
7 amazing winter beauty tricks for your skin

Winter has finally arrived and all its magic! However, not everything in this season is fun and fun. This can greatly affect your mind and take a serious toll on your beauty, leaving your skin looking tired and your hair looking dull.

Why? Well, cold air outside and hot air inside can remove all the moisture from your skin. And let's not even start with winds that irritate the skin and remove its protective layers. Luckily, there are some winter beauty tips to help you maintain your flawless beauty.

Apply body butter before bath

We know that hot water dehydrates the skin, but who dares to take a cold shower in winter? But there is a good solution to this problem: apply some body oil before taking a shower. This product will create a shield that will protect the body from water. After a shower, you can lock in moisture by applying a generous layer of body cream while your skin is still damp.

Try a different exfoliator

While exfoliation is the key to healthy skin, it's not wise to use something drastic in the winter. Exfoliating already dry skin can cause the delicate tissue to tear and rip off and further exacerbate that dreadful sensation of soreness. Instead of a regular scrub, try using a less abrasive method to remove dead skin cells. For example, gel peeling will remove any growths without much damage.

RELATED: 7 Best Ways to Avoid Dry Skin in Winter

Use a face mask

The cold in winter makes the air dry and greedy, so it robs moisture from your skin. However, with a good face mask, you can still achieve that summery looking skin against all odds. When choosing the perfect face mask, you need to first research your skin type. If you have oily skin, look for products with beta hydroxy acids such as salicylic acid.

Relieve an Itchy Scalp with Tea Tree Oil

If you suffer from scalp problems like eczema or psoriasis, the cold winter months can make your symptoms worse. But you can fight flakiness and prevent dryness with tea tree oil. Many experts trust this product when it comes to scalp dryness. You can use tea tree oil, use a natural shampoo, or add a few drops of their essential oil to your shampoo or conditioner.

Apply coconut oil to your hair

Split ends are inevitable in winter because of all the cold winds and withering heat indoors. While trimming those damaged ends is the best solution, you can also temporarily soften frizzy hair by applying some coconut oil to the ends. This product is rich in fatty acids and beneficial proteins that moisturize the hair and give it a healthy and radiant look.

RELATED: 7 Best Ways to Avoid Dry Skin in Winter

Moisturize your feet

People who already suffer from dry heels and soles may notice that their condition worsens during the colder months of the year. To hydrate and soften your skin, take the thickest moisturizer you can find and apply it to your feet. Then put on cotton socks and put them on for the night. Socks create a barrier and retain moisture, making the skin much softer. If you notice cracks, use a greasy ointment - it's more intense than lotion.

Heal chapped lips with tea

There is nothing worse for your lips than a biting wind, but you can help ease the burn with something you always have at home - tea bags. The tannins from the tea help to moisturize and heal the lips and also prevent chapping. After brewing your favorite tea, save the tea bag, refrigerate it, and apply to chapped areas.

Why be afraid of winter when you have these beauties up your sleeve? Do this during the winter months and you will look as radiant and fresh as ever.