Most dangerous

10 most dangerous nuclear accidents in the history of mankind

Nuclear power is often hard to score. It is sometimes useful, and sometimes it is harmful to health and life. One gets the impression that people are dedicated to nuclear power plants. A huge number of nuclear devices and weapons have now been developed. We provide you with a list of the 10 most dangerous nuclear accidents that have occurred in the world.

10. Windscale Fire

The arms race after World War II was at its peak and Britain did not miss the chance to prove itself in the air. As part of the effort to create atomic bombs, the British built two reactors: Windscale 1 and Windscale 2. In October 1957, there was a nuclear accident when a fire broke out in reactor No. 1. There were reported 240 cases of cancer.

9. Accident in GoiĆ¢nia, Brazil

Large-scale radioactive contamination can often take our lives. The Goias Institute for Radiation Therapy was severely damaged in an accident in 1985. Some of the institute's specialists left the radiological equipment open, which led to the release of radioactive substances. Not only was the equipment destroyed, but several of the laboratory's great scientists were also killed.

8. Radiotherapy in Zaragoza, Spain

There was another misunderstanding related to the radiotherapy field. In a clinic in Saragova in 1990, several cancer patients were burned due to a powerful electron accelerator. More than 20 patients were reported to have died and 16 were seriously injured. Some of the survivors started a serious epidemic with symptoms such as burnt skin, organs and bone marrow.

7. "Kyshtym accident"

The "Kyshtym accident" is one of the most terrible radioactive disasters in the world. It took place in the post-World War II period. The city of Ozersk has built a chemical plant called "Mayak". It was designed to produce nuclear weapons. On September 29, 1957, more than half a million people were exposed to radiation due to the explosion.

6. Fukushima Daiichi

Whatever the reason, the Japanese were behind this serious disaster. It is interesting to know that until the 18th century, nothing threatened our planet. Later, strange things began to happen. The Fukushima Daiichi accident is one of the 15 largest nuclear accidents in the world that have killed people on a massive scale.

5. Chernobyl

Since 1986, the Chernobyl disaster has been overgrown with various myths. Damage was caused in a 30-kilometer zone, in which people died. The accident is one of the most serious in the history of mankind and all because of too much interference and craze for nuclear power plants.

4. Partial meltdown of the reactor in Lucens

Our world has experienced many serious nuclear accidents. It is impossible to forget another global incident related to radioactivity. In accordance with the Swedish nuclear power program, there was a reactor in one of the caves. The accident happened when the reactor was blown up. For safety reasons, the cave was bricked up by specialists.

3. Accident at Three Mile Island

In terms of health effects, the Three Mile Island accident cannot be forgotten due to the fact that it claimed the lives of many people. For us, this is a harsh reminder of how people are crazy about nuclear power plants and prefer them over living things. The power plant itself was called Three Mile Island because it was three miles from Middleton, Pennsylvania. Radioactive contamination of air and water has affected the health of people within a 30-mile radius.

2. Nuclear accident on the Soviet submarine "K-19"

Nikolai Vladimirovich Zateev was the commander of the K-19 submarine when it was in critical condition. Zateev, fulfilling the assigned task, refused the help of American warships. It was at this time that an accident occurred with a Soviet submarine. As a result, the K-19 released hazardous substances, which led to a major catastrophe. After the accident, the submarine "K-19" was nicknamed "Hiroshima" from Soviet sailors.

1. The death of the submarine "Thresher"

The Thresher submarine was a manned nuclear submarine. She became famous for her advanced technology. However, manufacturers ignored this point. The boat began a series of tests in the Caribbean in 1960. Explosions occurred as a result of these tests. All the people on the boat were killed.

We recommend watching:

Video about the Kyshtym accident - the first radiation catastrophe of the USSR from Suspens