
Gift-entertainment - a flight in a wind tunnel

Since ancient times, man has tried to conquer the sky, to experience the feelings of a bird that soars in the air. Today, everyone can enjoy the feeling of free fall, even those who are afraid of skydiving. An interesting entertainment that imitates being at a height is flying in a wind tunnel. It will be a great gift for any occasion for adults and children. Specialized companies will help organize an original pastime at a professional level and taking into account safety requirements.

Gift symbolism

A gift has long been not only a way to express feelings, but also to demonstrate the attitude towards the recipient (gratitude, respect, etc.). Giving a gift for more than one millennium is one of the most effective methods to establish strong partnerships and business relationships. The simplest form of choice is material. But it is not suitable for all recipients. Not only the present is important, but also its significance, verbal design. There is always a high probability not to guess with a thing, to give an unnecessary one. In such cases, a gift-emotion is considered a win-win option, which will become a source of positive, vivid memories.

To choose the right present entertainment, you should consider:

  • interests, preferences of the addressee;
  • level of relations (family, close, business);
  • health status. For example, for people with heart problems, ailments associated with pressure, you should not choose extreme options;
  • location, entertainment time. It is better to choose an organizing company that can prepare a meeting near the place of residence and offer a flexible schedule. Ideally, if the gift certificate can be activated for a long time. This is usually 1 year.

For everyone who loves unusual vacations and air travel, flying in a wind tunnel is perfect. The entertainment will appeal to connoisseurs of drive, it will be useful as training before a parachute jump. Free flight in controlled airflow is absolutely safe. It will please even those who are afraid of real heights.

Flying in a wind tunnel: the benefits of an emotion gift

The original entertainment is positioned as an attraction and a sports simulator. It is suitable for people of any age. The wind tunnel simulates the process of free fall, as occurs during a parachute jump. This effect is achieved thanks to powerful engines and a special design of the simulator. Driving entertainment will amuse, diversify everyday life, give a lot of positive. In addition, exercising in a wind tunnel is an effective way to train different muscle groups and improve the vestibular apparatus.

Flight features:

  • recreating the feeling of free fall;
  • versatility (suitable for adults and children over 4 years old, as well as a sports simulator);
  • complete security;
  • independence from weather conditions.

The session takes place in the space of a closed pipe. Entertainment will also please large companies, only the flights will take place in turn.

It is important to consider that the attraction is not suitable for very young children, visitors weighing more than 120 kg. Air travel of this format should be chosen with caution or find an analogue if it is presented to a pregnant woman, a person with spinal or joint injuries, with a pacemaker. It is not allowed to stay in a state of alcoholic intoxication. A session can last from about 2 to 60 minutes. The gift can actually be issued as a certificate (including an electronic one). Then the recipient will be able to choose a convenient date and time.