
Car alarm Pandora DX 40S

The car alarm Pandora DX 40S was developed on the basis of one of the most common anti-theft systems - Pandora DX 50. However, this model does not provide for digital interfaces for connecting CAN and LIN buses. At the same time, the device has a fairly low price, since it works on the basis of the ARM32 processor, the cost of which has dropped significantly, but the characteristics have remained at the current level.

Features and Benefits of Pandora DX 40S

This car alarm system is ideal for those people who appreciate the functionality of the DX 50, but do not want to overpay a solid amount of money for the presence of digital LIN and CAN interfaces. The reason is that a huge number of modern cars are produced without these interfaces, which makes the capabilities of the anti-theft system unclaimed.

Despite the lower cost, the DX 40S has the same amazing features that are characteristic of the "big brother":

  • interactive, multi-channel communication provides a higher range than any system in the same price segment;
  • compact unit greatly simplifies the system installation process;
  • built-in accelerometer allows you to accurately measure the location of the machine (tilt, impact or movement) and at the same time completely avoid false positives due to fine tuning;
  • the ability to program via USB-port allows you to adjust the system to your requirements.

The Pandora DX 40S runs on a multi-channel RFM interface that operates at 868 MHz. This feature greatly complicates the process of remote hacking. This process also complicates dynamic dialog code. The ARM-architecture processor has a number of intelligent algorithms, thanks to which the user is able to significantly reduce the power consumption of the anti-theft system.

The owner of this car alarm can program the system for remote or automatic engine start, depending on a number of indicators - engine temperature, ambient temperature, or changes in the on-board voltage indicator.

The car alarm kit includes:

  • main block;
  • keychain for control;
  • fastener zip;
  • a set of cables for connection to vehicle systems;
  • relay module for autorun.

Pandora DX 40S is a budget, but at the same time multifunctional alarm that can satisfy even the most experienced driver.