
7 top priorities in life

Are you trying to complete all of your daily tasks because you feel important? Don't have a lot of time to make them? If your answers are yes, then most likely your priorities are misplaced.

You need to have a clear understanding of your priorities so that it is useful to spend your time and know what contributes to the advancement of your goals. If you are overworked, you will experience stress.

Remember, your goal is what you want to achieve in the future, and priorities will help you focus on achieving the goal. Once you have a list of priorities, you have a better chance of implementing changes and solutions that are consistent with your mission in life.

We are all different and everyone is worried about their problems and troubles, but we are united by common themes. You may not be able to agree with every item on this list, but not all. If you do not know or are not sure about the correctness of your priorities, this article will help you channel energy in the right direction.

1. Your life purpose

Your goals in life are goals that bring you happiness. They make you not only live happy, but also work on something important to you. What do you want from life? When you prioritize your priorities without compromising your commitment to them, you will always achieve your goals.

Define your goal and your steps to achieve it.

After defining your goal, make sure that all of your tasks are aligned with your goal achievement process. If you cannot find anything in common between your life's mission and the task that you face, give it up. If you want to lose weight - go ahead. If you need public speaking skills, push yourself to practice them. To summarize, your to-do list should reflect your personal and work goals.

2. Physical health

health is an incredibly important part of our life and should be at the top of our list. It determines everything: your prosperity, comfort, attitude to various situations, and so on.

Feeling unwell brings unhappiness and diminishes your productivity. This is why you need to monitor your health.

This is why your physical well-being should be on your priority list:

  • You can only be more productive and focused when you are healthy.
  • Your sleep quality will improve.
  • You will be in a better mood when interacting with other people.
  • You will be more energetic to fulfill your mission in life.
  • You will have good self-esteem. The illness robs you of your self-confidence.
  • To improve your well-being, you need to eat a balanced diet, exercise, and get adequate rest in the form of sleep.

3. Relationship with family

When you have a bad day at work, your family is the first to support you. Spending time with your family boosts your self-esteem, develops positive habits, and creates new memories.

Make sure you spend as much time as possible with your immediate family. Play sports, dine at a restaurant, choose a book to read together. Spending time together should be your priority!

You can be successful at work and still have a good time with your family.

4. Healthy attitudes

Relationships are important in finding meaning and purpose in life. Once your family, your friends, colleagues or members of your community play an important role in your life.

According to Northwestern Medicine, prioritizing healthy relationships can reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which is responsible for stress. Research has shown that married people are less prone to psychological stress. This is because the emotional and social support that relationships offer can be great stress relievers.

Plus, healthy relationships help you build healthy habits. Mentors, coaches and teachers play a significant role in achieving your goals.

Therefore, surround yourself with people who will inspire you on a daily basis and isolate yourself from toxic relationships.

5. Mental health

Are you always busy with work, social obligations, study, family and daily activities? If so, then you need to pay attention to your mental health. Examine how busy or overwhelmed you are.
Try doing things like this to keep yourself in check:

Control your mental state

Write down how you feel, what you say or think, and how it affects your health (positively or negatively).

Decide on red flags

Red flags are certain signals that indicate that you are experiencing certain changes in your life. The sooner you figure out what's wrong with you and develop problem-solving strategies, the faster and easier it will be to get back on track.

Find What Motivates You

If you notice that certain tasks, events, habits, or experiences are affecting your mental well-being, such as health problems, increased stress, or relationship problems, practice self-care during these periods. Self-care is not selfish. This will help you recover so that you can complete more tasks.

6. Finance

Money is important. While this may not bring you happiness, you need to earn at least more than what you need to stay happy. Life can be miserable when you're struggling to pay bills or feed yourself, so prioritize your finances!

Robert Kiyosaki, in his book Cashflow Quadrant, recommends:

"Make money work for you, not work your whole life for money."

So how do you prioritize and improve your finances?

Identify your income-generating assets and budget-depleting liabilities. Then increase your assets and decrease your liabilities (service subscriptions, subscription fees for something, etc.). Also, save as much money as possible to make your life more comfortable in the future. You can also invest your savings in any low-risk project that can bring you passive income in both the short and long term. Finally, avoid debt as much as possible and save it for emergencies.

7. Self-improvement

In the words of Lou Holtz: "You either grow or die." You can become your dream personality by avoiding mediocrity and complacency.

There are simple ways to improve yourself. You can watch motivating YouTube videos that can make a difference in your life, read personal development books, or learn new skills. It is not a bad idea to learn something beyond your knowledge. Learning keeps you alive!

Try the following to create a self-improvement plan that works for you.

1. Define your goals

Define your goals (general list) and become more specific by breaking your general list into specific elements: lose $ 20, earn a certificate, prepare for a new role, etc. You can read more about how to set reasonable goals.

2. Focus on your strengths

Highlight your strengths and what you lack to meet your specific goals. Then determine why you want them to become reality. How will they be useful to you?

3. Visualize

Visualize yourself achieving your goals. You can imagine yourself to see what success will look like.This could include pictures of you healthier and happier!

4. Stick to your plan

Create your action plan. How do you accomplish it? What is required for this? Learn a new skill? Sign up for an online course? You must identify the steps that are needed to improve.

Remember to set small milestones as you work so that you can reward yourself when you have made small gains.


If you are unsure of your top priorities by now, you may have to sit down and list everything that matters to you. For example, if you are exhausted and your health is taking a toll, then you will need to prioritize your health. It is impossible to focus and be productive if you are not healthy.

The next step is to create a plan. For example, you can highlight what you can do to avoid burnout. This can be mindfulness, talking with a psychologist, or taking a break from work. Then set aside time to implement your plans.

Finally, take a self-assessment test to see if you are on the right track. If you need help assessing your progress, you can talk to your accountability partner, spouse, colleague, or mentor.

I conclude with the words of Brandon Sanderson, a successful American science fiction writer:

"The hallmark of a great man is that he knows when to put off important things in order to achieve vital things."

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