
How to glue a film on a car?

Tags: tips

With necessity car film sticking faced by more and more drivers. After all, with its help you can protect the most expensive part of the car - its body, from sand, gravel and small debrisdamaging the car. In addition, the film helps to hide existing defects on the body, as well as significantly transform the car, make it look more attractive.

How to glue the anti-gravel and vinyl film?

To protect the car body from gravel, polyurethane or vinyl film is most often used. To glue it, you will need certain skills. Having experience, combined with high-quality armor, will allow you to properly paste over the car and prevent damage to it.

To properly install the film, you need:

  • distillation;
  • a small flexible spatula made of rubber;
  • soap solution and a conventional spray;
  • stationery knife;
  • microfiber towel;
  • long line;
  • technical or household hair dryer.

glue polyurethane or vinyl film best of all "wet" method. To do this, the car body must be thoroughly washed and dried. Thereafter the surface needs to be degreased..

Next you will need:

  1. Abundantly moisten the body;
  2. Without waiting for it to dry, remove the protective backing from the film;
  3. Install the armor on a wet surface;
  4. Straighten the creases with a spatula;
  5. Spray the film again with soapy water;
  6. Smooth out the film by distillation, moving from the center to the edges;
  7. If the film hardens quickly, heat it with a hair dryer;
  8. Trim off excess with a utility knife.

As a result, soap and air bubbles should not remain between the armor and the body. The film must be installed as securely as possible, without coming off the surface of the car.

Sticking carbon film

Carbon film has its positive qualities. Firstly, it is much thinner than real carbon, which makes it more affordable. Secondly, it can be glued not only on metal surfaces, but also on plastic or glass. Thirdly, it does not let the sun's rays through, which means it will protect parts from fading.

Sticking carbon film slightly different from the previous method. It must be installed on a dry body using a squeegee and a building hair dryer.

The procedure should be as follows:

  1. First you need to wash and dry the body;
  2. Then you need to remove the protective backing and install the film on the car;
  3. It is necessary to smooth the armor with a squeegee, moving from the center to the edges;
  4. An even film will need to be heated with a hairdryer - this is the only way to “activate” the glue;
  5. The heated armor needs to be smoothed out again to get rid of air bubbles.

After that, the car must not be washed for at least 5 days. This will avoid loads on the film from the washing units.

How to wrap car headlights?

Headlights need reliable protection no less than a car body, because it is they, due to their proximity to the ground, that are subject to regular contact with sand, gravel and bitumen. A high-quality film will prevent chips from appearing on the headlights, and also protect them from tarnishing, which can only be eliminated by polishing.

For pasting the headlights, a polyurethane anti-gravel film is used. Due to its transparency, it transmits maximum light.

The technology for installing the film on the headlights is the same as in the case of the car body. Immediately after gluing, the film must be given time to dry completely. The timing depends on the temperature of the room. The higher it is, the faster the armor will dry.

You can use the machine immediately after the film has dried. The main thing is not to wash the headlights for 3-4 days.