
10 foods that will support you during your illness

When the body is busy fighting the flu or just the common cold, the last thing you want to do is eat. However, it is just necessary to maintain your immunity with nutrition, so that the strength remains for the healing process.

The most important point is that during illness it is worth sticking to some kind of diet, because improper nutrition can only worsen the symptoms, so it is worth being selective about what you eat. So what is the best choice for the period of illness?

10. Chicken broth

Many people believe that chicken broth is a magical remedy for colds and flu. We hasten to please you, this is partly true, because chicken contains cysteine, an amino acid that helps to cough up phlegm from the lungs.

Warm broth helps keep you hydrated and prevents inflammation. Other broths also help with inflammation.

9. Citruses

In fact, there is no clear scientific evidence for the role of vitamin C in treating the flu, but long experience in patient care suggests that vitamin C can soothe symptoms and speed up the treatment of colds.

The reason is that most citrus fruits contain not only vitamin C, but also other beneficial trace elements and substances that help in treatment. The citruses that will benefit you as much as possible are lemon, lime, and grapefruit. You may be interested in the article 10 health benefits of orange.

8. Fruit ice

Regardless of the diagnosis, the most important thing is enough water in the body. It doesn't matter if you catch a cold or catch a cold, the ice lolly will keep your body hydrated.

Don't be afraid to catch a cold in your throat. 100% natural fruit ice will even help treat your cold. He can also cheer up a sick person of any age.

7. Spicy food

If you have the flu, and spicy foods only upset your stomach, it is best to refrain from spicy foods, but if you only have a cold, something spicy will only do you good.

Wasabi, horseradish, and even chili peppers can speed up blood circulation because spicy food accelerates the blood through the body, causing the face to blush and watery eyes.

6. Prefer unleavened crackers over salted ones.

If you have stomach problems or nausea, try to avoid salty crackers. Shop bland instead. An empty toast is also a good solution. Believe it or not, they won't harm your stomach, won't induce vomiting, and can even help stabilize digestion.

5. Bananas

A banana a day can relieve many symptoms, so the flu and colds should be accompanied by eating bananas. They are the prevention of diarrhea, vomiting and profuse sweating, moreover, they are able to bring down the fever during illness. Bananas also make up for the lack of electrolytes lost during a severe attack.

They are rich in potassium and this is one of the reasons why they can be so beneficial. Also take a look at 10 Facts About Bananas for Beauty and Health.

4. Scrambled eggs

It turns out that eggs are rich in proteins. And the protein in eggs is exactly your way to support the healing process. Another plus of scrambled eggs is that they can be cooked in a huge number of ways, and this is usually not difficult to do.

You can limit yourself to scrambled eggs and toast, or you can add citrus to your breakfast to devote your day to recovery with renewed vigor.

3. Fight infection with foods containing glutathione

Glutathione is one of the antioxidants that have a great impact on the infection-fighting process. Some foods that contain this compound include broccoli, kale, kale, and lettuce. They are easy to digest.

You can make a good dinner with broccoli, chicken, and toast. If you don't have chicken broth, just boiled chicken can also help in your recovery, as it contains beneficial substances.

2. Potatoes

A little broccoli sprinkled on top of potatoes sounds unappetizing, but healthy. Potatoes act as an antioxidant containing important trace elements. Also, potatoes have enough fiber, which is indispensable for the regulation of digestion.

Potatoes also contain potassium, so if bananas seem too frivolous to you, potassium can be obtained by eating potatoes. If you have stomach problems, you don't even need to sprinkle the potatoes with cheese.

1. Still ginger beer or warm tea

You need more ginger. Still, ginger beer or ginger tea will help you with this. If you do decide to drink ginger beer, try to avoid gas, because soda will inevitably irritate your stomach or throat.

This is a good way to maintain water levels in your body. If you have persistent nausea, try pure ginger. Just chew a few grams of fresh ginger and swallow it. You will feel better. If eating pure ginger is causing problems and side symptoms develop, hot tea is the best solution.


If after a few days of such a diet you do not feel better, it is better to consult your doctor immediately to rule out other diseases besides the common cold. You may need medication for a full recovery. The most important thing is to maintain water levels in the body and get more rest, regardless of the diagnosis.

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This video presents not only foods that can contribute to a speedy recovery, but also those that should be excluded from your diet during the time of illness.