
10 most expensive addictions in the world

Whenever we have some free time in our daily routine, we strive to enjoy it at its best. Some things are so funny that we soon become addicted to them.
For example, children love to play video games, men tend to spend their free time watching movies, and women find comfort in salesrooms. But when this addiction increases to a certain level, it makes lives even more miserable. Here 10 most expensive addictions in the worldthat are both positive and negative.

10. Drinking beverages

Drinking cold and other drinks, sometimes without even feeling thirsty, has now become very popular, sometimes it seems that people are too addicted to such things. Popular non-alcoholic drinks are consumed in large quantities by people. Every day, the average person drinks about 3-4 glasses of cold drinks or more. In addition, the number of people using tea or coffee has increased.

9. Shopping

Every year, millions of animals around the world become human pets, and this amount is growing regularly. The main reason for this is people's depressive behavior. Whenever a person is feeling sad or lonely, they get a pet. More than $ 61 billion was spent on animal purchases in 2015.

8. Movie views

Movies are a kind of entertainment for people and whenever they manage to set aside some free time for themselves, they try to spend time watching movies with friends and family. But sometimes people are so involved in this process that they try to watch each new film, not noticing that it has become their addiction. During 2015, more than $ 62 billion was spent on film production.

7. Purchase of lottery tickets

Lottery tickets have become another candidate for the title of human addiction. In fact, the proceeds from the purchase of tickets are about $ 65.5 billion worldwide in 2015. Millions of people buy tickets in the hope that someday they will be lucky to win the lottery. But all hopes melt in most cases.

Although there are 10 lucky ones who hit the jackpot in the lottery. The increase in the amount of inflation has led to the huge popularity of tickets and people have become addicted to buying lottery tickets on a regular basis.

6. Video games

Video games are very popular among adults, especially children. Children are very susceptible to hobby. They spend several hours a day playing games, and they spend not only time, but also money. Hundreds of games are released by different companies. Billions of dollars are spent every year to acquire them. More than $ 25 billion has been spent in America to buy games, which easily explains the rapid addiction to them. It is interesting to note that not only children, but sometimes the elderly are addicted to games.

5. Gambling

People who are addicted to gambling take it very seriously and never hesitate to spend money on it. Thousands of dollars are spent on average by players during the game and the amount of bets continues to grow during the game. Although the risk of losing money is very high, when you are addicted to the game, you never think about it again. You just want to spend and spend, hoping for an even bigger prize. Check out the 5 most profitable casino games.

4. Overeating

Although food intake does not seem like an addiction because it is one of the basic needs of the body, some people eat so much that even food becomes an addiction. Some spend the whole day on it, eat constantly, which is actually dangerous to health. Foodies spend thousands of dollars every year visiting different restaurants and sampling food from different countries. They are always interested in opening new restaurants to sample their food.

3. Drugs

Drug addiction is one of the most dangerous addictions present in the world, thousands of people are addicted to different types of drugs. This dependence is so strong that they have to give money in order to purchase drugs again and again. More than $ 300 billion a year is spent on drugs, which is comparable to the budget of a large state.

If drug addicts are not provided with adequate medical attention and care, addiction can lead to death. You should definitely read the article 10 Ways to Help Drug Addicts.

2. Alcohol

Alcohol addiction is one of the most popular addictions in existence. These addicts spend thousands of dollars to find the best booze they can get. Billions of dollars are spent every year on the purchase of bottles and people do not even hesitate to travel to different countries in search of their favorite alcohol. Here are 10 fun facts about alcohol. Also, drinking a lot of alcohol can lead to serious health problems.

1. Smoking

The most expensive addiction in existence is smoking. The number of smokers is large all over the world and the money spent on popular brands of cigarettes is also very large. The main reason why there are so many smokers is the relative cheapness of cigarettes compared to other items on our list, and they are also readily available..

While many steps are taken regularly to get people to stop smoking, the number is growing. Billions of dollars that could be used for beneficial purposes are wasted every year on useless and dangerous addiction.