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10 best dog breeds for an apartment

Everyone knows the expression "A dog is a man's best friend." All your friends have a best friend, even your grandmother has one. And you can make a best friend. If you think your apartment is too small for a pet, you are wrong. Don't give up on a restless friend who will wake you up by licking it. Get ready for some puppy fun: we've compiled a list of the 10 best dog breeds for apartment people. These cute babies will go straight to your heart and want to stay in it! Plus, they're easy to look after, they won't make noise (your neighbors would rather complain about your noisy parties than endless barking) and they are very calm.

Do you need someone who will listen to your love failures without judgment, and who will make you look up from your chair and go for a walk? The dog will become that someone and happily eat up the remnants of the dish underestimated by the guests. We all need love. What are you waiting for? Get a dog!

1. Pug

Pugs - snoring characters with a wrinkled face and curled tail - are one of my favorite indoor dog breeds. An adult pug weighs up to 8 kg. (unless you overfeed him and make him fat) will follow you around the house and sleep next to you. If you can't stand snoring, this is not your breed. The pug will wheeze louder than your relatives behind the wall, falling asleep in front of the TV.

Its charm is incomparable. How can you look into those charming eyes and not fall in love? Unfortunately, due to their bulge, pugs are prone to eye diseases. But pugs are open and loving, they easily make contact with other dogs and cats. So if your girlfriend needs to leave you a Siamese cat (which needs careful grooming), you don't have to worry, your pug will make friends with her.

Walk your pet every day and enjoy compliments from neighbors about his agility. Try not to overexert the dog. Because of their flat nose, pugs have trouble breathing, especially in warm weather. Therefore, while walking, watch your pet to prevent overheating.

  • Coat care: high. The pug's face should be looked after every day, removing dirt from wrinkles, and daily brushing of the coat is required. Pugs shed a lot, get a good vacuum cleaner!
  • Noise level: average. Pugs won't bark unnecessarily
  • Attitude towards children: positive. Trained pugs love children
  • Training Needed: Low. Do not overwork or overheat this fat man!

2. Bichon Frize

If you already have animals in the house, Bichon Frize will make friends with them. Bichons are very energetic and require long walks and games. They suffer a lot from being alone for a long time, so Bichon is not suitable for workaholics who work day and night.

  • Hair care: minimal. Bichons shed very little, so this breed is suitable for people with allergies. The dog does not need to be brushed every day, but it should be bathed every month to keep the coat white.
  • Noise level: low. Bichons will not make noise like your wayward neighbor's dog.
  • Attitude towards children: neutral. Bichons get along well with children, but puppies should only be left to children under adult supervision.
  • Training Needed: High. Take your pet for a walk on a regular basis, play with him, and teach him commands at home.

3. Chihuahua

These dogs weigh from 2.5 kilograms and will easily fit into your designer purse. But you don't have to indulge your pet's whims like celebrities. Chihuahuas can be pampered, so be sure to remind your dog who's boss. Chihuahuas are loyal, intelligent and easily trained dogs.

Chihuahuas are very noisy and chatty. Forget about her complexion, she will fight back any Doberman, so be careful while walking. This companion dog will go with you wherever you go, but it needs a loving owner ready to care for it for the next 18 years. If these prospects weigh you down, Chihuahua is not for you!

  • Hair care: minimal. Brush your pet once a week.
  • Noise level: high. These dogs love to talk!
  • Attitude towards children: negative. It is dangerous to leave a tiny dog ​​near young children. Dogs adapt well to older children.
  • Training Needed: High. Chihuahuas require 20-30 minutes of daily activities, they will require you to continue playing, so make sure that your pet does not overwork.

4. Greyhound

Hearing the name of this breed, it appears as an Olympic athlete, rushing along a treadmill at lightning speed. But in fact, this dog can get a gold medal in the art of lazy lying at home. Greyhounds are calm, quiet and gentle. Probably because of their weight, 28-30 kilograms, you will decide to consider another breed for purchase in your home. Your greyhound will be equally happy playing with you in the park and snuggling up to you while you watch the next series. Your pet can spend the whole day idle with you, hiding under the covers.

While walking the Greyhound, do not let him off the leash, if the dog sees a squirrel or other object of pursuit, you may not catch up with him, and he may not return. Walking 20-30 minutes 2 times a day is enough to keep your dog healthy.

  • Hair care: minimal. The greyhound's coat is short, smooth, without undercoat. These are important qualities for people with allergies.
  • Noise level: low. The Greyhound may bark from time to time, but will prefer to remain silent most of the time.
  • Attitude towards children: neutral. Greyhounds are good at making contact with children and become loyal friends. But be careful, if you pick up a Greyhound from a shelter that may never have encountered children, it can be very dangerous.
  • Training Needed: Medium. Greyhounds should be walked twice a day to avoid unpleasant surprises. They are also easy to train.

5. Mastiff

Big dog, right? It weighs about 58 kilograms, we can say that one more person will settle in the apartment. We remember that we are talking about dogs for apartments. If you have enough room for a mastiff to settle down, he will happily live in an apartment. Mastiff does not require special care. Dogs of this breed are calm, loyal and very good to children. Mastiffs are lazy enough because they are too big! Prevent your pet from becoming obese due to a sedentary lifestyle.

The mastiffs were taken out to guard against uninvited guests. Mastiffs don't growl over trifles, and rest assured that if someone wants to steal your plasma TV, your pet will scare the thief as it should! Your dog needs 20 minute walks, during which you can wander around with him at a leisurely pace until you return home and fall onto the couch.

  • Hair care: minimal. Mastiffs have short hair and shed very little.
  • Noise level: low. Except for moments when bad guys try to get into your apartment!
  • Attitude towards children: positive. Mastiffs get along well with children if they grew up in families with children. If the mastiff has never encountered children, their noise and unpredictable behavior can scare the dog.
  • Training Needed: Low. Long joint walks are enough for these dogs, and you do not have to run a marathon with your pet.

6. Shiba Inu

This representative of one of 6 Japanese breeds is known for its cheerful disposition, sharp ears and agility. Shiba Inu will remind your friends of a fox.Reaching up to 10 kg in weight, these dogs are fast, strong and alert, the Shiba Inu ardently value their independence, so it is important to adapt with other animals at an early age. Pets of this breed are very smart, they believe that they know everyone better than anyone else, so find a good trainer who understands the peculiarities of the breed's thinking.

Further, your Shiba will not share his toys, the dog will defend his with bared fangs. Be sure to exercise enough when walking or exercising. If you let your pet off the leash, be prepared to chase all cats, squirrels, as well as possible aggression towards other dogs. If such a bright personality is not for you, Shiba Inu will not suit you. But you should love such a dog, and she will reciprocate you, charming with her courage and loyalty.

  • Hair care: minimal. Dogs molt twice a year. Have you taken out your vacuum cleaner yet?
  • Noise level: average. Shiba will not bark if nothing suspicious is happening nearby or there is no dog nearby.
  • Attitude towards children: neutral. Shiba Inu are friendly to children if they treat the dog with kindness and respect. No tail games!
  • Training Needed: Medium. Walking is important for this breed, make time for it daily.

7. Chinese Crested

Would you like to get the ugliest dog on the planet? Because if you get sick (or have a too good evening), your Chinese Crested will lie next to you for hours. These 5 kg of love will love you, make you the center of their world and never leave you. If you've just crashed in a relationship, the Chinese Crested will groom your blackened heart to bring it back to life. These dogs love warmth, are ready, like lizards, to lie in the sun, so if you are moving to the deserts of Arizona, this pet is definitely for you. Keep in mind that the crested cannot stand the cold, and may perceive its presence as your punishment. Do not mock your pet, provide him with comfort!

This breed is able to heal mental wounds, but it will also begin to suffer alone, as you do after breaking up with a girl. It seems that these dogs can overcome any obstacle, and if they are scared, they will dig, growl, bark. But the dog will play with you, tenderly love the whole family with his bald heart.

  • Coat Grooming: Moderate. Although this breed has a little wool, it needs to be cut. Also, the pet needs to be bathed regularly.
  • Noise level: high. Yes, these dogs love to talk. They will growl, defending their home, and sometimes they sing!
  • Attitude towards children: neutral. Chinese Cresteds get along well with children, but a small dog will not be safe with small children.
  • Training Needed: Low. Chinese Cresteds get tired after 15-20 minutes of walking or playing and want to return to their home, they know how to climb over low fences, don't let them escape!

8. Boston Terrier

Dressed in a tuxedo, a gentleman with an energetic and loving character. What's the catch? The Boston Terrier can be too smart for a dog. 4-10 kilograms of pure stubbornness, dressed in a black and white suit, are often hyperactive. But terriers are incredibly cute, any behavior is forgiven them. Look into their eyes and don't say Boston is a problem anymore. On the street they are warlike, but just as affectionate and loving at home. Due to their similar nose structure to pugs, they also experience overheating problems. Their funny antics will make your friends laugh, for example with their snorting, drooling and flatulence. Don't get a Boston Terrier if this kind of thing is uncomfortable for you. These dogs are calm, but if a stranger male enters the territory, they will start to get nervous. Distract them with a ball!

  • Coat Grooming: Moderate. Brush your Boston once a week and wash your face every day to prevent redness or contamination of your eyes. Like pugs, these huge eyes are prone to disease.
  • Noise level: low. Except when a stranger's male is on the territory.
  • Attitude towards children: positive, they adore children!
  • Training Needed: Medium. These dogs are terribly inactive at home. Bostons love to walk and play with the owner, but quickly get tired and want to sleep.

9. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

You will love them like Elizabeth Taylor and Charlotte from Sex and the City. Cavaliers are smart, graceful and charming, very attached to their masters, and often quite spoiled. They cannot stay alone for long, so part-time people or mothers on maternity leave will be the best owners for them. The gentlemen are too friendly to serve as your guard, don't rely on them as an alarm! Once your pet has barked around a stranger, it will most likely want to lick his face. Reaching 5-8 kilograms, these dogs are ideal for an apartment dweller. Cavaliers love to play catch-up, if you have a cat, it can become a target, but your canary will be eaten ... no kidding. Do not get birds, you cannot take away the hunting instinct from the English gentleman.

  • Coat Grooming: Moderate-High. Comb your gentleman 3-4 times a week and bathe as needed.
  • Noise level: low. The dog may bark when someone walks into the house, but usually ignores and goes about his business.
  • Attitude towards children: positive. Cavaliers will climb into the arms of your children and watch cartoons with them.
  • Training Needed: Medium. Take her for walks with you, but do not let her off the leash. The little aristocrat is not adapted to the street and can be hit by a car.

10. English Bulldog

Why is the English Bulldog often the symbol of so many universities and sports teams? Because it looks like a tough and tough breed, but in fact, this wrinkled face is too cute to be intimidating. Take a look at this wide head, stocky paws, so funny and all those wrinkles! The laziest of breeds, these 18-22 kilograms are the perfect companion if you feel like cuddling. Bulldogs are bravely protecting their family, but they are also friendly and playful. You may find snorting cute, but be careful, your pet is prone to breathing problems. Start going to the gym, because you have to carry this fat man to the vet. Your bulldog will always sleep, waking up only for food, so don't expect a lot of activity from him. Although Bulldogs love children, you will hardly find your dog playing with children during barbecues. He will be next to the owner, waiting for his burger.

  • Coat Grooming: Moderate. Brush your pet once a week and wipe it down with a damp cloth. Brushing out more than once a week will remove hair from the house.
  • Noise level: low. They are too lazy to bark. Most likely, your pet is sleeping.
  • Attitude towards children: very positive. His kind heart will allow the kid to tinker with him endlessly.
  • Training Needed: Low. Bulldogs don't want to go anywhere, but you should take your pet for a walk at least once a day. But avoid swimming pools - Bulldogs can't swim!

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