
How to charm a beautiful woman: 15 golden rules

It seems like a lot of guys have difficulty meeting women or don't know how to do it at all.

Others consider themselves to be true pickup trucks; they are even paid to teach men how to start relationships. I'm here to say that this is pretty silly. In fact, it is not so difficult to get a woman interested: you do not need to buy manuals or go to master classes for this. It is enough to resort to common sense. Of course, you need to practice, without it nowhere. But in the end it will work out. In the world, nothing happens at all without proper preparation, and establishing relationships with women is no exception. But what could be more fun than learning to hook hot girls? Also check out our article 10 Ways to Impress a Girl.

Below are 15 simple methods you need to know. They are really reliable. I promise that if you are ready to diligently follow these rules, you will find yourself in the company of beautiful girls quite often. Go. 15 golden rules for meeting beauties... You might be interested in article 10 innocent compliments that can offend a girl.

15. Spend money

I do not mean to say that all women are materialists looking for a rich man. However, they want to feel their own worth: if you buy them a drink or leave a generous tip, they may get the impression that you know how to appreciate the things around you and do not spare money for it.

This makes it clear that you can have fun with you. Face it: Many women love to have fun but don't want to pay. By the way, this also applies to guys. So you can cry over this fact and state the devilish nature of women, or still fork out. I suggest the second option.

14. Do you have a good job? Talk about it. Not? Lie

Before you read on, let me remind you: this is an article on how to impress a woman, not find a future wife. Of course, if you lie to your companion that you are a lawyer and graduated from Princeton, and then it turns out that you are a gardener with a secondary education, your relationship will not last long. But if you do not have long-term plans, and at the same time you make good money, use it.

Aesthetics love artists, writers and actors. Business girls are more interested in lawyers, investors and entrepreneurs. If you are one of them or do something similar - congratulations, you can do well. Otherwise, lie. If you don't like lying, then that's great. You're going to be a great guy for somebody, just not tonight.

13. Pay attention

A very simple rule, but guys somehow manage to fail it. Pay attention to her, listen to her, act like her words are important. Women like to think that men are interested in them as individuals. Sometimes it turns out that way. Either way, listen to her, don't just nod your head like a dummy.

Please post your comments periodically and express interest. Even beauties want to believe that they are curious: this is a question of pride, and not only his. Believe it or not, they want to have a good time, too, before you fall into bed together and run away forever.

12. Make eye contact

Eye contact is essential. You can tell a lot just by looking a woman in the eyes. The main thing is not to overdo it. Don't act weird or make your face too tense, and for heaven's sake, don't hypnotize her. But if she responds in kind to your gaze, halfway has already passed, even more.

By nature, humans are just animals, and eye contact is essentially mating. Keep up the good work, do not let it slip away and most likely you will come to success.

11. Don't waste time

Waste of time with women is one of the biggest mistakes men make. This applies to both short and long term relationships. It doesn't take a genius to know if she likes you or not. I think you can handle it. If she doesn't like you, move on. This is not some kind of test: you will not receive a reward by forcing her to change her mind.

While you spend hours at the bar or months at work trying to charm her, there may be at least five women around you looking to start a relationship. But you didn’t pay any attention to them, more important was the one that didn’t pay any attention. Badly. But we don't always get what we want.

10. Share her interests

This is really an elementary point, but it is often forgotten. She just got in from Bernie Sanders' autograph session. Here's a coincidence, you like him. She hates guys watching sports all day - why waste your time like that? You get it, right? You went hiking in the White Mountains last week and it was just amazing.

In fact, you like Trump, and on Sunday you watched the match "Giants", Having ordered a huge burger and pizza, and did not leave the house at all. But what's the difference? Want to argue or do you want to spend the night together? Not that hard, right?

9. Be unusual

Maybe I'll surprise you, but women are not always attracted by guys who are no different from each other. To start a relationship with a hot girl, it's worth being unusual. And right now you ask me "how can I be unique, Leon?". Don't worry, you already have it. The options are different: Maybe you write memoirs of adult movie stars, do powerlifting, love to read classics, lived in New Zealand, worked on an organic farm.

In any case, it should be used. You should not talk about this all the time, but you need to be able to screw in a word in time to interest the interlocutor. If you’re still your average person, it’s time to change.

8. Be mysterious, not pathetic

Women don't like poor guys. They are not at all thrilled with desperate attempts to take them by storm. It's funny, but a determined woman is, on the contrary, very cool. But not the other way around. Therefore, you must confuse the object of your sympathy. The best way to win a woman over is to make her doubt whether she likes you.

Are you asking them out on a date, or do you really just want a drink? Walking home or flirting? Do you like her at all or are you just playing the fool? She does not know. A confused woman is vulnerable, and beauties are doubly vulnerable, because they are used to ruling the ball. Sometimes it's helpful to unsettle them.

7. Be funny. Can not? Do not try

Women love funny men. If you make her laugh, she will go with you to another bar, if you make her laugh there too, she will call you home, if you continue to joke there too, then I think everything is clear. For women, however, it is important to have fun.

But if you don't have a sense of humor, don't even try. Nothing spoils the situation worse than a non-funny guy trying to glue a woman together. You can't learn to be funny, it's either given or not. If you have that kind of talent, use it. No - be super handsome, smart, or rich.

6. Be confident, not arrogant.

Don Quixote once said: “If you want to be a knight, act like a knight". The same principle works with women. If you want to seem a confident, successful man among women, behave accordingly. Remember that arrogance does not mean confidence, on the contrary, it betrays shyness.

Be yourself, but behave in such a way that the woman knows that you are worth it. It doesn't matter to you whether she is interested or not, you are doing great as it is. Women are crazy about confident guys until they become sassy idiots.

5. Be persistent

I know that I used to say not to waste time. Now I say you have to be persistent. It's contradictory, isn't it? Not at all.If she is not interested, you should not try, but if she shows reciprocal signs of attention, be persistent, wherever you are.

Sooner or later, everything will fall into place, because she, too, is trying to sort out your feelings. She doesn't want to spend the night with you and feel used up, she needs to feel genuine interest. So give it to her. Spend time with her, be careful. Your persistence will be rewarded.

4. Call her somewhere

This I call "glow test". Just don't do it too early, otherwise it won't work and you will be kicked off. But if things are going well, call her somewhere else (just not to your place). I'm talking about: ask if she wants to go to another bar, call her for a snack, take a walk. Anything, really.

The bottom line is this: if the girl you are charming does not mind changing location, then soon she will agree to go to you (even if she pretends that everything is not so at all). If she doesn't agree, you can always stop and move on, which is fine too.

3. Touch her gently

One more check. Speaking of light touches, I do not mean that you need to touch the girl, in any case. But if you are talking to a girl and everything is going well, you can gently touch her hand. If she doesn't mind, move closer or touch her leg with yours under the table. With no objection, allow yourself a little more.

If she withdraws, curb your appetites and look for someone else. This method will not only help you understand her attitude, but it will also save you a lot of time. But still, be gentle, this is flirting, not assault.

2. Act like you are experienced.

Have you ever seen a basketball player, after a successful throw, wildly rejoice at his victory? Have you seen Jordan act like that? Of course not. They may be happy, but brilliant throws are common for them. The same thing happens when you start a relationship.

Remember, you are not crazy about talking to her, she is not too good for you, and you will not be at all surprised when you get your way. After all, this is a habitual occupation for you - you are the best in love affairs. You are a pro like Stephen Curry or Beno Udrich.

1. Don't apologize for your intentions

It happens that during a conversation with a girl you start to feel embarrassed, and this greatly complicates the process. What is the purpose of the conversation? To charm a girl, that's what. Is there anything wrong with that? Not at all. Don't be arrogant, don't act like a jerk, be nice to her, listen to her, make her laugh. Do it all. But remember that you end up with one goal. There is no need to worry or suffer because of this. Say you're sorry in the morning.

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