
How to prevent graying hair - 10 tips

Each of us always wants to look young and beautiful, delaying aging as long as possible. Aging isn't just about wrinkles, it's also about gray hair. If the first white hairs begin to appear after 40 and closer to 50, then this is absolutely normal, however, if you begin to notice them at twenty or thirty, then this can cause shock and cause anxiety.

There are various factors that cause premature gray hair, such as excessive stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, etc. If you want to prevent gray hair too early, then follow the 10 tips below.

So, here are the top 10 tips for preventing premature gray hair:

10. Use coconut oil

Coconut oil can be used for many reasons - it is a good vegetable oil, a moisturizer for the skin, and it is also great for hair. Regular application of coconut oil will keep your hair hydrated and enriched with lauric acid, which in turn softens, strengthens strands and provides them with antioxidants to help slow down the appearance of gray hair for a long time. So, if you want beautiful, shiny braids that don't turn gray too early, then massaging your hair regularly with coconut oil is a must.

9. Avoid stress

Stress can cause a myriad of health problems, including diabetes and stroke, and skin problems like acne and wrinkles. And stress does not stop, and experiencing it on an ongoing basis also leads to premature gray hair. It is for this reason that stress relief is very important. Take time for yourself, relax, visit spas, cinemas, your favorite restaurants, go shopping, listen to music, make an appointment with friends, do whatever can make you happy without worrying about gray hair.

8. Avoid smoking

You may have heard many times that smoking can cause serious health problems, but you might not realize that it also causes severe negative effects on hair, which ultimately leads to early graying. So, if you want to look young, beautiful and be without gray hair, then quit smoking immediately.

Also see: 10 effective ways to quit smoking (link)

7. Moisturize your hair constantly

If you want your crown of fame to always look beautiful, then you need to increase your water intake and reduce the amount of alcohol and caffeine. Water not only keeps the skin hydrated and the system clean and healthy, but it also keeps the hair hydrated and helps prevent early graying and hair loss. If there is a lack of hydration and moisture, nutrients will not reach the hair follicles, resulting in gray hair and hair loss. So, make sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day.

6. More copper

Walnuts are known to help avoid graying hair as they are rich in copper, which can help in the production of melanin, the pigment that gives hair its original color. You can take a multivitamin regularly, as almost all of them contain copper. There is also the option of including copper-rich foods in your diet: spinach, yams, lima beans, turnip greens, and most meat ingredients. Almonds, blackberries, pomegranates, and pineapples also contain copper.

5. Increase your iodine intake

Iodine can help prevent hair from turning white or gray, which means you need to make sure you get enough of it through your diet. Spinach, banana, and carrots are all rich in iodine, so start using them if you haven't already. Also, try iodized salt instead of any regular table salt.

4. Get enough protein

Hair is made up of complex proteins that help it grow, become strong and also acquire a vibrant color. It is imperative that you include 90 to 120 grams of protein in your diet every day. Some of the protein-rich sources are nuts, lean meats, lentils, soy, and beans.

3. Improve circulation

Good blood flow and circulation are very important if you want to prevent gray hair. You can consume the necessary minerals and vitamins, but if they don't reach your hair and scalp, then everything will be useless. To improve blood circulation, it is necessary to exercise for at least half an hour daily. Also, make it a habit to massage your scalp every day for 5 to 10 minutes.

2. Be sure to get enough sleep

Lack of continuous 6-8 hours of sleep each night can open doors to many health problems. The morning will start irritated, with a lack of energy, which will not be enough even for the most common daytime chores and for concentration during work. In addition, lack of sleep will lead to the fact that very soon you will wake up with a few gray hairs, and this is just the beginning. So, if you have no desire to experience this for yourself, reduce stress, get a good rest and get enough sleep.

1. Catch the sun's rays

For a long time, you must have been advised to avoid going out in the sun, although to some extent this must be followed, but not completely. The strong and harmful effects of the sun are observed between 10:00 and 16:00, when you should try to be indoors. However, the sun should not be avoided altogether, because its rays are rich in vitamin D, which is very important for our health, skin and hair. Hair follicles do contain vitamin D, and thus getting sunlight will help prevent gray hair.

If you have gray hair, moreover, at a young age, you need to urgently make a decision, because it is very important to prevent it at an early stage. So, start with these simple home remedies today and forget about the gray hair.

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If you are concerned about the answers to two basic questions: why gray hair appears and how to fix it, then this video is for you!