
10 tips for choosing a ripe watermelon

At all times, Uzbekistan has been the leader in the production of the tastiest and sweetest watermelons. The Astrakhan and Volgograd regions are also famous for this berry. They are tirelessly followed by China, from where the supply of melons and gourds to many countries is carried out. 35% of the total watermelon production in the European part of Russia comes from Kazakhstan. It is followed by Georgia. Warm sunny days and cool nights are ideal conditions for juicy and sweet watermelons to ripen. The ripeness of a watermelon is determined by three criteria:

  • color,
  • weight,
  • sound when tapping the peel.

The smell does not matter. There is a misconception that after picking a watermelon, it stops ripening. However, it often happens that a watermelon that has been in the refrigerator for a long time becomes overripe. Watermelon gains sweetness only on melons. The side on which the watermelon lay on the melon should have a light yellow spot. A pale green spot on the watermelon indicates maturity. If you remember a couple of tips for choosing a ripe watermelon from the ten presented, you can easily choose a ripe juicy watermelon and not be disappointed in your choice.

What is a watermelon? Vegetable or fruit? There is no definite answer. The thing is that watermelons, like other vegetables: zucchini, pumpkins and cucumbers, are grown and harvested in the field. However, the sweet taste and aroma is more fruit-like. For many, watermelon is a favorite summer sweet, as it contains 90% water. For those who do not like the large size of the watermelon, smaller varieties with an equally sweet taste have been bred.

Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. It was ranked among the 10 most delicious fruits and berries in the world. It contains a lot of dietary fiber and potassium, which regulates blood pressure. Watermelons contain more lycopene than fresh tomatoes. So, we present to your attention 10 tips for choosing a good, ripe watermelon.

10. See a professional

If you are unable to make the right choice, seek professional help. Most sellers will be able to easily identify a ripe watermelon. In order not to be disappointed with the purchase, you can overpay and taste the watermelon right at the fruit stand. Pay attention to the pulp - it should be rich red and firm.

9. Tap the watermelon

When choosing a watermelon, most people tap and listen to the sound. If the watermelon is ripe, you will hear a resounding crunch. But, unfortunately, it is very difficult to determine the ripeness of a watermelon in this way. Take the watermelon with both hands and squeeze gently. If you hear a light ringing crunch, then the watermelon is ripe.

8. Choose heavier watermelons

The greater the weight of the watermelon, the more ripe and juicy it is. When choosing a watermelon, opt for heavier fruits without bumps and bumps. But keep in mind that overripe watermelons can be heavy too.

7. Look for the yellow barrel

The barrel of the watermelon on which it lay on the melon should be light yellow. With this side, he lay on the ground, while the darker side was ripening in the sun. If the barrel is pale or completely absent, this means that the watermelon was picked too early and it did not have time to ripen.

6. Pay attention to the "bee's web"

Look for the so-called "cobweb". It is a pattern of brown intertwined threads. The bee, pollinating the flowers of the watermelon, touches the unripe membranes of the fruit and creates a similar pattern. The more often pollination occurs, the more "cobweb", And the sweeter the watermelon.

5. Pick a watermelon by floor

Remember, girl watermelons are generally larger, sweeter, and have fewer seeds than boy watermelons. To determine the gender of a watermelon, look at the bottom of the fruit. If the ring is very small, then this is a boy, a larger one is a girl. It is often difficult to determine the ripeness of a watermelon on this basis, so choose based on the presence of seeds. Remember, seed watermelons are often sweeter and cheaper.

4. Check the color of the watermelon

Be sure to pay attention to the color of the watermelon. An unripe fruit has a glossy rind. Ripe watermelons have a bright rind, but no sheen... True, it is often difficult to determine the ripeness of the fruit by the crust.

3. Choose trusted sellers

To buy watermelon, go to grocery stores where you usually buy fresh fruits and vegetables. The more choice in the store, the more likely you are to find a ripe watermelon. It is best to buy watermelons from fruit stalls along the road where farmers sell them.

2. Avoid watermelons grown in a spray system

Such fruits are usually less sweet and juicy. The thing is that with this method of irrigation, part of the water evaporates and is carried by the wind. Much sweeter are watermelons irrigated by flooding when special small trenches are dug through which water flows to watermelons. Modern farmers use striped drip irrigation.

1. Check the curl of the watermelon

If the watermelon is still on the melon, then its ripeness can be determined by the antennae that connects the watermelon to the bush. If the tendril is green, then the watermelon is not yet ripe. If the tendril is brown and dry, the watermelon is ripe. Watermelons, like cucumbers, constantly bear fruit. After harvesting, new fruits begin to grow. So, a ripe watermelon has a dry tail and a dull color.

A green tail indicates an unripe fruit. Watermelon can be a great nutritious snack, and watermelon juice will brighten any celebration. Rich in vitamins and refreshing, ripe watermelons are loved by people of all ages. When choosing a ripe watermelon, it's best to stick to not one, but at least three tips.

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How to choose a delicious and ripe watermelon or melon? Video tips.