
Top 25 Best Anime Characters With Green Hair

Our favorite anime characters come in all shapes and sizes.

Think about it, fans often have their deepest favorites. Who is your favorite loli character? What about your favorite yandere character, or even your favorite "are you sure they're blood relatives" pair of siblings?

We've covered blondes, reds before, and here we take a look at the best green haired characters anime has to offer!

25. Ukyo

Anime: Amnesia

Ukyo is like a more handsome Jekyll and Hyde who loves photography.

At least that's what we learn about him initially.

We learn about his gentle side and about his ... murderous side, everything revolves around our heroine.

But then we move on to his backstory and see a much more painful performance of the one and only Hyojin Kyoma. Because constantly watching the death of a loved one takes a toll on you (I guess).

He also really doesn't care where he sleeps. It is important? Not really. This is strange? May be.

Just be aware that the anime adaptation leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to Ukyo and is a far cry from the game it's based on.

24. Shion Sonozaki

Anime: Higurashi when they cry

Shion is definitely cool.

I'm going to generalize a little so as not to spoil the series, because some plot points definitely make the series what it is.

With Shion one must ask oneself, is redemption always possible and what does it mean to be kind?

Being a victim of circumstance, but also being a dark presence throughout the series, such questions are quite difficult to answer. The unstable green-haired Shion, always looking up to see her twin sister, takes us on a hellish journey.

The key word is hell.

You can love her or hate her. But if you spend some time with her, you will see the shattered psyche and what it takes to put her back together.

23. Shintaro Midorima