
TOP 10 Sexiest Men of Game of Thrones

The chivalry is not dead yet, but most likely it will have its head cut off in the next season of this popular fantasy drama. Welcome to and today we bring you our pick of the top 10 hottest male characters in Game of Thrones.

For this list, we'll take a look at excerpts from the hit HBO series that opens up a medieval fantasy world. All the men from Game of Thrones are easy targets, so let's get this fight started ... but wait, since we're covering characters from all seasons, we're warning you of potential spoilers first. Also be sure to read our article 10 Most Beautiful Actresses in Game of Thrones.

10. Daario Naharis

Some men are lovers, others are warriors, but there are those who connect the two. Introduce us to such, please! Mercenary for "Younger sons"Daario killed some of the mercenary commanders after they ordered the assassination of Daenerys Targaryen. Instead, he swore allegiance to her, was on her team and even became the main man of the Mother of Dragons. Drogo was certainly difficult to beat, but this commander of the" Younger Sons " it is easy to do.

9. Petyr Baelish

Yes, yes, we know we hate him too, but listen! Yes, we also can't get used to the idea that he stabbed Ned Stark in the back, but there is something to note about the man who started out with only one willingness to overthrow kings. Power is sexy, cunning is sexier, but ambition can make or break a person. And this legendary Littlefinger drive was his defining quality and a huge attribute. In truth, it was his alliance with Lisa Arryn that shaped many of the events on the show.

8. Jorah Mormont

We would not hesitate to let this knight fight for us. Disgraced in a noble house for trying to sell slaves, Sir Jorah swore allegiance to the Mother of Dragons, and promised to protect and protect her. Like many, Jorah is a skilled warrior, but unlike others, he demonstrates his skill in a quiet and calm manner. But when his patience bursts, that's when we begin to fear for him. He loses points to constantly be in the friend zone, but compensates for this with his stoic swing.

7. Gendry

One of the many bastards of Robert Baratheon caught our attention with his strong determination, impressive stateliness and kindness. Experienced blacksmith Gendry boasts decent fighting skills and loyalty. A close friend of Arya Stark in an immensely cruel world, the true heir to the throne of Baratheon, stands out among others for its severity and relentlessness. And it should also be noted that he is just damn handsome.

6. Renly Baratheon

Once the main rival in the War of the Five Kings, Renly is as handsome as he is cunning. In hindsight, we can say that he could have been a pretty good king, and he probably would have looked great on the Iron Throne. A lover and fighter, Renly was married to one of the hottest ladies of the seven kingdoms, but maintained an amorous, albeit secret, relationship with her brother over the years. In addition, Renly was successful due to his intelligence and attractiveness, which easily makes him number 6.

5. Oberyn Martell

Tall, dark and handsome. Yes, this guy is all-in-one, and in a show filled with sexy accents, this Dornish prince stands out from the crowd. Nicknamed the Red Serpent for his impressive fighting skills, Oberyn arrived at King's Landing in Season 4 and immediately gained a huge following. Unfortunately, like many of the heroes of this show, the thirst for revenge ruined him. Despite this, he still has a very important place in our hearts.

4. Jon Snow

We can talk for a long time about his shiny eyes, jet-black hair and strong chin, but the fact is that John can be described in just 7 words - Eddard Stark's bastard who knows nothing. Snow has been a fan favorite of the series over the years, due to his aforementioned good looks and / or his kindness and dedication. Oh yes, and after watching that scene in the cave, we can say that Jon Snow does know something. You might be interested in the article - Game of Thrones: 5 annoying storylines that need an end.

3. Robb Stark

Eddard Stark's eldest son, Robb, was handed over responsibility at a very young age and was given the title of King of the North. Strong, moral and overly righteous, he appeared on the screens from the first day of the series, captivating everyone with his classic handsome appearance and willful demeanor, and remained a favorite of fans until the Red Wedding. It doesn't matter if you loved this character, or just thought he was hot as hell, most would agree that his death was one of the saddest. Check out our 10 Most Epic Deaths in Game of Thrones.

2. Drogo

For all of you who love a man to be big, strong, and cruel - this one is for you! This massive warlord had a rather vicious relationship with Daenerys Targaryen before the two formed an unlikely partnership. It should also be noted that he is the Khal, the leader of the Dothraki. The titanium figure of the laconic Drago often speaks for him. But if he opens his mouth, you will definitely not like what he has to say. He has only one rule - don't mess with him.

While you eagerly await the announcement of the top pick, there are several very important figures to note in the series.:

  • Loras Tyrell
  • Gray Worm
  • Yaken Hgar
  • Eddard Stark
  • Ramsey Bolton

1. Jaime Lannister

Probably one of the most handsome men in Westeros, the regicide was an easy choice. From the first season, his sleek golden hair and malevolent attitude made him a favorite, and until traveling with Brienne of Tarte, we didn't see his humanity. We choose him as the leader of the list because of his amazing looks and abilities as a swordsman, despite the fact that he is uh ... the father of his sister's children ... But you cannot order the heart, and now we are focusing on his other qualities.

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