
15 differences between women and men

It is believed that women and men came from different planets. No matter how many millions of years have passed during the evolutionary development of mankind, gender differences exist and have an impact on modern society. Men and women are completely different creatures with different skills and abilities, but how different are they? What do these differences mean?

Men are physically stronger and able to stand up for themselves, but women are carriers of life, spiritually connected with the Earth and the lunar cycle, so why can't they just learn to get along? Countless studies have been conducted to find these differences and address gender issues. When a man and a woman can come to a compromise and use their skills and abilities to solve common problems, then there will be a sense.

This article will talk about the advantages of a woman over a man and what is it? Here are 15 things women can do, but men just can't. Unfortunately. No matter how hard they try. Also check out the article 10 Fun Reasons Men Are Smarter than Women.

IQ of the fair sex exceeds strong

For more than a century, men have been unmatched in the intelligence test. Stable, they were at least five points ahead. However, time passes and the development of women is not inferior and even succeeds. Some believe that the whole reason is the multifunctionality of the female - the ability to build a successful career and not forget about family responsibilities.

However, the other side believes that women have always had this potential. It's just that the emphasis on it came in our time. Cambridge professor Elena Jamison suggests: “The weaker sex has always been smarter, however, they allowed men to think differently and rule the world". Celebrities include women with high IQs - Lisa Kudrow, Natalie Portman, Mayim Bialik, Elizabeth Banks, Sharon Stone and Shakira.

Women are more likely to survive car accidents

It turns out that the female sex is physically more resilient. Men are prone to death in car accidents and other accidents. More than 48,000 patients were analyzed who had lost a huge amount of blood and needed a donation for further recovery.

Studies have shown that a woman's body is more adapted to such situations and the percentage of the likelihood of death is much lower than that of men. This is due to the presence of male hormones in the body. Scientists believe it is possible to improve the survival rate of men in car accidents by using drugs that block the production of hormones.

Women can easily do many things at the same time.

For those who have ever doubted a woman's ability to manipulate several things at the same time, it is worth accepting this fact. It is scientifically proven that women have a stronger connection between the hemispheres. While in men, a connection has been established between the front and back walls of the brain. What does this mean?

Women are more successful at doing many things at once, while men are more successful at doing more difficult tasks. Testing has shown that a woman is better at remembering faces, and a man is better at parallel parking. Such differences between the sexes begin to appear after puberty.

Women have a better sense of smell

Have you ever wondered why she admires the scent of roses or notices sudden changes in eau de parfum? This is due to a well-developed sense of smell. Women have always outnumbered men in odor tests, and until recently scientists did not understand why... Indeed, trials in Brazil have shown that the brains of the fair sex have 43% more cells responsible for the perception of smell.

The natural perception of smells is associated with emotions and experiences. During pregnancy, the sense of smell is increased by hormones.

Women are able to live non-stop

It turns out that from 10 to 15% of men are capable of consistent actions and not lose their passion, while not wasting time at all on rest and recovery. Most of them neglect it, and women are able to go on and on. After a certain point, men produce oxytocin or prolactin, which is responsible for the rapid recovery of the body.

It takes 5 to 30 minutes. While, women can do without it. It is believed that the male body can no longer perform activities until certain chemicals are released.

Women see colors differently

Research by a Brooklyn psychologist has shown that men and women do see colors differently. A note in the magazine “Biology of Sex Differences"Reads:"On most of the visible spectrum, men need a longer wavelength of light than women to experience the same hue.". The experiment showed that women saw different shades of color in objects.

Men do not identify these objects. The study also found that women were better at detecting colors, while men were better at tracking fast-moving objects and noting details at a distance. It is believed that these differences may be evolutionary and related to the hunter / gatherer past.

Women live longer

In fact, 85% of centenarians (people who live to be 100) are women. While many believe that there are biological factors in a woman's longevity. A recent study from the University of Southern California provides evidence. It showed that female longevity is associated with a healthy lifestyle.

In general, women live almost 4.5 years longer than men. The good news for men is that with some lifestyle improvements, men can significantly increase their quality and longevity. So men, the next time she orders a salad, you should probably do that too.

The fair sex learns better

In examining why young girls score higher than young boys in elementary school, the study found that many of them are associated with young women’s approach to learning, which directly affects how teachers will rate them. This study, which looked at data on 5,800 students from kindergarten to grade 5, looked at both standardized test scores and test scores related to teachers' assessments of student achievement.

It was found that gender differences begin at an early age. The success of women was due to the fact that “how well each child participated in the class, how often the child analyzed or internalized problems, how often the child lost control, and how well the child developed interpersonal skills».

Women had more interviews

We often talk about the negative effects of stress, but sometimes it's what makes us successful. A study from the University of Western Ontario that surveyed 400 students found that women tend to be more nervous about interviews than men, but they also do better at interviews.

While this is interesting from a gender perspective, it is also a notable sign that employers are relying on measures in addition to interviews to find the perfect match for the job. The very best advice that came out of this studyis that someone is attending a job interview to prepare, practicing mock interviews, and reading books on how to better behave during a job interview.You might be interested in this article 10 Tips for a Successful Interview.

Evolution makes women sexier

Recent scientific research has shown that women only continue to become more attractive. Studies have shown that attractive women are more likely to have more children. 16%, to be precise, compared to their less excellent peers. They are also more likely to have daughters. 36% of whom the eldest child is a girl is highly likely to be attractive and pass on this quality from generation to generation.

A 2006 study found that good parents are more likely to have daughters, and it is speculated that this is an evolutionary strategy for helping each sex to survive is programmed into DNA. Mr. Kanazawa said of these results: “If more attractive parents have more daughters, and if physical attractiveness is inherited, then it logically follows that women over many generations gradually become more physically attractive on average than men.».

Estrogen gives women a strong immune system

A study from McGill University found that women are better at fighting infection than men thanks to estrogen. Estrogen counteracts a specific enzyme that prevents the body's defense against bacteria and viruses, making it ideal. "weapon"Against the disease. In addition to strong immune systems, women are also cleaner than men.

Some studies have shown that men have 10-20% more bacteria in their workplaces compared to their counterparts. So gentlemen, just ask her for an antibacterial wipe before you sneeze, okay?

Women understand emotions better.

In 2009, a study led by the University of Montreal, Olivier Collignon, reported results showing that women have superior ability to understand expressions and emotions compared to men. The study involved 23 men and 23 women. Their task was to identify the emotions of actors using sometimes conflicting stimuli (that is, a voice that indicated fear, but facial expressions indicated disgust).

The study not only found that women responded faster and were better able to pinpoint emotions, but also that they responded faster when the actor was a woman. While the study claims that biology plays an important role in these findings, Colignon says: “These studies should not exclude the fact that culture and socialization play an important role in determining gender differences in emotional expression processing.».

Women respond better to a crying baby.

It is well known that women react dramatically to a crying baby, especially with the changes that occur in a woman's brain during pregnancy. In a study in which men and women were told to let their minds wander for 15 minutes while white noise played interspersed with the sound of a hungry baby crying, women showed a change in their brain activity, whereas male subjects did not. ...

Other past tests have shown that women are more likely to experience feelings of empathy and concern when exposed to a crying baby, while men are more likely to experience irritation or anger. Another study of postpartum depression showed less brain activity when listening to such screams compared to women who were in a calm emotional state.

Women can be horny even if no one knows about it.

Due to anatomical differences, it is difficult to tell when a woman is aroused compared to a man. In fact, it is so subtle that the women themselves may not even be aware that they are included. In a study where women were asked to watch erotic films and rate how they were involved, they grossly underestimated their participation in what was playing.

The results shown on a plethysmograph (a device used to measure blood flow in the vagina) cause different discrepancies. Many believe that women play down this response because it is socially unacceptable. Getting to a woman through the brain is reportedly the most effective way to stimulate her other organs.

A woman can produce milk even if the child is adopted

The human body is a mysterious thing. Anyone who has ever seen the film "The hand that rocks the cradle”Knows that it is possible to feed a child who is not yours. A few years ago, before the formula was introduced, women who could not (or did not want to) feed their babies would use the wet nurse to feed their babies.

It was once thought that in order to become a dairy mother, someone had to have a baby relatively recently, however, regular breastfeeding of an infant can create milk production. Some foster mothers are able to breastfeed their babies with a little help from a breast pump, and special supplements can help.

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In our article, far from all the differences between the weaker and stronger sex are presented - sometimes it seems that there are so many of them, you cannot list them at once. But the video below presents several features and curious facts from the life of a man and a woman, which not all of us know about.