
74 Ways to Add Information and Content to Your Website

Show the world how magic happens in your business with the information, content, and insights you can provide. Invest in the success of your site. We have prepared 74 amazing content ideas that you can add to your website to make Google love you. How to fill the site with content? we answer this question below.

Google loves great content

If you want your site to go viral and crush your page competitors, you'll need a website that has:

  • detailed and informative text and lists
  • high-quality photos, video and audio
  • presentations, diagrams and documents
  • testimonials, specifications and reports

Every page is a fishhook

Do you need a hand line with a single hook hanging from a dock, or do you want a giant fishing trawler net to reach everyone on the internet who needs your products, services and expertise? Share your knowledge, experience and information with your web designer digitally, ready for publication in no time.

It's more than just words

You can put much more than just words and images on a website page to help expand your content creation, including audio, video, slides, PDFs, and documents.

Don't write for search engines

Don't write or design web pages for search engines, create a web page that is easy to read and has headings and images, videos, maybe use PowerPoint slides.

Create interesting pages

A variety of information presented in an interesting way allows your visitors to interact with the page in the most convenient way for them. If they want to be interactive and watch the video, they can do it, and if they want to listen to the audio, they can do it.

Your efforts will be rewarded

When you put a decent amount of effort into your website pages, the search engine algorithms will do their part in getting people to your site. When you've clearly put more effort into building your website than just putting a couple of paragraphs of text together, the difference becomes apparent. If what you write and explain is helpful, people can share it on social media.

Be helpful and good

The bar for what is detailed, useful, and informative information is constantly being raised, and unless you're writing brilliant responses for potential clients, you can bet there's a competitor out there somewhere who will.

A few suggestions on a page won't help.

If you're building a website and just putting a couple of bullet points and a sentence or two on a page and expecting it to show up in a search engine for that keyword, you'll find it's unlikely. We've moved on from the past when you could fool the search engines with clever keywording and dubious notoriety tactics.

Search engines can measure quality

Search engine engineers spend a lot more time making sure that the web pages that appear at the top of the search engine rankings are more detailed, higher quality, and more credible.

Write with the potential reader in mind

Write for your potential clients, write something interesting to read, use real life experience, show results and evidence, summarize solutions, and make your web pages and blog posts practical, actionable, and original.

1. Video recording

  • Video clips of your people, business, processes and more showcase your business experience with a video clip hosted on YouTube.
  • Buy a tripod for your phone or camera
  • Hire a time-lapse photographer

2. Audio

  • Audio (may be recorded as a video) explaining your business, the benefits of working with you, what makes your business special to the client.
  • There are sound recording apps for phones or you can get a dedicated recorder

3. Differences

  • A clear list of benefits and reasons why you are cool, what makes your business special, why would someone choose you over your competitors?

4. Customer complaints

  • List customer complaints (such as complaints about competitors or similar products or services) that you are trying to resolve or avoid for them.
  • How do you respond to these complaints, what do you do to allay their fear of loss.

5. Buyers remorse

  • What do you do, such as give or correct, to reduce the chance of "buyer remorse" after a transaction is completed?

6. A day in the life

  • Tell the story of a day in the life of a prospect who visits your business, gets a quote, and makes a purchase.
  • Write it down and draw diagrams.
  • Or record the process as audio or video and we can decipher it later.

7. Photos

  • Professional quality photos of your team, product, places, clients, location, experiences, services and everything else relevant.
  • If you don't have the skills and equipment, hire a professional photographer.

8. Presentation files

  • PowerPoint presentations you show to clients that explain features, products, benefits, criteria, examples, and styles.

9. Newsletters

  • Product and service newsletters with tables and data with detailed information

10. Frequently Asked Questions

  • Questions and answers your customers need
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

11. Graphics

  • The graphic that you choose to use, that you have created or that has been created in the past, shows an aspect of your business, product or service.

12. List of requirements.

  • List of conditions that your customers must meet, or requirements and recommendations
  • This may be a prerequisite for visiting your office for a quote.

Reassign existing watchlists

There is a lot of different information in our business that can become content for our website. And one of them could be a list of requirements. So it could be like General Conditions or a list of things people need to bring to the meeting, or it could be a list of prerequisites before you can get a home loan. Or it could be a checklist of what to try and remember to bring with you before meeting with a financial planner.

What lists do you already have

Many businesses have a list or checklist of requirements that is simply stored somewhere in a folder that they email or print out to show to the client. This type of document can be placed on your website as additional content; not necessarily on the main page, it could be a resource page.

More content is good

This is a generalization, but if we had a choice between a website with 2 pages and one with 20, then we would probably prefer 20 pages, assuming the pages are of equally good quality and depth. The more pages on a website that can be indexed by search engines, the more likely your website is to be discovered by potential customers.

Write a long definitive list

If your website has a page with a detailed list of things to bring to the dog grooming salon before your poodle gets their hair washed, stick it on the website so that when people search for a checklist before they go groomers, they find your page on the Internet.This doesn't mean they will definitely buy from you, but you are helpful, informative and maybe they can become your customer or at least link to your listing so that other people and search engines can find it more readily.

Search listings on your computer

Review your My Documents file, or wherever you store files for your company, and see if you have a checklist or requirements list that you can use as content for your website.

13. Biography (biography)

  • Potential clients may want to know who you are, what you do, and how you got into the business you are in. A typical biography is one where you highlight your credentials, which is a bit like a resume. Most biographies are of this nature, they tend to be factual and informative.
  • Another way to present a biography is a narrative, a story. This type of writing allows you to use descriptive language that can make your bio more interesting and pave the way to the present.
  • Consider your audience when writing your biography. If your goal is to collect inquiries about home loans, your curriculum vitae could describe your qualifications as a mortgage broker or banker.

Will you write your biography?

Potential clients are sometimes interested in knowing who you are, what you do, how you got into the business you are in, and why they might want to do business with you. Strive to craft your bio in a way that emphasizes credentials and information that people will find interesting and relevant.

You may miss some details that do not provide useful context or are not relevant to the current business. This does not mean that you need to exclude them completely, but perhaps make them less visible, such as a list at the end of the page or a link to a printable PDF or a linkedin profile.

Make it more interesting resume

A traditional resume style biography tends to be fairly factual, full of dates, names, and places. Avoid it and make it interesting for the reader. Link past experience to how it applies to the present. Instead of just saying that you worked for a certain company and then trying again to combine them into a paragraph about what your business is doing now and what previous experience served as a starting point for new knowledge.

Narrative story

Another way to look at a biography that might be more fun to create and of course to write could be some sort of narrative or story. It may take a little time to edit, but it gives you the opportunity to make it a little more interesting for the person who is reading it and interactive because they can imagine that they are with you. Creating such a story is not an easy task and will require many changes, but it can be worth the effort if you want to engage your customers' brains with the romance and ideals of the journey that led to the creation of your business. Such stories can sometimes be heard at cellar doors in vineyards and are a staple for aspiring entrepreneurs around the world who want to get people involved in their ideas and motivation.

What is your story

When someone comes to your site and reads your bio, instead of reading it like a resume, have them tell a story about how you worked in a big corporate business, got dissatisfied and decided to go out and do your own thing. to follow your idea of ​​building an independent business and advising other businesses on your terms, not tied to 9 to 5 travel. Tell the reader how you thought about what you would do and touch the minds and emotions of potential customers who love the idea become part of your new business. Help your customers understand your business vision and how it relates to their future. We love being led by hard-working, dedicated people who help your clients and investors.

Who will read your biography

Consider the audience, don't write it for yourself like you would write a job description for your next employer. Think about what kind of people who will appear on your site will be interested in learning more about you and your business.

If you are a mortgage broker and want information about home loans, then the bio for your website may contain details about your own home buying or investing experience. Share stories with your prospects about home loans and finance, how you are in banking, and how you enjoy helping people move into their new homes.

Strive to make your biography interesting for the person reading it so that they are likely to continue reading and fully internalize your purpose and style. Give people access to your personality and help them understand what motivates you to get up in the morning and succeed.

Make your identity available

In general, business owners and industry leaders seem to allow themselves to be more personal and not as much concerned with the image of a large corporate interface. If you're a large company, you need to be sensible and clear, but that doesn't mean your bio has to be polite and impersonal or full of trite details about what work was done in what year.

Comfort comes from friendly knowledge

Give yourself the opportunity to present your personality in a way that people feel comfortable talking to you. It takes some time to put together an easy-to-read and interesting biography, but you can record the details as audio and have someone write it for you if you don't feel able to write all the words yourself.

14. Supplier websites

  • Make a list of your favorite supplier websites that you like the look of, and jot down some of the information from there in the form of a quote or excerpt.
  • You can use this list to direct customers to wholesaler websites where they can see more of the items you sell.
  • This list will also help you with content ideas for your website and guide your web designer.

What are the supplier websites?

Businesses often have some kind of supply chain, which means there are websites that are wholesalers with detailed information such as products, charts, or specifications.

Websites of foreign suppliers with information

Take, for example, a company that sells equipment for the repair of railroad tracks, and its supplier company is located abroad. Instead of just sending people to a supplier company website that was in a different language, we create a localized website that contains information that is most relevant to customers. It's nice to let customers know that the products are backed by an international organization that's been in business for a long time, but we also want to give a sense of local confidence. With the permission of the supplier, use any available information, documents and credibility to improve the quality of the local company.

Using providers with very detailed websites

A very detailed and well designed wholesale website that does not endorse any retailer is quite common in the clothing and fashion business. It takes quite a while to replicate product information on your website, and when there are thousands of products and those products change seasonally, you really need to make a decent profit on the products, so the effort of repurposing wholesale content pays off.

Copy and paste is not the solution

Google does not take kindly to information copied from one website to another. A typical result of such an effort is that the page that is the copy will be ignored and it will not help with your search rankings or get you listed in search results for any known keywords.

Shopping Cart Alternative

Instead of creating a complete shopping cart, you may prefer to create a summary website that will present all your tips and solutions in a format that will still be fully useful to your potential customers, without listing thousands of products. Such a website may include logos and product examples of the brands supplied, as well as an explanation of why the range is a great choice for the customer, with links to a wholesale site for specific products.

Wholesale sites without pricing

Wholesalers who provide a website that does not include pricing information are a convenient tool for the retailer to present a range of products to customers without potential sales being made directly with the wholesaler. The customer benefits from a local point of purchase, local knowledge and detailed product information online.

Most wholesalers have pretty good pictures on their websites and some product information. Retailers who need access to higher quality photographs or other artwork can usually find them by contacting a wholesaler.

Ask the wholesaler for a return link

Some wholesale sites have listings of retail outlets. Each additional relevant link to a website can help it rank higher, so ask for a link to your own website. Not all wholesale supplier websites will do this or have space for this, but use those that do.

Borrow ideas from other retailers

The list of retailer websites on the supplier's website can help your web designer find the best website for you because they will have many examples of the products you sell and may be able to find great examples of others' websites. retailers.

15. Blogging

  • Type some sample blog posts (or if you don't intend to print them, the audio/video blogs can be transcribed later)
  • If you're not sure what to blog about, think back to the last 2 weeks and pick 10 clients, sales, or projects you want to describe.

What is a blog

A blog is like the news section of your website. And another way to think about it is that it is information that is good to have on your website that you would like search engines and people to find, but you don't really want it to be in the navigation menu and in the structure of your website. site.

What can a blog contain

A blog can contain almost any information that you can find on a web page. The traditional style of a blog is like a story of sorts, but you can write a blog that is technical, news, short, or long, whichever suits you.

Your blog posts can include PowerPoint presentations, audio, video, images, text, Excel spreadsheets, Twitter quotes, Facebook posts, and many other media types.

Blog posts can drive people to your site

But every blog post you post there is like another little fishhook in the ocean of the internet to get people back to your site. So if you write a blog post that helps people decide if they will choose between two products, there might be someone who wants that comparison. If you provide a good comparison, chances are they will contact you.

Ideas for writing on your blog

If you don't know what to write about on your blog, there are many companies that can blog for you and you can read ideas on other blogs, check facebook to see what people are talking about, read discussion groups on linkedin, think about questions that customers have for you, or their problems.

Emails as Inspiration for Blog Posts

We provide blog writing services for some of our clients, but you can ask a friend to write a guest blog post or a staff member. If you still can't find ideas, go through your past emails and look for those where you answered questions or wrote a detailed answer.

You probably write emails that are a bit more detailed than the typical one-sentence response, which can be a great starting point for a blog post where you tried to explain something about a product or allay customer concerns or concerns. And that information, with a little tweaking, could easily fit into a blog post.

Blog posts don't have to be big blocks of text

Don't think of blogs as news or essay writing. A blog post can be multiple lines of text and a photo. If your company is in the garden renovation business, you can talk about recent work done and share photos and maybe even videos. Your blog post may include quotes or segments where you take excerpts from social media websites.

What else can you put in a blog post

Twitter, Scribd, Flickr, Rdio, Instagram and Vimeo and more.

Many other websites provide some code that you can paste into your website as HTML to create your own embed, even if it's not supported by default in the WordPress code.

16. Evidence

  • Written reviews, photos with satisfied customers, video reviews
  • Check facebook if there are comments people have left on your wall
  • Show examples of your work (portfolio)

Give Feedback

Aren't they cool when you get them? Give some feedback. It's a really easy way to get a few back, but you can also make someone's day better.

Invariably as a business, you end up with some testimonials that can be helpful to add to your website. They can be as straight forward as they are as simple as a couple of lines of text. A review may or may not include a photograph.

Photo reviews

For example, let's say you sell fireplaces, maybe you can convince people to take a picture of your fireplace in their home and send it to you, or you can take some pictures while you're installing it. Or, if you're selling art, you could ask some of your clients to show you a photo of them displaying their art in their home. Even if you don't ask them for a review, they may even want to do so because they can brag about things like, "Oh, here's a photo of my setup." upload to Facebook.

Video reviews

There are many different ways to get feedback. You can record video by setting your iphone to record video and customers can talk about what they have experienced. If your guest in the video is a little hesitant, you can ask them interview-style questions that they can answer.

Reviews sent by email

You may find that clients send you an email at the end of a project saying something nice like, “Thank you. Everything is going great. Good experience." It may be short, but it's a potential tip.

Capture that thought and simply write back, “Thank you, I'm really glad you're happy. Do you mind if I use this as a review? Most likely, this client will respond to your email and say “Yes, of course” or “No, but can you use this instead?”.Just because you're not directly asking for a review doesn't mean you're putting extra work on the person writing the review.

Reviews as website content

Reviews, testimonials, examples of your work are very, very good for the content of the website. You can make them more authentic by adding a photo or video. If you receive a written thank you letter or postcard, it can be scanned and used as a testimonial, making it more believable.

Don't write your own reviews

Please don't write your own reviews because people will figure it out and it's probably against consumer protection laws in many countries so do the right thing and just capture them as you go and post them on your web site. site.

17. What does it look like

  • Describe what it's like to be a customer at the end of a successful project or purchase.

Develop an image and experience story

What is it like to be a customer in your business? If you can describe the experience, two things will happen. I hope this makes it clear to you why people come to you and why they like you. People can relate to stories much more easily than facts, so create a customer profile and story around them as they get to know your business. The feedback people get on podcasts and presentations is that a story that is remembered and connected to them easily becomes a standout moment for someone when they listen to the information.

Presenting an engaging customer experience

If you can use a pen on paper, a voice on a microphone, or a voice on a camera and describe what it means to be a client or customer of your business, then you can start that story. Think of the real client first, then expand on it so you don't get hung up on a completely superficial and unbelievable concept. Let's imagine that you are a fish store and you are going to describe what it is like to be a customer, you can add a line, for example,when you walk through the door on a cold winter's day, your nose will fill with the smell of hot chips and you'll see the heaters upstairs warming up the room, even if it's cold and rainy outside. You buy hot chips, you open the package, and it's delicious. . Engage the reader in the story.

Using Experience History on Your Website

U NU can use the "what's it like" story directly as content but it can also help guide what else can go to the website. For example, you are writing a page about a service you provide. If you have this little story about what it's like to use this service, it can help illustrate that service experience and make the description feel more tangible and realistic while taking your mind off the bloated marketing phrases.

Think about the customer experience

Get your brain thinking about the mindset of a customer who comes into business, what they experience, what they can expect, and how they will feel, what they will see, what they can potentially taste, touch, smell, what feelings they are about to experience. interact and how it will evolve from when you never spoke to you to becoming part of your customer base.

18. Your best photos

  • 10 of your best homepage photos
  • 5 photos for every second page or section
  • Photo of you and your team

19. Photo captions.

  • Photo captions can be a title/subtitle or description

20. Photo File Names

  • Name all your photos with keywords and describe what kind of photo it is, for example. Don't provide photos with the name IMG00573.JPG, change the file to: something-service-product-keyword-experience.jpg creative, descriptive, up to 220 characters (1 sentence)
  • Do not use punctuation or & in filenames.

21. Give out an offer

  • Decide what has a high perceived value or something special to give, a special offer, a deal, an item, an experience, a service, a taster, a tempter, a demo, or a benefit that can be promoted to encourage people to fill out an inquiry form or make contact.

22. E-books and reports

  • E-books, research papers, white papers, and other detailed information for people interested in truly exploring your offering. "A long tail".

E-books and reports are favorites of internet marketers and marketers in general. They can take a wide variety of forms and can be combined with emails or video courses.

E-books don't have to be long

An e-book doesn't have to be as long as a printed one. And an ebook can be a 10-page summary of what to do when someone is about to order your service. Or it could be a guide to comparing offers from different companies. It can be based on PowerPoint slides. People don't necessarily want to read super-long books, so it's a good idea to make them short enough and just keep them in the title unless you have a very compelling and interesting story.

Tell a story, don't write a novel

If you want to write an e-book, don't think it's like a novel-style book. Think of it as a quick report, a summary, something you can get ready pretty quickly. Write your eBook in Word or Pages and save it as a PDF to put on your website.

Build a mailing list using your eBook

The e-book can be used to collect requests: "Enter your email address and receive our free guide on how to do this." Or it could just be on the website as part of the content. It could be a link to a product you're promoting, a book that says "Here's how to use this product" or "How to install it" or something like that. And then the search engine will come and read the text from that PDF e-book and index it so that your website has extra authority on the topic.

23. Description of experience

  • Your experience and knowledge in the format of a story and in the form of a bulleted list
  • If your work history is important to potential clients, create a traditional resume that includes a list of your skills.

24. How to conduct

  • Create tutorials or how-to guides.
  • Choose topics that your customers might find useful or interesting.

25. Statistics

  • Statistical data and statistical analysis are presented in an informative and interesting way
  • Find an interesting angle and compare one dataset with another

26. Calculators.

  • Tables with calculators and data
  • Links to online calculators

Can calculators be part of your resources

If you have clients that you want to provide access to calculators along with other resources, they may find this helpful and helpful, especially if you refer to those resources in your communications with them. There's probably not much value if you're a mortgage broker putting a calculator on their website because people have probably gone through other websites with these calculators before. If it's free and you can add it and it looks ok, then it's fair, but I wouldn't spend a lot of money on it if there are already a bunch of these calculators out there. If you can create a new calculator that may not have been beaten to death yet, that might be interesting.

What calculator would you have

Let's say you're an engineering company and you make pumps for dams. There may not be many websites that explain how you do the calculation for dam pumps.This can be quite a complicated calculation, but you can create a basic dam pump calculator that will give people who visit your website an idea of ​​which pump they should choose for their needs.

Calculator Assignment Example

In this example, your website could have a calculator that requires you to enter the dam size of the dam, the amount of water you want to pump, and the calculation gives an estimate of the required pump size. Such a calculator can be used in the sales process or in inquiry forms after the calculation is completed, or to offer assistance in choosing the right pump.

Calculator as a lead generator

The calculator that is just presented on the website can be used to make a request as described above, or if there are other companies that might want to put your calculator on their site, you can share the calculator and get a few links back to yours. website as criteria for free embedding of the calculator on your website.

Think about what kind of calculators you have in your business or what kind of calculations you do that are pretty simple or done on the fly in your head and how they can be transferred to a website or spreadsheet.

27. Infographic

  • Charts, charts and visuals
  • Infographics. These are graphical visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphs present complex information quickly and clearly. Plan an infographic covering a recent topic in your industry and design it yourself or have our illustrators draw it.

28. Reviews

  • Write reviews about your products or books, software, services, places, or other things that you, your industry, or your customers use and consume.
  • People will be interested in honest, open reviews in which you list both positive and negative sides of something.

29. Articles

  • Articles. Most companies do some kind of research. Take advantage of your experience and provide articles that use it, add photos and links.

30. List of services.

  • Whatever you do, if you offer consulting, coaching, speaking, planning, design, or any other service related to your area of ​​expertise, create a page describing your services.
  • Make a complete and detailed list of services and group services into categories.

31. Client examples

  • A list of sample clients that are well-known or well-represented brands so that potential clients can compare if their project is a good fit for your team and evaluate your experience in your specific niche.

32. Awards

  • List of awards with graphics, photographs, news links or supporting material
  • Show trophies and badges or badges

33. Sales questions

  • Sales questions to use in the request for quote form or page.
  • What are the key questions you ask to help assess customer requirements

34. Contact details

  • The contact information you wish to publish.
  • Contact information can be at the bottom of every page on your site or on a dedicated contact page.
  • We can also create an inquiry form so that your website visitors can easily contact you.

35. Cards

  • Maps or information about local services and facilities nearby

36. Calendar

  • calendar of events
  • Can be connected to Google calendar
  • Can be interactive when booking

37. Before and after

  • Before and after - the experience of how your product or service helped the client.
  • Before and after photos can be very convincing and show the changes.

38. Photos of clients.

  • Photos of your customers showing that they are using your products or have positive comments about your services.

39. Lists of tips

  • If your product or service is suitable for short tips, write a series of them.
  • Can be a numbered list of priorities

40. Crash Course

  • A crash course in some aspects of using your product or service
  • Can be text, audio, video
  • Possibly sent as a time-delayed broadcast using auto-responder software.

41. How

  • Answer potential customers' "how" questions. People are always entering detailed questions into search engines.
  • If you can solve problems for visitors, they may end up on your site.

42. Historical background.

  • Historical data and detailed analysis of past product performance
  • Reviews and critiques of historical methods of doing what you are doing now
  • Graphs of historical data or trends over time

43. Interview.

  • Interviews, employees, clients, other business owners, authors, teachers.
  • Interview an expert in your industry. Send the expert a list of questions and let him answer in his own words.

43. Interview.

  • Interviews, employees, clients, other business owners, authors, teachers.
  • Interview an expert in your industry. Send the expert a list of questions and let him answer in his own words.

44. Seasonal themes.

  • Seasonal news and articles
  • What is characteristic of the time of year
  • Can you tie your product or service to specific dates or days of the year?

45. Industry Commentary

  • Commentary on current news
  • Is there anything in current events that is relevant to your industry? Write something about it. Write from your point of view and tell how it affects what you do

46. ​​News

  • News, news, news
  • Anything can be news, it doesn't have to be news that can be broadcast on late-night television.
  • It can be just news that will be useful to your customers, or just your industry.

47. Press release.

  • Promote yourself and your business
  • Write a press release-style document announcing something important to your business or industry.

48. Events

  • Announce events in your business, industry, or region and explain to potential customers how relevant they are.

49. Processes

  • Processes, procedures, and manuals give people step-by-step instructions on how to do something, including photos and screenshots.

50. Decisions

  • Ask questions, and then give balanced answers and detailed solutions to them.
  • Use questions to navigate to products or services that solve questions

51. Thematic reviews.

  • Create an article containing an overview of all the best guides and articles on a particular topic on the Internet, links to them, ranking them in terms of their usefulness, and a summary of each.

52. Basic information about suppliers

  • Supplier reviews and product line reviews. If you're sourcing specific brands or vendors, create a page about each and share their range.

53. Career.

  • Write a set of career guides or job lists for typical jobs in your industry.
  • Create perfect candidate attribute lists

54. Case Studies

  • Case studies can be examples of past experiences with products or services that have helped customers, or they can be examples of how your typical visitor experienced business dissatisfaction in your industry.

55. Company history

  • Write a detailed story page detailing how your company came into being and what were its unique strengths that led it to where it is today.

56. Reviews and results.

  • Polls, polls and results with analysis and what are the implications.
  • What lessons can be learned from the results
  • List possible other surveys to clarify the data

57. Product Comparison

  • Product detail pages
  • Related Products List
  • List of comparable products

58. Team profiles

  • Team profiles of each of your employees
  • Get a photo
  • Create cartoons or caricatures
  • Interview every employee
  • Get a bio from each person

59. Myths

  • Myths and misconceptions about your industry and how it works
  • Get rid of the wrong customer assumptions
  • Challenge what people perceive

60. Educational materials.

  • Teaching materials, course information
  • Lesson Plans
  • Volume of courses
  • Book Recommendations
  • Links to other materials

61. Troubleshooting Guides

  • Troubleshooting guides, checklists and procedures to follow for solutions
  • Help someone solve their problems
  • Can you make a video on how it's done?
  • If you show people how difficult it is, they may still decide to force you to do it.

62. Jokes and jokes

  • Jokes that make fun of your industry or its stereotypes
  • funny cartoons
  • bizarre photos
  • Works especially well on Facebook because people share humor

63. Legal excerpts.

  • Reviews and extracts from judgments and court cases related to your industry
  • Comment on the case
  • Show how litigation could have been avoided if things had been different

64. Controversial

  • Controversy, say something that others won't get out of your comfort zone
  • Research Industry Regulations and Request Them
  • Make bold and compelling statements


  • Quotes of famous people or yourself
  • Save quotes from emails you receive
  • Paraphrase what customers said

66. Screen flow

  • Capture screen stream while you are doing something on your computer at your work

67. Sketches.

  • Sketch on paper and ask an illustrator to create a graphic that is unique to you.

68. Material Safety Data Sheet.

  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) used by your business and industry

69. News clippings.

  • Collect news clippings, magazine or trade magazine pages, and then comment on them.

70. Email Statements

  • Every time you write a detailed email to a client, answering a question or highlighting an issue, copy it into a document and turn it into a blog post or article.

71. Form uploads

  • Forms printable, downloadable or online.
  • This can save your employees a lot of time if they can direct customers to create downloads.

72. Brochures

  • Collect any brochures and flyers you have created, or any other promotional documents that are still relevant to your current job.

73. Opening letters.

  • If you've ever written introductory letters to potential new clients or prospects, they might have some awesome reusable snippets.

74. Offers and invoices.

  • When you create proposal documents for clients, you will probably describe how things are done, what they can expect, what you ask them to do, and what process to follow, extract that wise information into a document.