
Worst Avoidable Mistakes in 20s

Being 20-25 years old is quite difficult. By law, you are an adult, but emotionally you have not yet reached this level. You are still trying to find your way in such a confused and incomprehensible life, to find out who you really are. Don't worry, all your senses are perfectly normal.

In the cycle of incomprehensible things happening, it is very easy to make a mistake that will affect your whole life. Don't let this happen. Take a look at the list of the worst mistakes you can make at this age and find out how you can avoid them.

1. Count only on your education

We've all been told that education plays the most important role in life. That's why we spent the first 20 years taking care of grades and exams. If you are familiar with this, then it may be worth reconsidering your approach to this issue.

A diploma may not always be useful. Trust me, there are so many important things to do right now. Travel, learn a new language, become a volunteer, do an internship. All of this will benefit the future and will be a great addition to education.

To understand what you would like to do all your life, read several books on self-development and the problem of finding yourself. Also check out the article 10 Best No Education Jobs.

2. Do not hold on to your partner just because you are confident that you are meant for each other.

Love is the most amazing feeling in life. But maintaining an unhealthy relationship has a detrimental effect. At this age, you are just starting to figure it out, and, most likely, you will meet many new people on your way. And, quite possibly, right now you will meet your soul mate. But do not cling to your partner just because of the illusion that you are destined to spend your entire life together. I say this because I went through it myself. In my twenties, I held on to an unhealthy relationship because I didn't realize who I really was and what I wanted out of my life. Don't repeat my mistakes.

Take a look at your relationship from time to time to make sure it still makes you happy. Don't turn a blind eye to warning signs such as aggression or attempts at control by your partner. Remember that finding a soul mate is very difficult when you are still trying to understand what you yourself want from your life. You may find this article 4 Proven Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship helpful.

3. Neglect your health

Do not neglect your health at this age. work, study, relationships and socializing with friends take a long time, so it's easy to forget that your physical and mental health also needs to be addressed. And this is quite understandable. You are so busy trying to do as much as possible, which is exactly what you should be doing. But do not forget to spend some time on your health.

4. Take your parents for granted

I know it sounds very unlikely right now, but your parents won't always be there. Yes, it is very difficult to imagine your life without them, because now, at any time, when you need help or support, they are always there. But one day they will be gone.

Of all the errors listed, this one is the most serious. I lost my mother when I was a little over 20, and it was completely unexpected. We talked with her on the phone and decided to meet the next day and talk, because we had not seen each other for several weeks. That night I was awakened by a phone call - I was told that she was gone.

You can't go back and fix it. Don't miss the opportunity to spend more time with your parents, don't take them for granted. As soon as you finish reading this article, give them a call. Meet for coffee or go to the movies. One day you will be grateful to yourself for it.

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Youth, and indeed life in general, is fleeting. Tips on what you need to do before the age of 30 in order to better understand yourself, those around you, life in general. In his youth, a person is not attached to anything, there is help and support from parents, and this is an excellent opportunity for learning about the world.