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Top 10 most famous pirates in history

In the history of mankind, pirates have always existed. World famous films such as “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Pirate crimes have always been cruel and heartless, and they often went to kill people. This article presents 10 of the most famous pirates.

10 William Kidd

William Kidd was born in 1645 in Scotland and is known as the most unfortunate pirate. William's father was a sailor, and therefore his son dreamed of following in his father's footsteps and burned with a passion for the sea. In search of a new life, he left his homeland and sailed to the United States in the city of New York. In the beginning, William himself became a pirate hunter. In the same place in the United States, he married the rich woman Sarah Bradley Cox, with whom two children were born. And it seemed that all his dreams of a brilliant career and an arranged personal life had become reality.

Years later, he was provided with a specially equipped warship, equipped with a crew of sailors and weapons, and also ordered to hunt pirates of the Red Sea. But after sailing, many experienced sailors abandoned his ship because of the royal flotilla, and Kidd was forced to hire sailors from among the pirates. Most of his ship's attacks failed and he did not receive an adequate salary because of this. In addition, during the conflict, Kidd killed his gunner, William Moore. After the Indian ship was captured by William Kidd, he was branded as a pirate.

He returned to New York to hide, but was identified and arrested. William Kidd was sentenced to death in England. During the execution, the rope on which he was supposed to be hung broke and he was forced to hang twice.

9. Bartholomew Roberts

Bartholomew Roberts, known as Black Bart, was the most successful and daring pirate, who was also famous for his daring. Was born in 1682. He was listed as a slave while on the slave ship "Princess" and was forced to join the pirate crew while his ship was captured by the robber Howell Davis.

Soon, Roberts becomes Davis' favorite and realizes that being a pirate opens up great opportunities for him. After the murder of Davis, Roberts is elected the new captain of the ship and begins a successful career in this status.

During the atrocities of Roberts, about 400 ships were robbed, one captured ship was burned and hundreds of people were taken into slavery. In history, Bartholomew Roberts is also known for his composure, which helped him terrorize the seas.

8. Blackbeard

Blackbeard became the prototype for many pirate heroes in movies. His appearance was unusual due to his long black beard covering most of his face and from which he received this nickname. Blackbeard introduced himself as Edward Teach and served in Jamaica as a privateer. After learning the skills of piracy, he began working with Captain Hornigold. Together with him, a lot of ships were captured. For example, one of the last robberies, after which Hornigold decided to retire, was the seizure of the ship "Concorde." Blackbeard later gave this ship a different name and called it "Queen Anne's Revenge."

According to sources, he was killed in a surprise attack, with twenty knife wounds and five bullet wounds.

7. Calico Rackham Jack

This pirate is famous for his romance with two female pirates. He was not a great fighter or a wealthy man, but he achieved his success by being able to betray. The world famous pirate black flag with a human skull and two crossed swords is the creation of Rackham Jack and remains a symbol of pirates to this day.

He became the ship's captain after accusing the previous captain of incompetence. Many small merchant and passenger transport ships were captured by Rackham Jack. After he and his team failed, the British government offered to amnesty him in exchange for being free from piracy. He agreed, and for a while Calico Rackham Jack lived a normal, decent life until he had an affair with Anne Boni, the wife of another pirate. After that, he returned to his old pirate life and joined the team of Mary Reed, who was disguised as a man.

6. Charles Wayne

Chals Wayne was an English pirate and his date of birth is unknown. Initially, he was an ordinary sailor in Henry Jennings's crew, whose ship carried out raids on ships, naval vessels and villages. After Henry Jennings was pardoned by the government, Wayne became the captain of his ship. This pirate was one of the few who did not agree to the royal amnesty.

Wayne sets fire to the new governor of New Providence because Woods Roger's fire ships provoked him to do so. A pirate from among the former pirates was sent to capture Wayne, but Charles Wayne managed to escape from this hunt for him.

After an unsuccessful attack, in which the crew of his ship expected the least resistance from the enemy, he was accused of cowardice by the helmsmen of his ship, and the crew left him. Then Wayne again returned to the pirate life, but his ships were destroyed by a hurricane, and this pirate was caught and put on trial. The authorities charged him and he accepted execution by hanging in November 1720.

5. Edward the Englishman

Born in Ireland, Edward the Englishman took a job on a lifeboat as first mate. But in order to start a pirate life, he was forced to leave the Caribbean and go to Africa.

This pirate built a whole fleet and captured many ships. The Englishman attacked two English and Dutch ships that belonged to the East India Company. The captain of one of these ships, named James Macra, was forced to surrender after a long battle. Edward the Englishman's first mate wanted to kill Macr, but Edward decided to save him. The crew under his command were not happy with this act and abandoned the Englishman on the island of Mauritus, where he died like a beggar.

4. Paulsgrave Williams

Paulsgrave Williams was born in 1678 in Rhode Island. He had a family and a wife, whom he left after meeting with Samuel Bellamy. Bellamy was a poor sailor and had a dream to find sunken Spanish treasures. After a failure, which history is silent about, they both decided to become pirates. It is still unclear why the 38-year-old rich man Paulsgrave Williams decided to turn from a rich man into a pirate. Williams sailed the seas for many years and captured many ships. In this way, he spent about 10 years of his life. After that, Paulsgrave Williams retired and started a new family.

3. Sayyida al-Hura

This woman is an important figure in the modern era of Islam. Born in 1485, she was forced to leave Morocco and settle in Kahun. For the death of her husband in 1515, she decided to take revenge, which she never forgot. She had many successful attacks and was considered one of the few skillful pirates who could negotiate between the pirate community.

2. Thomas Tew

Records indicate that he was born in 1680 and was one of the most famous pirates of the Red Sea. Thomas Tew came from a wealthy family and in his youth served as a privateer on English ships. He was elected captain of the ship Amity Venture. Tew was asked to attack French ships and colonies on the African coast, and he supported this proposal. The "wicked and bad man," as he was later called, became too risky a pirate. During one of his attacks, he was mortally wounded and shot to death.

1. Stead Bonnet

A mediocre pirate, Stead Bonnet was a very wealthy family man with a lucrative sugar plantation. He gave up piracy without any explanation and was named a "pirate gentleman" because of his cultural background.

Bonnet was one of the most interesting and unique pirates in the history of the pirates of the Caribbean. Despite the fact that he was one of the unsuccessful pirates, Bonnet was famous for his non-pirate deeds. He was hanged as a pirate, along with other pirates, members of his crew, for his actions in November 1718.

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