
10 weirdest potato chip tastes

Potato chips are a versatile snack. I think everyone will agree with this. There are many different flavors of chips, and the taste is very dependent on the country of origin. Seasonings can be quite strange at times ... And in this list we will list the most bizarre ones. From forest animals to yogurt flavors.

This list really does have anything. Expect a weird twisting and twisting feeling in your stomach, and you will be confused as this is a list of the 10 weirdest potato chip flavors.

10. Cheese lobster

Mm ... lobster! Food for high society, top-class quality on the plate. Something to savor, stretch out and enjoy. Or something that can be used as a flavoring agent for chips. It's still not that weird, though, until you mix the lobster with the cheese. Yes, the cheese lobster flavor is available in Lays chips in China.

If the idea itself doesn't seem fancy enough for you, take a look at the packaging - the lobster even seems to enjoy bathing in the sauce that burns it. Would you like a little bit of sadomasochism for a snack? Apparently, this is "excellent classic taste", but I, for example, am in no hurry to try.

9. Baked beans

If the seasoning you are consuming is bad for your body, you’re trying to keep it to a minimum, right? Every British schoolchild knows: “Beans, beans are good for the heart. The more you eat, the more you fart. " Doesn't really whet your appetite, does it? So when Walkers released the new bean flavor in 2003, were they trying to ignore the "fart" aspect? No, on the contrary, they focused on this! Each pack came with a fart pillow for hilarious pranks.

This whole action was created to help Comic Relief, a British comedy event that raises money for developing countries by encouraging the general public to do bizarre and wacky things. Like riding a unicycle with a cream pie in your hands. Or put on all your clothes backwards. Or sit in a bathroom filled with baked beans. Is this all starting to make sense now? There was nothing fancy about the chips, but the charity aspect helped boost sales, and soon Walkers fart pillows were all over the place!

8. Kiwi

Once I tried to make a kiwi cheesecake. It didn't work. The kiwi curdled the cream and tasted disgusting. But probably not as disgusting as the next on our list - Lays kiwi-flavored chips. Apparently, kiwi chips are a delicacy in some countries. You cut the kiwi into thin slices and dry them, but they are not the same thing. These are just regular chips that someone suddenly decided to make with kiwi flavor.

You may have guessed by now that this is another product from China. This time, the main marketing ploy was that kiwi is "natural and refreshing." Maybe if you grind it and make a smoothie it will be, but what does the chips have to do with it? There is absolutely nothing natural about these chips, and I highly doubt they are refreshing. In the same series, there is a variant with blueberries - a berry that really belongs in a cheesecake!

7. Builder's breakfast

Another taste with hardly appetizing associations. Builders in Britain are not widely known for their breakfasts. There is “builder tea” (a derogatory term for the standard PG tips) and there is also “builder bottom” (when someone's pants slid too low). But breakfast? There is a farmhouse breakfast, with fresh eggs, homemade bacon and more. But the creator of that flavor, Emma Rushin, apparently mixed all of these ingredients when she created the builder's breakfast flavor for the Walkers Make Me Meal competition, where six odd flavors competed. The main prize is the continuous production of chips with this flavor. The Builder's Breakfast won, however, production was halted in 2010 when Walkers launched a new competition. Obviously, eating chips as a builder has never become popular with British buyers.

6. Leaver and chopped peppers

And now we present to your attention a real delicacy - the stomach of a cow, seasoned with a pinch of pepper. Leaver may be the national Scottish dish, but you have to be brave to taste it. So why not try the great, gut-like taste in a potato chip format? The Mackies of Scotland can help you with this with the typical Scottish flavor of the liver, which they called so mouth-watering that it was impossible to stop. They may taste incredibly good, or they may never get along with your digestion, but anyway, it's pretty difficult to erase the mental picture, isn't it? Although, if you want to try something truly Scottish, this is probably the easiest way to do it!

5. Ham and pickles

From quintessentially Scottish to quintessential English ... or not? Anyone who chooses the Brannigan Chips Ham and Pickle flavor can be forgiven for trying the true English flavor. But no, ham and pickles are not a traditional dish. Cheese and pickled cucumber - yes. Ham with other products - too. But with a pickle? No.

This is a rather strange combination, but it is still more decent than his brother - the taste of meat and mustard. After all, the mustard taste was so strong that it was painful to eat the chips. There was nothing special in the appetizer, but after it the mouth burned so much that it was impossible to forget it quickly. This series of chips is definitely eccentric, but definitely not truly English. They are not widely available in UK stores, but boxes are actively purchased in bulk on eBay.

4. Cucumber and goats

When you think of all the possible tastes in the world, what vegetable comes to your mind? The watery tastelessness of a cucumber? I think no! Still, Lays decided that cucumber would be a great addition to blueberries and kiwi in the "natural and refreshing" series.

There is an even stranger variation though. In Belgium, there is a taste of cucumber and goat. While you picture Lays workers trying to pack an entire herd of goats, the reality is disappointingly disappointing. It looks like there was a typo in the last word (by the way, this is a hot topic of discussion in some circles). It was not supposed to taste like goat, but goat cheese. Although I find the concept of watery, tasteless chips mixed with hairy essence of grubby goats to be more fun.

3. Chili and chocolate

But now things are getting even stranger. And in third place we put another competitor from Walkers "Make Me Delight". The chili-chocolate pairing sounds incomprehensible at best, although it seems to me that a mixture of extra dark chocolate with a pinch of chili might work. But to transfer this already strange combination to the packaging of potato chips? Wrong, no matter how you look. Chips and chili go well together, chocolate and chili too, as mentioned above. But all three at once?

The inventor, Catherine Veitch defended her invention, saying, “Chili and chocolate may sound like a crazy idea for chips, but the combination is truly extraordinary. Hot heat with cocoa, fighting on the spot! " The public respectfully disagreed and the innovative taste lost out to the Builder's Breakfast.

2. Pepsi and chicken

Heading back to China for other crazy Lays flavors.It's Pepsi and Chicken! While it makes your stomach uncomfortable, it's actually not such a strange idea, after all, cooking meat in soda is no surprise (pork in Dr Pepper, sausages in Cocca-Cola). Pepsi caramelized chicken wings are a common dish in Chinese cuisine, which makes sense given their love of combining sweet and meaty flavors. In an advertisement for these chips, a man rushes to buy Pepsi for his girlfriend, which she needs to water the chicken wings, which they cook.

So it makes some sense, but still ... Take a look at the package, which shows fatty chicken wings soaked in a large glass of Pepsi. Can you really look at it without feeling mildly nauseous? I think no! Don't worry, you are not alone!

1 squirrel-cajun

And the last participant in the notorious competition of tastes. Here's how to make a snack with a hint of an animal hit by a car - Cajun Squirrel. The whole concept is completely confusing - Walkers said "no protein was harmed in the production of the chips," which confirms that they somehow synthetically recreated the taste of the protein. But how did they know about her taste without harming any of them? Naturally, everything was done not only to attract attention, right? They probably assumed that the protein tasted like chicken, so they used that as a base before mixing it with the cajun spice to create some original flavor.
The final taste was bearable if you were able to erase the images of the terrifying woodland from your subconscious. Some disagreed, though. Reporter Charles Brooker said, "They taste exactly like a tiny cat blowing its hot gases through a potpourri of genitals right into your mouth." The idiocy went too far, and it was not possible to win this way ... right up to this moment. Our number one on the list of the 10 strangest potato chip flavors - enjoy the win, Martin Wright from Staffordshire!

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