
10 myths about homeopathy

Now, when the drug market does not inspire much confidence, people are trying to find alternatives that will be safer for the body, or at least cheaper, but effective. One of these methods is homeopathy.

Homeopathy is the application in small portions of various minerals, extracts, and excretions from plants in order to induce similar symptoms that a disease causes. At the same time, these symptoms do not appear physically, but in the body these drugs displace the true cause of the disease. Many legends and myths are spread around this method, but which ones can be considered the most established and incorrect? Also take a look at article 15 of the top medical innovations of 2017 that could go down in history.

10. Homeopathy - salvation from any disease

There are a number of diseases in which a person will have to go to a regular clinic: injuries, kidney stones, blurred vision, and others. Sometimes it is impossible to help the patient without surgery, but with the help of homeopathy, you can restore the body after surgery, therapy, and prevention.

9. Do not use conventional medicines when using homeopathy

Homeopathy is a branch of medicine, therefore, treatment with homeopathic medicines does not run counter to traditional medicines, but, on the contrary, somewhere enhances the effect or is successfully combined.

Sometimes doctors in ordinary medical institutions prescribe homeopathic preparations or pills, and the patient does not even realize that the drug does not belong to general medicine.

8. Homeopathy is a treatment with beneficial herbs and extracts

In homeopathy, many useful herbs are really used, but besides them, you can find remedies in which minerals, salts, animal or human tissues, and acids dominate. In the general classification there are herbal, animal, mineral, hydrochloric, acidic and preparations obtained from the products of the affected organism.

All of these medicines are created in a completely different way than the remedies in herbal medicine. The process is extremely complex, but it is due to this that the features of the materials are released, they are concentrated and acquire exactly the healing effect that is needed to treat a person.

7. Medicines are produced only in the form of balls

Homeopathic medicine is actively developing along with scientific technologies, therefore, in addition to sweet balls in the pharmacy, you can find various ointments, gels, suppositories, tablets, syrups and other similar release forms that are suitable for a particular disease.

6. Homeopathy requires strict adherence to food and intake

The advantage of this type of treatment is that special conditions do not need to be created in order to become healthy.: go to bed whenever you want, go to the gym or eat your favorite sausage - everything is allowed. The main thing is not to forget to follow the individual doctor's recommendations on the frequency of administration and dosage of the drug.

5. For the treatment to take effect, you need to communicate a lot with a homeopathic doctor.

In advanced cases, the doctor can really devote more time to the patient than to an ordinary patient with ARVI, however, this is due to the fact that he has to find out all the details of the course of the disease and choose the right treatment.

4. Homeopathy is for life

People believe that if you decide on this method of treatment, you will have to adhere to it for the rest of your life. Naturally, this is not the case! Many diseases are treated with a short course, by analogy with traditional drugs, some need to be taken a couple of times a month, but you can stop this treatment at any time.

3. The mechanism of homeopathy: exacerbation of the disease and its cure

Practitioners say that exacerbations are possible, but in rare cases. Most often, homeopathic remedies begin to act from late symptoms to early ones, gradually moving from external to internal, therefore, treatment is sometimes delayed for a long time, because there are diseases that develop for tens of years.

2. Homeopathy is an experimental branch of medicine, and there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness

To become a homeopathic doctor, you need not only to know the main diseases and their treatment, but also to undergo special training, as a result of which a person receives an official document.

In addition, numerous experiments and studies show the effect of homeopathic treatment, all kinds of materials are widely available and can be studied by everyone.

1. The success of homeopathy in self-hypnosis

Belief in medicine is, of course, an important aspect in any treatment, be it conventional or homeopathic. However, it should not be argued that healing occurs solely on the basis of suggestion!

Believe in homeopathy or not, the drugs will work! For example, animals do not even understand that they are being treated, but still homeopathic remedies help with diseases of various kinds.

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