
10 interesting facts about Vegetarian Day

Being healthy is not only a duty, but also a responsibility of everyone. With the growing number of food advertisements and the emergence of a large assortment, people are taking advantage of the opportunity to make their usual way of eating more convenient. This is especially true for adolescents and young people who adjust to the rhythm of life in the modern world, where innovation and technology make life easier. Vegetarian Day is celebrated on October 1st every year.

Young people need to understand that being strong and vigorous is one of the goals of a balanced diet. When you become a vegetarian, you sometimes don’t know which food contains animal fat. After all, even harmless apples can be so dangerous for a vegetarian. This is just one of 10 examples of pseudo-vegetarian food that every self-respecting vegetarian should know about.

But you can't just take and refuse animal products. After all, you can face a number of problems that beginner vegetarians face. Being a vegetarian means living a healthy lifestyle, being athletic and happy. We present to your attention interesting facts about Vegetarian Day.

10. Adolf Hitler is a vegetarian

Who would have thought that a strong and influential leader has a secret that made him strong-willed, persistent and unyielding. The secret of success is a healthy lifestyle, which means abstaining from animal products. Instead, he preferred fresh vegetables. Check out the article 10 Interesting Facts About Hitler.

9. Celebrities supporting and practicing vegetarianism

In addition to Adolf Hitler, famous personalities who practiced vegetarianism like him are known, such as the genius Albert Einstein, the great artist Leonardo da Vinci, Henry Ford, Brad Pitt, as well as famous musicians - Ozzy Osbourne, Sinead O'Connor and Paul McCartney.

8. Enhancing sexuality

Scientifically speaking, meat is the source of the unpleasant odor that comes from the human body. But if you eat vegetables and fruits every day, then the smell will disappear. These foods are capable of breaking down the saturated fat found in meat.

7. Beneficial effect on the brain

Ever since Albert Einstein became famous for his ingenious concepts and theories, anyone can be convinced that his nutrition helped improve memory and mental ability. Also, some studies from the UK confirm that when children and young people are taught to eat vegetables, they are more capable of interaction, communication and analysis.

They boast a higher IQ compared to those who like to eat meat.

6. Religious community

Joining the sect involves abstaining from meat, but the consumption of vegetables and fruits is encouraged. Examples of such sects and communities are Rastafari and Hare Krishna.

5. Acceleration of metabolism

As a rule, meat, especially red meat, is a source of huge amounts of dangerous fats for health. That is why it is necessary that vegetable and fruit mixtures or juices are served to the table in order to resist the harmful effects of meat on the body and avoid oversaturation of fats, which leads to various diseases that affect the heart and blood pressure.

Many vegetables contain high amounts of enzymes that speed up the metabolic process in the body, as a result of which fats are broken down and converted into energy.

4. Fruit - an attribute of vegetarianism

In addition to vegetables, green leaves and a variety of other plants are attributes of vegetarianism. Fruit is also considered an attribute of vegetarianism. This includes a combination of seeds, nuts, and other plants.

3. Types of vegetarianism

When people hear the word “vegetarianism", The first thing that usually comes to their mind is a complete rejection of any type of meat. In fact, there are several types of this tradition or habit. It also implies the rejection of products of animal origin, which are mass-produced and may be part of gastronomic products stored in a canned form. This means that you will have to exclude honey, baked bread with particles of animal origin and other products.

2. Vegetarian Association

In 1847, the Vegetarian Association was formed to communicate that everyone can live a healthy life without indulging the desire to eat meat. Its influence intensified on October 1, 1977, when the International Vegetarian Union and the American Vegetarian Association signed a declaration recognizing World Vegetarian Day.

1. India is the leader in the number of vegetarians

Although the fashion for vegetarianism is spreading mainly thanks to Western countries, the first to historically support vegetarianism have always been Hindus... In fact, 40% of the population of this country are vegetarians, compared to 6% in Europe.