
10 reasons not to compare yourself to other people

No one can understand what you are feeling, imagine the way you imagine and express your opinion the same way. And yet it's funny to see how we constantly compare ourselves to other people. There is nothing similar between two people, except for the fact that they are people, i.e. the genetic difference between any two individuals is negligible.

The difference starts in the womb. Babies can learn from within the womb, and so differences gradually take shape. Further upbringing, experience, lifestyle determine what kind of person you are. But two people don't have a complete resemblance, even if it's your brother or sister.

Here are 10 reasons why you shouldn't compare yourself to other people:

10. You were born this way

There is nothing you can do about this fact. Don't waste time comparing yourself to someone who hasn't even been in your situation! It's like comparing the life of a dog to a cat, although I think they have more similarities, especially if they get lost.

9. You are comparing incorrectly

Thinking that you are better or worse than someone else will only lead you to vanity or discouragement! When comparing yourself to others, you are not using an accurate metric; you are using a person who is both rational and irrational at the same time. So this is clearly not the path you can follow!

8. You only succumb to the parameters set by society

Close your eyes and ask yourself if you are happy. You are beautiful and beautiful on your own, regardless of the opinion of society. And if you think differently and make changes in yourself to add happiness to your life, then do it. If I had to live someone else's life, then I would have been born to someone else. I wouldn't be who I am now.

7. You will change and lose everything!

By following the previous point, you will turn into someone who you are not! And remember that everything that was yours will disappear! Just! It's simple, the people who are with you now love and accept you for who you are. Succumbing to social dimensions means that you are making a focused effort to become someone else, which makes it easier to break ties.

6. Don't be irrational

Yes, people are “predictably irrational,” but that doesn't mean you can't be rational. You can! You just need to simplify the problems and start solving. In this case, thinking that comparing yourself to another soul is the solution to the problem, but it is not! Your neighbor or colleague may have fewer problems, but this does not mean that you need to become the same as your neighbor! This will be considered another problem. In addition, you may think that your peer has no problems, but you will never know exactly what is going on in his soul. Never! So don't be irrational!

5. Everything is relative

The orange circle appears to have grown in size when placed with smaller circles on the right, but. The point is that we are obliged to correlate one with the other. While we can measure and look for precision and then declare, we still won't. Why, at first glance, we should admit the obvious answer. This is exactly what I am trying to tell you. Comparison is a waste of time and it is a matter of true measurement and accuracy. Many researchers and professors such as Dan Ariely, Amos Tversky, and Daniel Kahneman would agree with me.

4. Comparison with others can become a habit

Don't worry, it's never too late to get out of this. Are you constantly trying to become like the people around you? Or maybe you imitate your loved ones. You may think that all this is only spurring the moment, but soon enough it will no longer be. It will become a habit, and you will all the time judge yourself and analyze yourself and your actions in your head.

3. You will be occupied with short-term goals.

Sometimes these goals are not even meant for you. You just got some bp inspiration from some magazine and images in it.

And this also has a negative and positive impact on you. People foolishly copying celebrities have become commonplace. Several fatal injuries occurred in the process. Don't fall for this jazz about social media. You will either end up with disastrous lips (you know what I'm talking about) or anorexia. Just use your head and everything will fall into place.

2. Later you will feel dissatisfaction

Soon after you realize the futility of comparison, you will understand the stupidity of such behavior. Eventually you will find yourself enjoying yourself in your own world, and then in the world around you. Thus, you will hate yourself for wasting precious time on such little things. So cheer up and do not compare yourself, you should not do this.

1. You are smarter than others

Decide who you want to be. It's never too late. You also don’t need to dwell on such things; instead, you need to engage in productive activities. If people are going to compare, then let them compare themselves with you, and not you yourself with someone else. Go on with life and don't beat your self with these comparisons.

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Video about why you can't compare yourself with other people from the Ministry of Alexander Shevchenko