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How to Become a Minimalist - 8 Tips

Everyone at least once in their life has come across such concepts as minimalism or minimalist lifestyle. And in fact, the proposal to reduce the number of things around you is quite attractive, and to fill the vacant place in the head with joy and love.

But what to do with a wardrobe full of fashionable new things? But what about the toys of your beloved pet? And the breadbox, which was inherited from a second aunt's ...

And the most important question is "Is it really necessary?"

Minimalism is a way of life only in the company of the most essential items, in which more time is devoted to thinking. For example: fewer dishes will reduce the time a person spends washing them.

The secret is simple: it is not necessary to lead a minimalist lifestyle in a small house. It is enough just to follow some tips and use the ideas of the minimalist lifestyle:

1. Individual rules of the minimalist

One needs to get rid of unnecessary items, while the other needs to reduce the area of ​​his home. Therefore, everyone should determine their individual needs and desires.

2. Life from scratch

Everyone in the house has favorite things called junk: a favorite box, a small jumper, a broken toy. Such items are filling of free space, which is opposed to the concept of minimalism. Therefore, taking out the trash is an important step towards this lifestyle.

3. Use or discard

A simple and obvious rule, but how difficult it is at times to follow it. When you first clean up the space, you can find objects that have not been used in everyday life for a long time, although they were once relevant. If the item has not been used at least a couple of times in the last year, you can safely send it to the trash can. It is important to remember: it is inappropriate to store items that in theory may come in handy someday in the future.

4. Division into categories

It is the organization of personal space that is an important step towards the minimalist lifestyle. Kitchen, living room, bedroom - all items should be placed in the place of use.

5. Difficult questions

Sometimes sentimentality is not at all a good service to those who have this feeling - emotions interfere with concentration. If you are having difficulty throwing out an item, only three questions should be asked:

  • Is he helpful?
  • Does she bring me joy?

6. Cumulative application

It is useful to have in use those items that perform several functions at once. This is especially true for appliances or kitchen utensils. Both furniture and bedding have this function.

7. Reducing space

One example is the storage of photographs: if earlier memory lived in photo albums, now you can transfer information to an electronic medium, thereby minimizing space.

8. Fewer purchases

Once the number of items in the house is minimized, you should control the size of your purchases. the work of clearing the space was not carried out at all in order to re-fill it with unnecessary things. Fighting the urge to buy is easy - you just need to set a limit on the money spent on purchases. What's more, this will not only help preserve free space, but also save money. Always prioritize quality over quantity.

Buy less material. Money can always be used more profitably than buying things. Invest in a healthy lifestyle, quality food and water, gaining new knowledge and experience, travel, and the surplus can always be invested in growth if you study financial literacy.

Becoming a minimalist is not difficult. Small changes in lifestyle, and the pleasure will not keep you waiting.