
10 best film adaptations of books

The hardest part on this list is that there are too many good books in the world that have been filmed just as well. Another difficulty lies in the fact that such lists are quite subjective, and this is quite logical. It is also believed that a book will always be better than a movie, and more often than not it is. The pictures below were chosen because they give some depth to the book, but any of these films takes pride of place as an independent work.

10. Dolores Claiborne

Most attempts to film Stephen King's works have failed, but there are a few decent works, including the legendary "The Shawshank Redemption", but not only him. It seems like Katie Bates was born to play in films based on King's books. Her performance as Annie Wilkes in Misery was really good, but her performance as Dolores was Oscar-worthy. The film was shot very close to the book, but at the same time interprets what is happening in its own way. If you have not seen this picture, then you simply have to do it.

9. "Treasure"

The uniqueness of the plot is what makes "Treasure" a great book and a wonderful film. It's about a boy who gets into trouble for some stupid reason. He is sent to a labor camp led by a brutal boss and wardens. It's an original and enjoyable story, and while the movie wasn't a blockbuster, it's definitely worth watching.

8. "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"

K.S. Lewis composed a magnificent fairy tale that fascinated both children and adults for many years, which became as popular as The Lord of the Rings. Attempts to repeat the success of Tolkien's friend and contemporary were only a matter of time. The most striking thing about this film is that it almost exactly repeats the plot of the book, which is rarely possible to implement in cases with fantasy.

7. "Fried green tomatoes"

The second film on our list featuring Katie Bates. He got here because both the book and the film perfectly convey the spirit of friendship, donations and those moments when after a while we begin to feel out of place. Katie Bates' heroine is well conveyed, but the real discovery of this film was Jessica Tandy. This role is episodic, but without her this picture would not have taken place. If you want to watch an emotional and inspiring movie, this one is for you.

6. "Charlotte's Web"

Many thanks to the fact that this film was made before the advent of computer graphics. Despite the fact that the animation is quite simple, this cartoon is considered one of the best adaptations of the book due to the power of the plot and the sense of nostalgia from the picture. This work made us all think about the issues of life, friendship and death. And it all happened without any special effects or explicit graphics. If you have children who have not yet watched this cartoon, take note of it and watch the whole family. It will definitely be a good time.

5. "The Princess Bride"

This sweet love story is one of the few adaptations that, oddly enough, came out better than the book. The book is good, but the film is much better. The Princess Bride is popular with a certain audience, but is actually suitable for a wide audience. If you're looking for a good date movie, then this one is a great option.

4. Blade Runner

This sci-fi movie is based on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Starring Harrison Ford. His character is tasked with destroying robots that are not going to die and do not give up without a fight. However, the advantage is in the hands of the protagonist. The plot may seem a bit boring, but the movie is replete with bold special effects. Why watch Blade Runner? Firstly, it is an interesting film, and secondly, it makes us think about what makes us human.

3. "Road"

Anyone who read this book prior to the release of the film believed that any attempt at adaptation would likely go nowhere. The narrative in the book is conducted entirely in the present tense, and there is practically no imagery in it. Perhaps it's all about the genius of Viggo Mortensen's acting or the great crew, but the film is just great. After viewing it, a lump in the throat remains.

2. "The Grinch Stole Christmas"

The first Christmas cartoon based on the book was filmed in the 60s, and then in 2000 there was a film that was awarded a 4-star rating. The role of the Grinch was played by none other than Jim Carrey. Director Ron Howard managed not only not to lose face, but also to create a classic film about Christmas. If you are one of the people who refuse to watch film adaptations of books, because, in your opinion, a book is always more successful than a movie, then this time you can reconsider your views and enjoy watching.

1. "The Lord of the Rings"

Everyone believed that any attempt at a film adaptation that combined acting and animation would be a complete failure. Even Tolkien himself was convinced that it was impossible to make this film. Nevertheless, Peter Jackson and his team turned a blind eye to the impossible and turned "The Lord of the Rings" into one of the most significant films of all time. This gorgeous picture is at the top of almost any movie-related list. Of course, there are those who are sorely lacking the character of Tom Bombadil, but most viewers admire this trilogy.

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