
Why you can't put up with violence. 10 reasons

Google defines violence as behavior that involves physically forcing a person to do something by hitting, hurting, or killing. Just the thought of someone wanting to hurt you will make you angry, won't it? However, if this does not bother you in any way - just read this article.

Violence is the answer to destruction, and if you think it is okay to endure it, you are very wrong. You do not know what the consequences of your patience can lead to. The lack of protest gives the offender confidence in his actions and encourages the continuation of bullying. Here are ten reasons why you shouldn't put up with violence.

10. This does not show your greatness, but cowardice.

Any form of violence, whether it be riot, domestic violence or sexual violence, is not the norm. Sometimes it is assumed that silence about violence speaks of your patience, shows your humility and elevation above others, but the truth is that it is not.

Resignation to violence shows that you are a coward who would prefer to be a victim and who will allow another to dominate and humiliate yourself. You may feel like you are more than just a human being, but in reality you are just showing weakness. A heart that prefers to accept and come to terms with violence, rather than resist it, is very much mistaken.

9. Violence means violence, it doesn't prove love in any way

Somehow, the idea is formed in the minds of the victims that the act of violence shows how protected they are and how much they are loved. On the other hand, most cases of domestic violence are committed by a partner who perceives this process as an act of love and the meaning of possessiveness. This is not true. Hitting someone is the opposite of love.

You can't think that your partner will change over time. Thus, you are just wishful thinking. The abuser is incapable of truly loving and he will never change.

8. You have legal rights

The right to life is a fundamental human right, and violence violates it. Is it acceptable not to feel calm in your home, city, country? Several studies have shown that people who do not report domestic violence to law enforcement fear that the law will not protect them.

However, there is a fact: no government of any country approves of violence. This is a criminal offense. There are a number of ways to punish rapists and how to protect the victim. Therefore, we can say that resignation to violence due to the fear of lack of protection from the law is sheer absurdity.

7. This is not an act of awareness.

Some people believe that an act of violence, especially a massive one, is the result of awareness. Do you disagree with something? Let's start a massive protest! As long as the protest is peaceful and does not harm anyone, everything is fine. But at the moment when a protest crosses the line of the norm and turns into violence, it ceases to carry a positive meaning.

Fighting for rights or for awareness is the wrong way. This is an act of violence, resignation to which can add fuel to the fire.

6. History urges you to stop enduring

History is the main witness of the chaos that wars and violence lead to, which have claimed hundreds of thousands of innocent lives. You cannot imagine how many defenseless children, innocent mothers and fathers have died trying to protect their families. It is impossible to make amends and regain lost lives.

History tells us again that the lack of timely response is the main cause of these dire troubles. Direct communication, right awareness and reaction could help those who are mercilessly playing with human lives.

5. Better to discuss than to hit

Diplomacy isn't for everyone, but it's a great peaceful alternative. Your tacit attitude towards violence, your tolerance towards someone who wants to hurt you is blasphemy. Tell your friends about this, talk to someone who can help you or stop the violence.

Even talking to the abuser himself can make a difference. Tell him about your feelings, the pain he is causing you, and your rights. And I can always talk with you about it. In general, talking to professionals can give you confidence in your actions and end your suffering.

4. Your courage can help others

Don't think that you are the only person not fortunate enough to be abused. There are thousands of people all over the planet who share your pain and suffering. The day you stop putting up with violence, freedom will not only appear for you. Maybe someone will be inspired by your act and also want to throw off these shackles. If your action affects even one person, you can be proud, because thanks to you, one innocent life has been saved.

3. You owe this not only to yourself, but also to those who care about you.

Your life is not just a thing to play with and throw away. Your parents who raised you, your brothers and sisters who were always there, your family who take care of you - they all deserve your happiness as much as you do. They need to know that you did your best, that you fought for your life. It is your responsibility to tell them about the abuse.

2. It's not your fault

For many years, I was worried by the fact that 40-50% of victims of violence considered themselves wrong and believed that they deserved to be treated. Here is the unshakable truth - THIS IS NOT YOUR FAILURE. Whoever you are, first of all you are a human being. Someone's violent inclinations, someone's cruel behavior is their fault, their problem. There was no way you could put them on this terrible path. The next time you feel like you deserve to be abused for any reason, stop and think.

They have always been that way, always loved to inflict pain and suffering on others; they, not you.

1. You become exactly the same criminal

Do you want to endure violence? Do you feel that this is your fault and your problem? Do you think that no one has the right to tell you what to do in case of violence? Then let me tell you that you are a real criminal, a criminal of the worst kind. You not only allow others to treat you like some kind of dirt, rubbish, but also keep silent about it.

If you are silent about such actions, you also become guilty. Keeping up with something wrong or closing your eyes to it won't do better.

I understand that you may not want to speak out even on pain of death. You imagine hundreds of things that will go wrong after the confession. But you must do this first of all for yourself, for your aspirations and desires. You deserve as much respect as any other person. Remember that there are always people nearby who understand you, who care about you, who are ready to fight for your life with you and who are always ready to talk to you.

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