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Corner apartment in a panel house - pros and cons

The real estate market is replete with offers for the sale of corner apartments. What you need to pay attention to when choosing them, read our article.

There are especially many proposals for the sale of corner apartments in panel houses. Their acquisition carries certain risks and has a number of advantages and disadvantages.


In a corner apartment, neighbors will only be on one side. However, this can also be attributed to the disadvantages, because in such an apartment in winter it is much colder than in a dwelling located in the middle of an apartment building. Corner rooms will need to be insulated, which will entail additional material investments.

The air temperature in the apartment depends on the heating system in the house, which in a panel house, as a rule, is very worn out. In severe frosts, the walls are prone to freezing. Also, there are more windows in a corner apartment than in any other.

Building deterioration

Over time, in panel houses, walls partially lose their function of a load-bearing element, cracks appear, the fight against which is a lot of difficulties. In the cold season, this can also be attributed to disadvantages.

Sound insulation in the premises of such houses is much worse than in houses built of bricks.

The humidity level in concrete (panel) houses is much higher than in brick buildings. Consequently, repairs in them will have to be done more often.

Due to the deterioration of the balcony slabs, cracks appear on them and it even happens that they fall down. Installing doors in a panel house will cause more inconvenience than if it was a brick house.

After buying a corner apartment in a panel house, you should immediately start replacing windows with new, more durable and warm ones. Thanks to this, the heat in the apartment will be retained more efficiently, the ingress of cold into the room will be minimized.

Corner apartment - advantages

By purchasing such an apartment, you can earn extra money without much knowledge and effort. For example, you can hang a banner advertisement on one of the walls of your apartment. The income is small, but with its help it is possible to compensate for the costs associated with the insulation of the walls of the apartment.

If such advertisements are placed on a side wall with a window, the advertising agency may even pay extra for the inconvenience caused. The canvas itself with advertising will serve as an excellent means of protection from wind and precipitation. This will undoubtedly benefit the owner of the apartment.

Due to the large number of window openings, the residents of the apartment have a wide view of the street. Such a room is easy to ventilate, and sunlight penetrates into all its corners.

Thus, a corner apartment is not a bad option, but taking into account some of the nuances, even profitable.