
Psychology of relations between a man and a woman: how to build a strong relationship

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Relations between a man and a woman - a truly difficult job, which consists of ups and downs. It doesn't matter if they just started or have been going on for a few years. What steps you take will determine whether the relationship will be strong or not. If you have experienced many love disappointments in the past, you can learn how to build strong relationships. We have collected advice from psychologists that will help you with this.

Spend as much time with each other as possible

You fall in love, meet, make eye contact, talk. If you continue to do this, you can prolong being in love for a long time. Remember the first time you met your loved one. Everything seemed new and exciting, walking around the city, long conversations, kisses, hugs. However, over time, they began to spend less and less time.

Often face-to-face contact is replaced by text messages, emails, video calls. Messages "I love you" - this is good, but if you spend little time together, then your partner will celebrate himself alone. You will become more and more distant from each other. Emotional cues are an important part of a healthy relationship. You can only send them in person. Therefore, it is important to spend as much time together as possible.

Find something that you will be interested in doing together: hobbies, dance lessons, sports, daily walk, morning tea, watching a movie. Doing things together is a good way to build communication and keep things interesting. Visit a restaurant, cafe, go on a day trip.

Communicate more

good communication - pledge healthy relationships. When people in a couple do not talk much, this leads to separation. Communication helps to cope with any difficulties. Talk about your feelings and problems. Most people don't spend enough time thinking about what's really important in a relationship. Even if you know what you need, talking about it can be embarrassing, shameful, and vulnerable. But look at it from your partner's point of view. Providing comfort and understanding to a loved one is a pleasure, not a burden.

Communication is an integral part of any relationship. When people communicate, they feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, fears and desires. This builds trust and strengthens the bond between you.

Maintain Physical Intimacy

Touch is a fundamental part of human existence. Studies with infants have shown the importance of regular gentle contact for brain development. Physical contact increases the level of oxytocin in the body. Oxytocin is responsible for strengthening relationships and attachments. Sex is an important part of a relationship between a man and a woman, but it shouldn't be the only method of physical intimacy. Just holding hands, hugging, kissing is enough.

Learn to give and take

Expecting to get what you want in 100% of cases leads to disappointment. Strong relationships are built on compromise. Knowing what's important to your partner goes a long way in building strong bonds. It is important for a partner to reckon with your desires. Constantly sacrificing at the expense of one's own needs will only cause resentment and anger.

If you tell your partner that everything should be your way, it will be impossible to find a compromise. Understand that your partner deserves to be listened to. Respect his point of view.

How to survive a fight

Quarrels are inevitable in any relationship, but in order for them to remain strong, both partners must listen to each other. The goal is not to win, but to maintain and strengthen relationships. Some couples talk quietly, while others may raise their voices and clash. What to do if conflict is inevitable:

  • Focus on the problem and respect the other person's feelings. Don't start arguments over something that can't be changed.
  • Don't remember the old. Instead of looking back at past hurts, focus on what you can do here and now to fix the problem.
  • Be ready to forgive. Conflict resolution is not possible if you are unwilling or unable to forgive.
  • Take a break. Take a few minutes to de-stress and calm down before you say or do something you'll regret later. Remember, you are arguing with your loved one.

It is important to understand that in any relationship there are ups and downs. The above tips will help build strong and healthy relationships.