
9 easy steps to find a job

How to effectively search for a job, find a company that wants to interview you, and get the job you dream of? Here are ten steps you can take to find a new job. We'll tell you where to look for a job, how to use your connections to find a job, how to get an interview, and additional tips.

1. Find job sites

What are the best sites for finding jobs? In fact, you should use all sites that specialize in job search or provide similar services. For example, the site specializes in job advertisements. Try it and compare it with the jobs that other sites offer. These can be job banks, websites of companies you are interested in, sites with classified ads, and social media groups. The more ads you reach, the more options you have.

2. Use search engines and social media

In addition to specialized sites, you should also use search engines and social networks. Type in the keywords that interest you and the locality in which you would like to get a job. You can narrow your search criteria. however you want, so you can get more relevant job listings. Through the use of search engines, you can further expand the list of offers found.

3. Build your professional brand

Just because you’re an ordinary, unremarkable person doesn’t mean that you cannot attract attention to yourself. Create profiles on Vkontakte and other social networks. Write about yourself, post your best photos, so you stand out from the crowd of job seekers and can attract more employers' attention. Social media can greatly enhance your professional image by creating a positive impression of you.

4. Find people who can help you

Now that you've created your social media profiles, start using them. Find groups and communities dedicated to finding a job or the field in which you specialize. There are a lot of employers on social networks, and you never know which contact can help you in your search.

5. Make a list of companies in which you would like to work

Do you have a list of companies you would like to work for? If not, then create it. All the information you need about employers is usually available on the Internet. Once you have a list of dream employers, you can start sending your portfolio to them, focusing on the best jobs first.

6. Take the time to write your resume / portfolio

How do employers know you have the skills they are looking for? You need to show them to them. It's important to take the time to write a quality resume that communicates your qualifications. It is very important that the skills you describe as closely as possible meet the employer's criteria. Give your resume your best photo and links to your social media pages.

The employer will be able to see at a glance why and how you are the right fit for them. This will increase the likelihood of being called in for an interview.

7. Prepare for the interview

Prepare for each interview ahead of time. The more prepared you are, the less excitement you have, and the more impression you will make.

Before you go, find information about the company, choose clothes that match its dress code, practice answering possible questions. At the interview, employers are usually quite predictable and ask the expected questions: "where did you work before?", "What kind of experience do you have?" Just prepare yourself not to be confused.

8. Be positive

It is important to be polite during the interview. In addition to professional qualities, it is important to demonstrate human qualities as well. After all, we all have relationships with people. You should also emphasize your interest in this position, do not be passive and do not ask in the first question - how much you will be paid. First, describe how much you love your profession. passionate about it, and then discuss more practical topics.

Everyone likes active and enthusiastic people, show that you are, and it will definitely give you more chances.

9. Accept (or reject) a job offer

When you receive job offers, it is important to take the time to thoroughly evaluate them in order to make an informed decision.

You don't have to accept a job just because it was offered to you. Attend as many interviews as you can before making a choice. The conditions are not always dictated by the employer. If you have received many offers, then you can dictate the terms. But be polite when you counter-offer. Some specialists are in short supply in the labor market, and if you are one of them, you may well qualify for the best conditions, but this does not mean that you can be arrogant.