
How to improve attention and concentration by mastering the flowing state

Imagine that you are completely immersed in an optimal state of consciousness, have improved the level of focus and concentration, are paying close attention to your activity or one task, and also improving the quality of work.

Your mind is getting in order, and the noise around you gradually dies down. You move into a zone of concentration that creates a sense of continuous fluidity between mind and body.

For those who find it difficult to concentrate or maintain attention, this is like describing paradise.

This state is called "flow", "flow state" or, in the colloquial speech of athletes, "in shock", "on the rise." Oddly enough, you don't have to be LeBron James, a super yogi, or a psychology guru to achieve it.

Whether you are an athlete, a creative person, or an ordinary person busy with everyday tasks, with competent instructions, you can easily achieve the flow state. Maybe this is not quite heaven, but for people with distracted attention it will do.

The attention and concentration of many of us have fallen prey to distractions. Some of them are specially created to grab our attention. This state of affairs leaves us no time to concentrate and focus, making us feel overwhelmed and helpless.

However, learning to improve attention and concentration, as well as the ability to achieve a state of flow, can be a silver bullet for distractions.

Characteristics of the flow state

From the point of view of the psychologist Mihai Csikszentmihalyi, who proposed the idea of ​​the flow state and its name, it has eight main characteristics:

  1. Full focus on the task
  2. Feeling in control of the task
  3. Ease and ease
  4. Clarity of objectives and results. Instant feedback
  5. Balance of skills and tasks
  6. The value of experience itself
  7. Time transformation (acceleration / deceleration)
  8. Fusion of actions and sensations. Lack of obsession with self-awareness

Due to its positive characteristics, the flow has several advantages.

Research by Harvard professor Teresa Amabile showed that people who achieved flow had higher levels of productivity and creativity within three days. And these are just two of the many benefits.

The benefits of being immersed in a streaming state

The flow state has many positive aspects. Here's an example of some of them:

Improving concentration

The ability to maximize concentration and the absence of distractions contribute to higher productivity and better quality of work. In a flowing state, concentration reaches such a level that everything around disappears.

In this state, the body and mind work in unison without the need to analyze actions.

Eliminate distractions

Distracting emotions that cloud our minds (stress, anxiety, doubt, self-doubt) fade into the background in a state of flow.

Increased stress resistance

Emotion regulation (a key skill in helping to deal with negative emotions and memories) is directly related to focus, one of the prerequisites for a flowing state.

The flow directs our attention outward to the task before us, and not inward to worries, fears and disappointments.

Knowing how to ignore negative distractions and focus on solving problems will help you deal with serious setbacks more easily.

The emergence of a feeling of happiness

Flow is considered one of the most productive and happiest human states.

Complete immersion in a difficult task and oneness with it brings a sense of comfort, happiness and satisfaction.

Positive experience

They say that a serious hobby for something important or interesting brings pleasure, which is a fundamentally positive experience.

Improving learning

The flowing state promotes the release of the pleasure hormone (dopamine) and increases learning. Dopamine promotes lift, increases alertness and reduces distractions, and helps increase awareness.

Improved productivity

Research shows that leaders who practice flow are five times more productive.

Other research by the Harvard Business School found that creative work teams are more creative and productive even after a day on the job.

According to scientists, the flow of our brain waves shifts from beta waves of concentration to alpha waves of calm and relaxation and theta waves that occur during meditation. Theta waves are the gateway to creative genius. They also facilitate moments of insight.

Increased productivity in the workplace

Through powerful influence, flow can be the main source of inspiration for employees to work at their peak.

According to scientific research, the average employee changes tasks every three minutes. Because of the “attention residue” that appears, whenever an employee is distracted, it takes an average of 25 minutes to return attention to the task at hand.

Sequential transition to a flow state can help employees focus, leading to increased productivity and improved quality of work. This is music for the ears of not only employers, but also employees. Ultimately, this can lead to significant career growth.

However, efforts must be made to increase focus and concentration through the flowing state. This is a delicate process and cannot be mastered by simple reading.

Below is a description of how to improve attention and concentration by entering the flow state.

How to improve attention and concentration by immersing yourself in flow

In theory, being immersed in the flow sounds great. But mastering the skill of re-immersion in this state is not easy.

You will not be able to achieve a streaming state on every try. However, you can prepare your environment and yourself so that you experience this state more often.

And here's how:

1. Set clear goals, results and expectations

It will be difficult for your mind to achieve optimal levels of focus and concentration if there is a lack of clarity about what you want to achieve.

Without a clear result, you don't know when to complete the task. This will lead to distracted thoughts and procrastination, as well as a desire to give up and switch to easier tasks.

2. Work on one maximally specific task

As with the previous point, if you lack clarity about what you are going to work on, it will be very difficult for you to dive into the flow state. You will either be jumping between multiple tasks too quickly, or it will be much easier to get distracted. Both that, and another seriously interfere with the achievement of the streaming state.

Multitasking creates a network of distractions that can interfere with the flow. Try to focus on one important task at a time.

3. Eliminate all distractions and avoid hitching.

Research says that in order to achieve a state of flow, all external distractions must be eliminated.

Each time you lose focus, you move further and further away from the flow.

It is very important to pay full attention to the task at hand.Immersion in the streaming state is possible only if you are able to keep your attention and concentration on something for at least 10-15 minutes.

External distractions. Unplug your smartphone, TV, other devices, and objects in the workspace that might distract you from the task at hand.

Try to set aside time and go to a quiet place suitable for “passionate work”, where you will not be interrupted or distracted.

Internal distractions. You also need to eliminate internal distractions. Stress and an overworked mind make it difficult or impossible to get into the flow.

Eliminating all distractions will protect you from imbalance and allow you to enter a state of deep focus and concentration, which is one of the most important elements of flow.

4. Do what you enjoy

The easiest way to get into the flow is to do what you love, which is beneficial in itself. This will satisfy your mind's longing for something difficult but doable.

5. Determine the peak time of your productivity and creativity

Determine when your mind is functioning at its best natural performance. For many people, the morning after a good night's sleep is most productive. If you focus on the main task of the day at this particular time, entering the stream will be easier and more efficient.

6. Create a ritual

Try to come up with a series of actions that you will do each time you are about to start a task that requires concentration.

This can be anything like meditation or warm-up. Any activity will prepare the brain to start working.

7. Focus on the process, not the end goal

While having goals and specific goals is essential, getting into the flow is also important to enjoy the process rather than dwelling on the result.

Try to live in the moment and not worry about the end result of your efforts. This will create an enjoyable experience that will inspire you to practice the streaming state more often.


Plunging into a state of flow is a powerful practice that can pave the way for achievement and self-improvement.

It's also a great way to learn how to develop the attention and concentration you need to achieve your goals in life.

However, as with any skill, you need to strive for it and practice it regularly. We hope these tips will help you immerse yourself in flow and develop your full focus, which in turn will increase your productivity at work and in your daily life.