
The rudest and arrogant characters in anime

I think deep down everyone is so arrogant, only most of us know how to control it or hide it.

However, some people simply cannot control themselves. And their rudeness can be felt miles away.

Anime is no exception to this rule, as for every holy character there is at least one who will definitely spit in people's coffee.

And for this ranking, we're going to look at the worst of the rudest characters ever created.

Please note: what I am saying that they are rude/arrogant here is notnecessarily means they are hated. So don't panic if you see your waifu here.

15. Sei Khanda

Anime: Barakamon

I want to start with Sei only because he ate a humble pie very quickly and soon became a holy character.

However, this does not excuse his original attitude.

He saw himself as a great artist who would be satisfied with nothing less than first place. And when someone dared not to like his work, Sei literally punched him in the face.

Bonus points for the dash, given that Sei is a young, strong dude, and his target was an old, infirm man.

The island changed him for the better - but at first his attitude was at least unpleasant.

14. Sakura Haruno

Anime: naruto

Yes. Even though this series literally has ninja terrorists and creepy snake guys who want you to be just your body, I somehow found Sakura to be the roughest.

However, I will say that she is only really mean towards Naruto.

The flurry of insults and physical blows inflicted on him just for the fact that he existed wasridiculous . But the moment that really showed what an arrogant, distant, mean person she was was when she gave herself the right to complain to Naruto about her loving family!

You know dude whose parentsdied at birth and who spent his whole life in the outcasts.

Yes, go and complain to him about your pampered life, you are an absolute tool. The only reason she's not higher on this list is because she gets relatively better later in the series and because she's only really mean to Naruto.

13. Fango

Anime: 91 days

This dude is just Cartman on steroids.

He doesn't care what anyone thinks and will pee in your skin just to laugh. He's also somewhat deranged, so good luck finding out why he does things.

And I say he looks like Cartman because he literally made the same move that he did (andahead spoiler ):

He forced people to eat a dish filled with the corpse of their boss. Not as bad as eating your parents, but the intent is still there.

However, I will say that his rudeness and unpredictability added a lot to the spectacle. Every scene he was in automatically became more dynamic.

12. Satoru Gojo

Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen

This may seem a little strange, but listen to me.

Just imagine what it's like to run into this dude.

He will always tell you that you are a worthless piece of dung that he makes fun of to kill some time. He will literally teleport, bring his student and say: "Now watch me defeat my opponent to the point of madness."

Even villains don't deserve that kind of disrespect.

Also, he just talks openly about how he will kill the top members of his own organization because he doesn't agree with their methods.

As far as arrogance goes, it's as high as it gets.

11. Sam Ibrahim

Anime: Grand Pretender

This has to be one of the most realistic, rude and arrogant people on this list. He's just a dude with a lot of influence and a lot of money.

So, of course, he thinks that he is God's gift to the earth - especially to women - and that we should all be honored in his presence.

This is a very typical type of person."money = importance ", who will scold a woman if she does not want to sleep with him.

His brother is no better either, so he should just work for the family.

10. Motoyasu Kitamura

Anime: The Rise of the Shield Hero

Motoyasu is just a bum and I hate him so much.

He is so arrogant that he refuses to see anything that would contradict his point of view, and takes it upon himself to give context to each situation.

Just imagine how high you have to be on your horse to give yourself the right to claim that a woman is in danger or being manipulated just because she's hanging out with a dude you don't like.

And don't even tell me about his approach to women.

He's just a typical sad loser.

9. Aqua

Anime: KonoSuba

The disclaimer at the beginning of this article was made mainly for this choice.

I love Aqua. And her hip club has more members than I have embarrassing memories.

But she's just a jerk.

I mean, just pretend you're dying and then literally the goddess makes fun of you for it.

Death is the only thing that makes people good, and Aqua can't even do that.

Being a goddess also means that her ego can reach the moon and back, and she constantly talks about her great power and immeasurable importance.

Although it's quite funny when she gets slapped by reality.

8. Escanor

Anime: Seven deadly sins

Escanor has the same problems as Gojou, only it's more obvious.

The dude is literally a sin of pride, so no one expected humility from him.

And when it's in its day form, it has the most devastating edge you've ever seen.

He's so arrogant that he can literally state "I'm the strongest" in front of a dude who will turn you to stone if you lie.

A literal god could come down from the clouds and tell Escanor that he's not the best at everything, and Escanor would just hit him with the question, "Who decided that?"

This dude is an absolute lunatic whose rudeness and arrogance are not afraid of anyone.

7. Shogo Tagushi

Anime: V that time I was reincarnated as a slime

This dude actually thought he was the main character of the show.

He had the audacity to laugh at all the characters on screen as they weren't receiving isekai treatment. And when he is cornered, he simply kills his partner, arguing that she is more useful this way.

He truly believed that he was the most important person to ever touch this entire anime. And seeing him as a battered side character was the most satisfying thing I've seen in years.

6. Louis

Anime: Beasts

I really understand Louie and I even have a lot of respect for this dude, but being nice is not exactly what he is known for.

He devoted his life to proving that a predatory animal could stand on top, which simply meant that he had to step on a lot of toes to get there.

The way he confronted Legoshi and basically shamed him for being passive just reeked of arrogance as well as some racism in the universe.

He does have scenes where his arrogance just showcases his overall resilience and determination, however Legoshi's opposition to my boy is something I can't ignore.

5. Takumi Ichinose

Anime: Nana

Takumi is the type of guy who will tell your mom all kinds of nonsense about you while you're in the room.

He can't be bothered by all those pesky feelings like empathy and will casually hit a person's mental health if it means he gets his way.

He's the dude every parent fears the most.

I can't understand the seriousness of what he did as they all require a lot of context... but if you have some free time, give Nana a watch.

You'll quickly see why he's in the top five here.

Plus it's an amazing show.

4. Katsuki Bakugo

Anime: My Hero Academy

I'm sure it won't surprise anyone that Bakugou is here, but some might be surprised that he's not number one.

It's because Bakugou still has his moments of kindness, especially later.

However, even his kindness is masked by a thick layer of anger and screaming.

The dude just can't help but scream at the top of his lungs when he has something on his mind. And he's been in a bad mood for at least five years.

He is no stranger to bullying, and respects his teammates in the same way rich people respect taxes.

However, he still has hope.

3. Metori Saiko

Anime: The catastrophic life of Saiki K.

If we talk about rich people, then we have Metori.

When it comes to money, he is somehow even worse than your average YouTube millionaire.

He will look you straight in the eye and simply ask how much money you would like to be his stool.

And his ego is justintimidates .

He had this whole fit where he basically wanted to starve to death rather than eat "peasant food".

I'm not sure if he had anything nice to say about anyone in the handful of episodes he's been in.

But I can say with confidence that in all of them he spoke of his greatness.

2. Haruhi Suzumiya

Anime: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

I can kind of understand this one because she's a god and all.

But she doesn't even know that!

In her head, she's just a normal high school student, and yet she still thinks it's okay to act like her.

She has no problem exploiting others and treats secondary characters like cardboard cutouts.

Plus, she initiated one of the worst arcs in anime history just because she didn't have a "perfect summer" even though she never made it clear what she wanted to do.

I understand that she is cute and that her dancing is like a mating ritual for OG anime fans, but you have to admit that good manners are not her forte.

1. Eren Yeager

Anime: Attack of the Titans

In the first season, Eren barely made it to my top fifteen because he was still pretty arrogant, but not that much.

Yet the fact that he continued to claim that he would be the one to kill all the titans, even though all of humanity had been unable to achieve this for many years, always led me astray.

And that “weak people should leave now” mentality in training camp was a big plus.

However, it's the first part of last season that really took him to the top of this list.

The series hasn't ended yet (at the time of this writing), so I don't know if he'll give any context to his reasoning, but what the heck was his conversation with Mikasa and Armin?

You really must be out of your mind to talk so disrespectfully to your longtime friends who have saved you several times.