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Top ten of the most epic fights in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The Ukrainian parliament is traditionally famous for spectacular brawls. 90% of Ukrainian politics is window dressing and show business. For the sake of increasing popularity and resolving disagreements, the people's representatives do not neglect anything, including their fists. In this sense, the Ukrainian parliament resembles a sport, where the winner is the one for whom there is more power in the literal sense of the word. The most impressive incidents of the past few years are collected in an overview of the inter-party battles of Ukrainian MPs.

Also, it will not be superfluous to read an article about 10 facts about the Ukrainian crisis.

1. Pashinsky hit Rudkovsky.

Sergei Pashinsky is a member of the faction "Fatherland". Nikolay Rudkovsky was previously a member of Party of Regions... In the summer of 2014, their conflict ended in a fight. More precisely, the latter got in the face from Pashinsky.

It is not known exactly what caused the assault. There is a version that the blow was revenge for placing personal data in the public domain.

2. Lyashko and Shufrich did not share the bribe

The pre-New Year brawl was staged by the well-known radical Oleg Lyashko and a member of “Opposition bloc"Nestor Shufrich two years ago. The subject of the dispute was a bribe to change the constituency. The deputies did not agree on who promised whom an impressive sum. It was not possible to resolve the issue in a civilized manner, a fight broke out.

3. Multi-party showdown: "Freedom", the Communist Party of Ukraine and the Party of Regions

On July 23, 2014, members of the Ukrainian parliament from the VO "Liberty"Insisted on the expulsion from the meeting of the communist Pyotr Symonenko and the representative Party of Regions Nikolai Levchenko. Despite the admonitions of the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, members of the same party rushed to defend their comrades. A spectacular scuffle ensued with grabbing each other by the hair.

4. Nikolai Levchenko against Svoboda

At a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada on July 22, 2014, emotional statements from a native of Party of Regions Nikolai Levchenko escalated into a trial with the use of force. The speaker asked him to leave the meeting. The regional approached the podium, where a representative of the VO "Liberty».

A minute later, the fight became widespread, the deputies rushed to support their own. For several minutes, a lot of small things continued in the aisles, after which Nikolai Levchenko was nevertheless removed to 30 sessions for provocation.

5. Fight for the poster

«Opposition bloc"Last winter I posted a poster in the session hall with the words"Who will be responsible for the genocide budget?". Tatiana Chernovol from the party "Popular Front”Was offended by the statement. The owners of the banner obstructed attempts to remove the inscription, and a scuffle ensued. Fortunately, without Natalia's direct participation.

6. "Bloc of Petro Poroshenko" and Vladimir Parasyuk

The non-factional deputy Vladimir Parasyuk provoked a fight on December 4, 2014. Offended by the statement “Here you are not Maidan"Addressed to him, he went from words to deeds. Opponents from "Petro Poroshenko Bloc"They did not keep us waiting long. The case ended in a massacre, and initially the issue of voting on the leadership of the committees was discussed.

7.Sergey Melnichuk had a fight with Oleg Lyashko

Members "Radical Party»Oleg Lyashko and Serhiy Melnichuk had a fight in the hall of the Ukrainian Parliament on March 3, 2015. The reason was the desire of the latter to leave the party. The famous fight continued on the sidelines, and the meeting itself had to be canceled.

8. Continuation of the fight on March 3, 2015

Oleg Lyashko scored twice a day. After the morning scuffle with Sergei Melnichuk, he again caused a break in the work of the Verkhovna Rada. The next participant in the conflict was Igor Eremeev, a member of “Will of the people».

9. Slap on the sidelines

Another fight with the participation of the scandalous chapter "Radical Party»Oleg Lyashko occurred in the summer of 2014. More precisely, there was a slap in the face that knocked Lyashko down. This is not surprising, because his rival Alexander Shevchenko is in a noticeably larger weight category. The reason was the harsh criticism from Lyashko. Shevchenko, according to the radical, did not spend enough time in the zone of active hostilities.

10. Broken lip of Yegor Sobolev

The draft law on simplifying the conditions for doing business has become a pretext for a fight between the member "Self-help"Yegor Sobolev and People's Deputy from"Fatherland»Vadim Ivchenko. The incident took place on February 12, 2015.

Opponents used their fists to sort things out several times - during the discussion of the bill and later in the corridor. Colleagues separated the fighting, but managed to break Ivchenko's lip Sobolev.

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Video compilation of the most spectacular fights of the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine over the past 4 years. The video provides an opportunity to see everything with your own eyes. Politicians do not hesitate to use force and even fight with pieces of furniture.