
How to raise a tall child - 5 tips

Mom, how can I grow? ”,“ Mom, what to eat to get taller? ”,“ Mom, buy me vitamins, which ones will make me tall?”- questions that children often ask their parents when they are worried about their short stature or just want to grow up faster. Does your child ask them too? It means that you are in luck, because now we will help you find the answers to them. As parents, you need to be very attentive to everything related to the health of your child, so it is important that you know how to quickly increase growth using natural methods.

Genetics is due to the fact that all children grow up in different ways. Some begin to grow earlier, while others take longer to mature. Gender, nutrition, health and exercise also affect a child's growth. Now, having outlined in general a set of factors that affect growth, it is worth moving on to specific tips that will help a child grow up tall. Also check out the article 6 Secrets to Raising an Educated Child.

Feed him wholesome food

Proper nutrition is the key to the health of a growing organism. Your child's diet should include carbohydrates for energy, lean meats, eggs and nuts for protein for muscle growth, and dairy and green vegetables for calcium.

Also look out for vitamins A and D and iron. The child should eat as varied as possible to get all the necessary nutrients.

Get adequate sleep

During sleep, the child's body produces growth hormone. Its production affects many processes in the body, including muscle growth, new cell creation, and bone mineralization.

Tell the children to stop watching TV or playing on the computer at night before midnight to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Take a look at the Top 10 Reasons Why You Need To Get enough sleep article.

Encourage exercise

Exercise strengthens muscles and bones, shapes a leaner body and helps prevent obesity. Stretching and horizontal bar exercises are most effective in terms of growth.

Kids don't have to go to the gym or run in circles every night. They can stay active by playing basketball, soccer, swimming, or any other outdoor sport.

Remind your posture

Slouching and spending too much time at the computer and other gadgets, the child runs the risk of shortening his vertebrae. Since children's bones are softer, this can be prevented with sports. Also, children should not lift weights and sleep on more than one pillow so that their back is in an even position. Periodically, it is worth reminding to keep your shoulders straight.

Talk to your doctor if your child is not growing at all.

If you want to start giving your child vitamins, first ask your pediatrician for the safest and most effective supplement for you. Don't buy over-the-counter medications as there is a risk of side effects.

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Video about the growth of children from the most popular pediatrician in Russia - Dr. Komarovsky. Advice to parents in which case it is worth worrying about the growth of the child. The dependence of the growth and development of the child in different age periods.