
12 original ways to fight wrinkles

Over time, facial wrinkles will only increase, this is just a given. While you are not in control of your inherited traits, you can actually control a lot more than you might imagine.

In an interview, Galina Nugen, a physician from the health department, said, "You can't change your genes (at least not yet), but you can do a lot of things that will minimize your environmental impact."

Are you ready to start fighting wrinkles? Then make these 12 habits as a rule.

1. Avoid sunlight

Lying in the sun, of course, is pleasant, but it is very harmful to the skin. According to experts, the number one cause of wrinkles is the sun's rays. "When the sun's ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin, the process of collagen destruction is triggered, and, as a result, this can continue without additional exposure to the sun," says the doctor of dermatology. This is not a quick process, which is why wrinkles get worse throughout life. So it is best to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, especially during peak hours of 10am to 4pm.

2. Use a sunscreen

Sunscreen is not only about foresight, it protects the skin from UV rays and prevents damage to it. “People who use sunscreen on a daily basis can slow down or even temporarily prevent the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin,” said Mikhail Green, MD, a dermatologist, in an interview with Cheat Sheet.

Remember that sunscreen is absorbed within 15 minutes, which means apply it well before going outside, and reapply every two hours for complete protection. “Even on cloudy days, or when you are in the car, ultraviolet rays penetrate through the clouds or through the glass of the car,” says Galina Nugen. Use a cream with a protection level of 30 or better.

3. Wear closed clothing

All parts of the body that are not covered by clothing or headgear, including the face, ears, neck, hands, should be protected with a cream. Otherwise, they are exposed to the sun, which builds up over a lifetime and can cause premature aging and even skin cancer. Simply put, the more the body is covered with clothing, the better. “It is preferable to wear a long-sleeved shirt over a T-shirt and have a high collar and no plunging neckline,” Green said. Plus, a wide-brimmed hat will cover your face more than a baseball cap, and oversized sunglasses will protect a larger area around your eyes.

4. Don't smoke

Research has shown that in addition to increasing the risk of heart and lung disease, smoking also damages skin color. "The toxins contained in cigarette smoke deprive the skin of oxygen and nutrients, and trigger the destruction of collagen and elastin," said dermatologist Lev Cheriz. Also, smokers are more likely to use the muscles around the lips to tighten, which leads to deep wrinkles in the mouth - not the best thing you could wish for.

The best thing to do for your health and your skin is to quit smoking. “Quitting smoking promotes blood flow to the skin and prevents smoker's wrinkles around the mouth,” says Lev Cheriz.

5. Give up alcohol

“Excessive consumption of strong alcohol is harmful to the skin, as alcohol destroys the liver, which is a kind of filter of toxins in the body,” says Galina Nugen. ". It is not necessary to give up alcohol altogether, but you need to monitor its amount.

6. Use a moisturizer daily

If you have dry skin, get in the habit of applying a moisturizer every day. In addition, hydrating skin cells also helps maintain the skin's barrier to maintain skin firmness and radiance. When choosing a moisturizer, experts recommend looking at brands that use alpha hydroxy acids, such as glycolic and lactic acid. “These ingredients gently exfoliate the top layer of skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and improving overall texture and color,” explains Lev Cherise. It is recommended to use a daily moisturizer containing hyaluronic acids or ceramides and alpha hydroxy acids.

7. Wash your face before bed

Surely, everyone from childhood knows that you need to wash yourself twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It is important for the skin and reduces the risk of premature wrinkles. "Every day, the skin is exposed to free radicals from the environment, which can lead to the breakdown of collagen and, as a result, to the formation of fine wrinkles" - says Green - "If you do not wash your face before bed, your skin will fight these radicals all night." ...

Plus, makeup that isn't removed before bed clogs pores and can lead to abscesses that can scar. Try to wash your face twice a day to avoid excessive dryness of your skin.

8. Try to sleep on your back.

Believe it or not, when you sleep on the same side, you press on the same area of ​​your face, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles over time. Therefore, it is useful to sleep on your back more often, or at least try to sleep on different sides.

And the same, so that the face is not sleepy in the morning, you can use satin pillowcases so that the skin slides over the pillow and experiences strong pressure. “Consider buying sleep pillows that are made from a special material and have a special shape that relieves pressure on the corresponding areas of the face,” advises Nugen.

9. Eat more fish

Fish, such as salmon or mackerel, are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. These fatty acids are an essential component of cell membranes. Nugen states - "Healthy cell membranes and skin walls help to retain moisture in the skin." Try to eat fish at least a couple of times a week. If for some reason you are unable to do this, then it may be worth taking an omega-3 supplement.

10. Use Vitamin C Correctly

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a powerful antioxidant and building block for collagen (a substance that makes skin healthy and elastic). You can of course eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits or cruciferous vegetables, but your body will absorb it. “Even when you get enough vitamin C, it helps to strengthen the immune system and connective tissues, but the skin will not receive it in the right amount,” says Lev Cheriz. Therefore, it is very important to include the right amount of Vitamin C Serum in your skin care products to boost collagen production and reduce pigmentation and skin aging.

11. Use reading glasses

You've probably never thought about those wrinkles that appear around your eyes when you squint to read something from a distance or from the bright sun. Over time, these wrinkles will become permanent. “By constantly tightening the muscles between the eyebrows and around the eyes, you run the risk of turning physical dynamic wrinkles into permanent unwanted wrinkles, which, as a result, will be visible even when you are not squinting,” warns Lev Cherise.

What to do? Get your eyes checked every year, and wear your prescribed contact lenses or glasses if needed.Also, use sunglasses when walking outside to avoid the same wrinkles from the bright sun.

12. Get enough sleep

Of course, you know that if you don't get at least 8 hours of sleep at night, it can lead to bags and dark circles under the eyes. But that's not all. “When you are sleep deprived, your body produces more stress hormone that can help break down collagen,” warns Nugen. Lack of sleep also leads to a reduction in the production of growth hormone, which should promote tissue repair in the body, including in the skin.

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