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10 most dangerous fish species in the world

Fish are some of the most beautiful creatures in nature and, probably, different types of them can be found in any body of water. Nevertheless, despite their beauty, fish can also be dangerous, remember at least a giant and dangerous shark. We are all trying to learn something about unusual things, to learn about the secrets of nature and about everything that has an aura of mysticism that constantly attracts our attention. Today we have 10 of the deadliest fish species on the planet, read on and enjoy.

10. Electric eel

Many of you have probably heard about it in biology lessons and many of you were surprised by its existence. And they still exist. True to their name, they can generate powerful electrical impulses; nature has endowed these creatures with such an ability for their survival. According to sources, the electric eel generates up to 600 volts of electrical voltage, which is enough to kill a person or any other living creature. It is by far one of the deadliest creatures in the world. Also, the lifespan of an electric eel is one of the longest in nature - about 150 years.

9. Fish tiger

As the name suggests, the tiger fish is one of the most dangerous fish with razor-sharp teeth and the qualities of a real fighter and hunter. This species is found in the Congo River and the Tanganyika River, which are located in Africa. Tiger fish attack larger animals in packs. The two most widely known tiger fish are the goliath fish and the tiger fish, both the largest in their habitat.

The tiger fish is one of the most dangerous predators, and the goliath fish is the most famous tiger fish and the largest. Note, its weight is 70 kg. She lives in Africa.

8. Mountain catfish

They live in the Kali River, which flows between India and Nepal. She is a member of the Bagaria family with dangerous sharp teeth and is about 2 meters long. It is made even more dangerous by the awareness of the taste of human meat. An alarming number of disappearances and drowning have been attributed to this giant ogre. Several cases of attacks on people with mountain catfish were recorded.

7. Fish-stone

Stonefish is not only one of the most dangerous fish, but also one of the weirdest sea creatures. The stone fish is almost invisible, as it merges with the surface of the stone and can remain unnoticed until you step on it. It is known as one of the most poisonous on our planet. The pain that her sting inflicts is unimaginable, and the victim then suffers for hours. There is controversy over whether the stonefish kill. Some believe that she just hurts, while others believe that her poison kills within two hours.

6. Snakehead fish

Snakehead lives in China, Russia and Korea, from where it can get to other countries and other ecosystems. When it gets into any lake or pond, it eats up all living things that are there. After cleaning the water, it gets out to the surface of the earth and eats everything that it encounters on its way to another body of water. Snakehead is a valuable food product, but it is also one of the most dangerous fish on the planet.

5. Wandellia mustachioed

An incredibly dangerous type of fish. It is a direct confirmation of the saying “size does not matter”, about 2.5 cm long and 3.5 mm wide, also known as “toothpick fish”. The fish attacks much larger creatures like humans. Vandellia is attracted to urine or blood and from there it extracts its main food source, urea. The fish can easily penetrate the anus, vagina or penis and begin to suck blood, causing incredible pain to the victim. In many cases, amputation is the only remedy for this, which is even more terrifying.

4. Piranha

Remember the movie called Piranha about how little fish attack people? Now we are talking about those very fish. Piranhas are found in South America and Brazil. Like the mustachioed vandellia, the piranha, although small, is very dangerous. They are known for their bite force, they quickly eat their prey to the very bones. As one of the most dangerous fish, they are known for their sharp teeth and powerful jaws. But despite the fact that they are one of the most dangerous in the world, they do not pose a danger to people. Although, several attacks were still recorded. Piranhas can attack people, especially when they are in a stressful situation.

3. Puffer fish

The puffer fish is considered one of the most poisonous fish of our time. Fish have toxic tetrodoxin in their skin, liver, ovaries, and intestines. Tetrodoxin affects the brain and can cause weakness, paralysis and death from even the smallest dose of this poison, making this species one of the most dangerous fish. Most puffer fish are a serious hazard to humans.

2. Box jellyfish

Box jellyfish differ from other members of their family by a more developed nervous system and the presence of a pair of eyes. They have long tentacles and deadly venom. According to scientific data, box jellyfish poison can lead to death in a couple of minutes, and bite marks remain forever. Their venom disrupts cardiac activity and their victims have a very severe pulse drop. They are as dangerous as the most dangerous fish in the world.

1. Mackerel hydrolic

Also known as vampire fish, it is an even more dangerous predator than piranha. It can grow up to 1.20 meters in length and can hunt fish of its size. In addition to having sharp teeth and two sharp tusks, the mackerel hydrolic is the only fish capable of devouring piranhas, which makes it even more dangerous.

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What do you think are the most dangerous fish in the world? Watch the video and be careful before entering an unfamiliar body of water for the first time