret super power

The landlord will not turn off the light for non-payment, and the police will not issue a fine - any problem can be solved with this super power. This is the superpower of women - tears!

8. Women are attentive to detail.

Women can have many different things in their minds, shopping and to-do lists, birthdays, and even entire calendars. They always remember what needs to be cooked for dinner and what their friend's outfit was in every detail. This is completely impossible for men.

9. Women live longer

Women are stronger than men. They are less susceptible to stress, which is why they probably live on average one year longer than men. They also look more closely at their health, diet, and regimen.

10. Women can read minds

They can feel why the baby is crying and be absolutely sure that the husband is cheating on them, and the friend is having problems. She has already figured out you, so you shouldn't hide anything from them. Women have very strong intuition.

We advise you to see:

Check out the scientific evidence that women are better than men. How convincing are they to you?