
10 tips for a successful interview

Getting a job is one of the most important points in a person's life. because what you will devote a significant part of the coming months and years depends on it. Whether you are interviewing for the first time or have experienced it before, it is always difficult. But remember, a successful interview isn't the only way to get a job. In today's competitive labor market, employers set fairly high standards that can be difficult to achieve even before the interview begins.

This problem is most common among young people who have recently graduated and have little experience in interviewing. By honing your skills, you will become competitive in the job market and get a high-paying job. With the following tips, you will prove to your future boss that you are worth the job. You might be interested in article 10 Things You Shouldn't Do in Your Job Interview.

1. Sequence

As soon as you leave the interview room, write down the important things that were said in the discussion. Think: whether all the questions were asked, how did you answer each question, which one was good, and which one could have been better... This will help you prepare for the next time. You can send a letter of thanks.

This polite gesture will subtly remind you of you and confirm your interest in the position. Thank you for the interview and the time given to you. You can even answer questions you missed during your interview. This will give you an edge over other candidates as most of them don't.

2. Show your skills

Be tactful, polite, sincere. Show energy, a sense of humor, and try to make friends. Discuss your qualifications, experience and why you are worthy of the position.

Emphasize your ability to work well with others and a willingness to respect company policies. Comment on what you can give the company. You must have at least three strong points about yourself.

3. Body language

What you say is important, but how you say it is equally important. Make eye contact with the other person. Maybe you will feel that your heart is ready to jump out of your chest, but do not be nervous, cope with the gestures of your body. Don't fall into a stupor, instead nod your head and arms slightly to explain your answer.

Don't slouch, use your hands when answering. Do not bite your nails or swing your leg. All of this shows that you are nervous and confused. Don't touch the tip of your nose, which means you are lying when you answer. Make sure not to show any wrong gestures.

4. Control the conversation

Listen carefully to the interlocutor. Answer questions honestly. The answer must be clear and comprehensive. Don't use slang or incomplete sentences. If you are faced with a difficult question, try to appear calm and confident.... Ask to repeat the question if necessary. Think carefully before answering. You can ask questions about the vacancy and the company. You must exude positivity and confidence.

5. A lot depends on the first impression

The first impression is extremely significant during the interview. It is in the first few seconds that the interlocutor subconsciously decides whether he likes you or not, whether you can be part of their team or not. So make sure to get rid of the gum and set your phone to silent before entering the interview room.

Make sure you have a confident smile on your face. Greet the other person. Perhaps with a firm handshake. Be friendly, but not overly friendly. Maintain a balance between professionalism and humility.

6. Arrive on time

You shouldn't have much trouble finding a place. Arrive 10 or 15 minutes before your interview starts. Never make excuses - it can create a bad impression. This is your first meeting with an employer. Don't act like a layman. If it is unavoidable that you will be late, please let us know in advance.

7. Check your clothes

Appropriate clothing will give the impression that you are a professional and take your job seriously. Check out the article on What to Wear for Your Job Interview. Clothes should be ironed and cleaned, shoes polished. Makeup, if any, should be moderate.

Make sure your clothes are comfortable so you can focus on the interview. Plan ahead so you don't have to rush. Have a spare suit ready just in case. Also, collect all the things you need to take with you: a copy of your resume, a briefcase, a pen, a notebook.

8. Relax

This is an important day and you should be fresh and alert. You should get a good night's sleep. Remove all negative thoughts. You worked hard for the interview, and now turn on the alarm and shut down. Remember, not all interviews will turn into work. If this happens to you, don't worry, this is also an experience, just focus on your next interview.

9. Prepare

An interview can be both stressful and enjoyable, depending on how prepared you are. Practice will definitely help with this. The more interviews you go through, the more confident you will become. Read your resume over and over. List the skills, talents, and hobbies that apply to the profession.

With practice, you will be able to find answers to some common questions. Try to get rid of your pronunciation mistakes. If you are not sure about the location of the interview location, take the time and drive there in advance.

10. Research

Find out as much as you can about the organization, its industry, and other key information from a variety of sources. The interlocutor will think that you are knowledgeable about the place of work. This knowledge will help to emphasize interest in the position.

Also identify your skills and accomplishments, and think of something that illustrates your passion for the job. Do you know your weaknesses? This is a favorite question of most interlocutors. Be honest. Think of how negative can be transformed into positive.

Job interview: how to market yourself competently