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How to develop photographic memory: 10 techniques and tips

Do you have a photographic memory? Find out if this might be helpful. They say that a person has a photographic memory if he can remember all the smallest details and reproduce them exactly if necessary.

As a rule, people remember only the main points well, but forget the details. To determine whether a person has a photographic memory or not, ask them to read a paragraph of the text carefully, and then check it out, asking for each detail. If he is able to remember all the details, then he can become a new wonder of the world!

Of course, remembering everything is not easy, but special techniques and tips come to the rescue. Some of them may seem funny, but their application gives the opportunity to experience real intellectual pleasure. Let's take a look at a few techniques that will make you feel more confident:

Visualization technique

For the object you are trying to remember, come up with a picture association, best of all funny. In fact, it is ridiculous images that help to preserve information in memory for a long time. In everyday life, our attention is instantly attracted by bright and unexpected, and not simple and familiar pictures. Try comparing two images, one where people are smiling, the other not. Which picture catches your eye? Try it yourself and see!

Technique for placing objects in space

Imagining a plan for your own home is easier than remembering a random list of items. Why not arrange the list items in familiar territory? Try to imagine a listed object at a specific location in your home. Thus, you have to remember everything much faster and for a very long time.

For example: You enter a house through the front door and see a package of strawberries on the floor in the hallway, which symbolizes the need to buy this delicious berry.

You go up the stairs to your room and you see someone's huge buttocks, which means you need to buy burgers as well. Sounds strange and crazy, doesn't it? But this is one of the most effective methods to achieve what you want.

Numerical technique

Instead of linking objects to remember to locations, linking them to numbers. The field of application of numbers is not limited to solving mathematical equations, they are used in many situations. This technique resembles the memorization method by association with a place, as it uses the same principle, only a little differently.

For instance:

  1. Buy a basketball;
  2. Call your best friend;
  3. Prepare lunch for mom;
  4. Complete current tasks.

The method used by the military

Are you afraid of the dark? Leave your fears in the past and try a method that can help you jot down your list in an instant. For this, it is necessary to place nearby records for memorization and a lamp with a switch. Look at the sheet with the data you want to remember, and after a moment, turn off the light. This must be repeated every day for 20 minutes for a month. In the end, you should get a great result. What are you waiting for?

Pattern method

This is one of the most common ways to develop memory. It is as follows: you carefully examine a pattern or drawing and try to repeat it with matches to improve your memory. You can try several times to get the perfect result. It may seem daunting at first, but it's definitely worth a try.

Rhymes, rhymes ... rhymes

Everyone knows that memorizing rhymed lines is much easier and does not require much effort. You can use ready-made dictionaries, choosing rhymes for your list of words that you want to memorize, or come up with them yourself for greater reliability. This is one of the simplest ways to memorize large amounts of information.

Add music

Everyone loves music, doesn't it? You can forget the words of your favorite song, but it's hard to forget its motive. Are you still humming your old favorite tune? Putting the memorize list to music is another way to memorize it for a long enough period of time, and it really works. For example, it is difficult to remember the dates and names of participants in important historical events. Try singing them to the tune of a well-known or new song, so the dry set of numbers and names will become more expressive and, perhaps, even pleasant.

Practical experience is the path to improvement

Practical experience stimulates our personal growth. You can't learn everything from books. Some things are difficult to understand with only theoretical knowledge. Let's give an example: you cannot learn how to cook a delicious dish, just after reading the recipe, you have to go to the kitchen. In short, the procedure is remembered better if you repeat it yourself, rather than just read it.

Put things in order

The sooner you learn to keep order in your belongings and records, the better. If papers are scattered on your desktop, your notebook is littered with notes on various topics, and folders on your computer are in complete disarray, you constantly feel anxiety, and this reduces the performance of your brain. Clean the room, arrange the papers and notes by topic, and you will feel completely different, and it will become much easier to remember something.

Write by hand, don't type

Use a laptop, iPad, etc. only if it is really necessary. Writing notes is much more efficient than typing them. What is written by hand always stays in the memory longer. The following pattern is also observed: when people write notes on paper, they write in their own words. When using electronic devices, it is easier to write down everything verbatim, but such notes are less memorable.

The following tips will help you develop a good memory:

1. A healthy mind in a healthy body

Take time to exercise. sport helps to maintain mental and physical health, and reduces the risk of disease. This means that it keeps the brain healthy and provides a strong memory.

2. Don't study on an empty stomach

Eat breakfast like a king, dine like a prince, dine like a beggar. Have you heard that? If you think about it, this is not nonsense at all. Glucose makes brain cells work faster, even if a person has a brain disorder. Therefore, memory works better after eating. But do not overeat at lunch, the digestion process also requires energy and takes it away from the brain.

3. Train your memory

Try to solve as many logic problems or crosswords as possible. If some crossword puzzle seems difficult to you, find an easier option to start. Take a look at the answers, then remove them and try to restore. This improves memory performance.

4. Use a trick

If you forget something, try to mentally go back in time. Imagine what you were doing at that moment and the answer will come unexpectedly, like an insight.

5. Take breaks

Often, trying to learn more and more new data, we forget what we remembered before. What to do? Take a short break before moving on to a new block of information. Otherwise, a conflict arises. New knowledge is superimposed on old ones, and they disappear from memory. You need to adhere to a clear schedule.

6. Eat healthy foods

fast food weakens the body and interferes with the normal absorption of essential substances. Try to avoid fatty foods and change your habits by switching to healthy foods that are easy to digest. It will only be beneficial.

7. Stress level

In our time, stress is the main enemy. It makes a person feel sluggish and has a bad effect on the brain. Over time, it destroys brain cells and catastrophically impairs memory. Try to reduce your stress levels by doing something enjoyable for yourself.

8. Clench your fists

Sounds crazy? But it works. During the study, some participants were asked to clench their right hand into a fist while memorizing new information and their left when it was necessary to reproduce it. They had better results than those who didn't. What are you waiting for? Reade set Go!

9. The level of iron in the blood

Iron deficiency has an adverse effect on the brain. As a result, a person becomes distracted, attention deficit and memory problems occur. Iron supplements can help maintain the required iron levels in the blood.

10. Get enough sleep

It is known that the brain function improves if you get enough sleep every day. Hence, sleep improves memory. At night, while we sleep, our brain works to process the memories of the past day. Thanks to this person, dreams are dreamed.

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