
10 strangest airports in the world

Frequent travel for work or personal reasons has long become a part of the lives of many people. Most airlines are interested in providing quality guest services at affordable prices. Many airports are located near the central points of the city or a few kilometers from them.

Have you ever wondered if the airport was built in an odd way and would be problematic to board a flight? Today we have compiled for you a list of 10 strange airports from around the world. Why did we find these airports strange? Because some of them have very unusual features that add difficulty to the landing of an aircraft, while others boast different features, which deserve a place on this list. Well, let's get started!

10. Courchevel Airport, France

Courchevel Airport is located in the French Alps, France. It has a very short landing strip with a steep 18.5% incline. Landing at this airport is a very difficult task, because a mountain rises above it, which complicates the landing process, and another problem is the height above sea level - almost 2 km.

9. Denver International Airport

Denver International Airport has a distinctive roof shape that symbolizes the Rocky Mountains. The airport opened in 1995 and has received numerous awards for excellence. However, the airport is not safe for business flights. There are spacious premises under the airport. Also, the paintings in the airport lobby are extremely ugly, which makes it unsuitable for accepting business flights.

8. Toncontin International Airport, Honduras

Toncontin International Airport is one of the most dangerous airports in the world. It is located on a hilltop in the center of the mountainous capital of Honduras - Tegucicalpa. This airport has long been a cause of fear for pilots and passengers due to unsafe landing in both directions.

The runway is 2,000 m above sea level and is also extremely short, which increases the risk of accidents.

7. Airport them. Tenzinga and Hillary, Nepal

Airport them. Tenzinga and Hillary is located in the Himalayas, Nepal. Previously, the plane, upon arrival, had to spend many hours trying to find a safe landing site. This is why this airport is considered one of the most dangerous and bizarre airports in the world.

Directly north of the runway are the mountains looming towards the airport, and the steep slope into the gorge to the south - all this leaves pilots with the difficult choice of a direction for a safer landing.

6. Hong Kong International Airport

Hong Kong International Airport is isolated on an artificial island in the South China Sea. As you know, international airports must provide a safe landing, the problem of this airport is that it does not fulfill this condition.

In 1980, the hilly islands were leveled to build this airport and approximately four square miles of artificial land were added. The airport opened in 1998 and provides a safe landing.

5. Congonhas Airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Congonhas Airport is located in Brazil in a city of 14 million inhabitants. The airport was built a few kilometers from the city center, landing here is cheaper, but very dangerous. What makes it dangerous is that the airport was opened in 1936, when the city's population was not as large as it is now. The airport is alerting pilots to a number of issues such as overcrowding and limited space, along with noise pollution.

4. Dubai International Airport

Dubai International Airport is another strange airport in the world. Its Terminal 3 is one of the largest in the world and covers 5600 square kilometers. Most of it is located on several levels under the taxiway - which makes the airport very dangerous. It was opened in 2008. It is believed that 45 travelers on various flights have died at this airport - all due to the insecurity of landing.

3. Gibraltar International Airport

Everything to do with this airport is extremely bizarre, such as the massive rock of Gibraltar that rises close to the runway and stretches into the Mediterranean Sea, and the busy Gibraltar road - all of which make the airport an unsafe landing option.

2. Princess Juliana Airport, Saint Martin

If you have seen the video of the landing at this airport, then you should be familiar with the fact that it is located near the beach of Saint Martin, which has a fence and a road that runs along the runway. Airplane enthusiasts from all over the world come here to see this airport, but landing here is very dangerous. The danger stems from the risks of jet injury and physical injury.

1. Madeira International Airport

The runway of Madeira International Airport is partially located on the site above the ocean. The airport opened in 1964 in the North Atlantic and has two short runways. He is responsible for the deaths of more than 130 people on various flights, which led to the government banning the use of the airport for international flights. So far, air transport has dealt with the situation, but nonetheless short runways are extremely unsafe.

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