
Importance of vitamin C in the body. Its deficiency symptoms

Tags: health education

The key to the normal functioning of the body are all vitamins and minerals, but only a few of them stand out as strongly as vitamin C.

The vitamin has many benefits and a deficiency can be detrimental to your health.

Vitamin C has a reputation as an antioxidant, but it is also essential for the functioning of immune cells.

This is why there are so many ascorbic acid supplements out there.

You may never know why you need vitamin C until you learn about its benefits and what it can do in your body.

Historically, vitamin C has been used in the prevention and treatment of scurvy, which is a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency.

Citrus fruits such as limes, lemons and oranges are rich sources of this vitamin.

While the whole food option is better because it contains fiber, the juice and supplement form also has many benefits.

The main benefits of vitamin C are related to its antioxidant action.

It plays a number of roles in all systems of our body. As an antioxidant, the vitamin acts as a scavenger of damaging molecules (free radicals).

They increase during strenuous exercise or long periods of stress.

Free radicals are normal metabolic by-products, but when allowed to accumulate in the body, they cause damage to cells, which creates a need for antioxidants.

By adding vitamin C, you can neutralize these molecules, keeping them at healthy levels.

Vitamin C deficiency

A lack of the corresponding vitamin C shows up in your body in a variety of ways.

Symptoms may not be a cause for concern, but long-term low levels of vitamin C are bad for your health and should be treated as a priority.

Short periods of insufficient vitamin C will result in less noticeable signs and symptoms that are also serious.

Such signs include:

  • Gum swelling
  • Light bruising
  • Bleeding gums
  • Gingivitis
  • Slow wound healing
  • Dryness and split ends
  • Skin redness
  • Increased flaking, drying, and scaly appearance of the skin
  • Nose bleed
  • Weakened immunity
  • Digestive disorders such as intestinal obstruction
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Weight Gain Due to Slow Metabolism
  • Joint pain
  • Over time, health problems associated with ascorbic acid deficiency can worsen.

If these symptoms are not eliminated, they can lead to chronic diseases.

Some potential long-term health problems include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder diseases
  • Crayfish
  • Atherosclerosis

Most signs and symptoms of ascorbic acid deficiency disappear within a few days of taking an ascorbic acid supplement or eating foods with vitamin C.

Unfortunately, vitamin C is lost through cooking, and you may need a supplement to maintain your levels.

You can get the most out of the food you eat. However, you need to eat real and raw fruits and vegetables.

Eat fruits right after you cut them.

Instead of boiling vegetables, steam them to retain the most vitamin C.

By eating organic foods, you get the best source of vitamin C.

While supplements provide you with the vitamin C you need quickly and reliably, concentrating on natural sources of vitamin C will provide you with everything you need.