
10 signs your marriage is crumbling

It is great if two people in a marriage treat each other with love and respect. And it's rather sad if the couple are not happy together. According to research, a bad marriage can even lead to various diseases. After a few months or years in an unhappy marriage, you’ll start wondering why this happened. Such disturbing thoughts can come to you quite often.

Why do marriages fall apart? Psychologists identify several factors that prevent family relationships from developing. If some of these factors are observed for a long time, then the marriage can be severely damaged. Here are 10 reasons why relationships fall apart. You might be interested in Article 10 Signs When It's Time to Break Up.

1. You stopped communicating

Healthy relationships require constant communication. It’s hard to know if you’re doing well if you don’t talk about it. Lack of communication can lead to the collapse of the relationship.

Audrey Hope, a relationship and addiction specialist in Malibu, believes that the lack of connection between spouses makes them give up all the time. "You hide your feelings in the closet and under the rugs when you are silent about something. All grievances and problems appear due to the fact that too many things have accumulated in the "closet". At one point you will not control yourself and will lose each other.", - says the psychologist.

2. Everyone lives their own life

We are often busy. Sometimes so much that we do not notice the partner. Many marriages break up because each of the spouses lives their own lives, and as a result, they drift away from each other. You can prevent this by taking some time for your significant other. Make it a rule to date every week.

3. Lack of emotional connection

Sex is important, but not enough to sustain a relationship. Emotional connection is just as important as physical connection. As a rule, especially for women, the lack of satisfaction of emotional needs also leads to the negation of sexual needs. This can force one of the partners to seek their satisfaction on the side. You yourself understand what this can lead to. Also take a look at the article 5 Reasons Why Your Girlfriend Falls Out of Love with You.

4. Disrespect

Constant disrespect can ultimately destroy even the strongest alliance. If, for example, a man glanced at another woman, being next to his wife, and did not show regret in any way and did not even apologize to her, then this is a manifestation of disrespect for his wife, which can slowly wear down the relationship.

It is important for your partner to feel appreciated and understood. Any behavior that suggests otherwise is backfiring.

5. Uneven distribution of household responsibilities

The grossly uneven distribution of household chores makes one spouse feel unappreciated and used. It is not necessary to divide responsibilities strictly in half, but feelings of collectivism and mutual respect are extremely important to a relationship.

When a family member owns the lion's share of household chores, and he also rarely hears words of gratitude, this causes resentment. Problems arise when one of the two is carrying a huge load of family, work and household chores. This spouse is offended and gradually burns out.

6. Excessive pickiness

If you constantly criticize your partner, then you can quickly kill any relationship. Replace blame and nagging with love and understanding. Everyone has a reserve of patience and it tends to run out, so don't be surprised if your spouse leaves when you start criticizing him. Severity and condemnation lead to the breakdown of marriage. Criticism will sooner or later take its toll, and you will begin to feel that he or she is moving away from you.

7. Insults

Physical abuse is not the only form of abusive behavior, so just because you've never raised your hand against your spouse doesn't mean that you've never abused her. There are many other abuses. In fact, it is possible to commit violence emotionally or even financially.

Anything that makes your partner feel unvalued or unsafe can be considered an insult. Think about how you have treated your spouse throughout the years of your marriage. How would you feel if you were in his place?

8. Undiagnosed addiction or mental illness

Lack of treatment for addictions or mental health care can lead to an increase in the number of frustrations in relationships and their slow destruction. One of the main causes of problems in marriage is sex addiction.

Depression and undiagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can also harm relationships. This is why it is important to visit a mental health professional if you and your partner are having communication problems.

9. Sex has become less important

Most couples express their love for each other through sex. When it is absent, problems arise. This can lead to looking for someone on the side, distancing the lovers from each other and anger.

10. Serious financial problems

Money is one of the most famous relationship killers. 70% of married couples said they would consider divorce if one of the spouses was found out to be out of work and unable to find a new one. A marriage suffers when there are money problems. This is because money is actually more than just money. It is the energy that raises and resolves other questions and details. If there are problems in this area, then the marriage will fall apart.

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The founder of the Phenomenon school of professional wives, Dmitry Soroka, in his Auto-Answer section, tells what to do if the marriage has already begun to collapse.