
The 7 most delicious teas in the world

The tea drink is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It was first prepared from soaked dried leaves and flowers of the Camellia sinensis plant in hot water.

7. Puer

Pu-erh tea is obtained by drying and rolling tea leaves that have undergone microbial fermentation and oxidation. It is a traditional Chinese drink that was originally dried and processed naturally.

The natural process took a long time and could take up to fifteen years. In the 1950s, the demand for Pu-erh rose unexpectedly in Hong Kong. This has led to an urgent need to develop standards for the preparation of tea leaves.

The innovations have reduced the production time from a few years to a couple of months. Pu-erh tea can be categorized into different varieties based on shape, region and culture. Scientific studies have shown that consumption of Puert decreases total blood cholesterol levels. It is worth noting that Pu'er is one of the 10 most expensive teas.

6. Herbal tea

Herbal tea is a drink made from infusing herbs, spices, and fruits in hot water. They are sometimes called fruit teas or tizans. These drinks are generally caffeine-free and have been popular since ancient times. They are composed of dried flowers, leaves, seeds and roots. Popular types of herbal teas include chamomile and hibiscus. You may also be interested in the article 10 tea producing countries.

5. Mate tea

Mate, also known as yerba mate, is a traditional South American drink. Its preparation is a very simple process in which first a container is filled with tea leaves known as yerba, then hot water is poured over them.

The drink is drunk exclusively with a straw so that leaves do not get there. Mate contains vitamins B and C as well as antioxidants. It is known for its high caffeine content.

4. Oolong tea

The name Oolong tea comes from the Chinese word "wulong", which means "black dragon tea". China is considered his homeland. The process of making oolong tea requires special attention, which must be paid to time and temperature. Drying, rolling, shaping and roasting are carried out in the same way as in the process of preparing black tea.

Since Oolong tea is not fermented, it tastes like a cross between green (non-fermented) and black tea (fermented). The fermentation level of oolong tea can vary depending on the type, but in any case it is in the range of 8 to 70%. It is best to store it in a cool dry place.

3. White tea

White tea is made from very young leaves or immature buds that do not roll or oxidize like black or green tea. The color of the brew, however, is not white, as the name suggests, but a pale yellow.

It is known for its delicate taste and for being one of the most expensive teas on the market, especially the Silver Needles. The caffeine level is slightly lower than that of green tea.

2. Green tea

Green tea production spread to China and gradually spread to other countries, especially Asia. There are several varieties that depend on the subspecies used in production, growing conditions and harvest time.

Although many have claimed the health benefits of green tea, no scientific study has been able to find any evidence for such a claim. Overall, green tea contains 99.9% water and low calorie levels.

1. Black tea

Black tea has been known for its "liveliness" for several years, as it is more oxidized than green and oolong tea. This characteristic allowed it to be used as a currency (de facto) in Mongolia in the 19th century. There are several varieties of black tea, many of which are named after the regions in which they are produced.

Over the years, it has been blended with other plants to produce a variety of flavors. This creates masala tea, Irish breakfast tea and gray tea. Studies have shown that consumption of black tea can reduce the risk of stroke.

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The author of the video will tell you about the three most popular types of tea and show how to brew them.