
What are hair sprays: the secrets of choosing and using

Each type of curls requires its own care products - shampoo, balm, mask. And, of course, the choice of styling products will also depend on whether your hair is curly or straight, oily or dry, dyed or natural. Therefore, the choice and purchase of hairspray at is a very delicate matter. We decided to tell you what varnishes are, how to choose them according to the type of curls and how to use them correctly.

What are hair sprays?

Usually, all styling products are divided into types according to their texture or the effect that they are able to create.

  • Extra strong hold

Such varnishes are able to fix even the most complex hairstyle, securely fix each strand and each curl. They will dry instantly on the hair, so you need to use them carefully and quickly. Even in rain, snow and wet weather, the hairstyle will remain “inviolable”. But such varnishes make the strands very heavy, make them “plastic”, and can stick hair together. They are also poorly washed off, so thoroughly clean your head after such styling.

  • Medium fixation

The most versatile option for every day. These are the professional varnishes used in beauty salons. They do not give the effect of sticky hair, the fixation is easier, but they can be applied in a plentiful layer and several times. This is often very important when creating salon styling or hairstyles. Such a varnish can be bought for home use, but you should consult a professional. Plus, they will cost more.

  • Easy fixation

Such a varnish will be good for thin and light hair, straight, which do not require strong fixation. They can also emphasize short haircuts and medium hair length. It is also very popular with owners of curly hair with large curls, which are quite easy to style. It is sprayed on dry curls to only emphasize smooth curves and slightly fix them.

  • volume effect

One of the most popular nail polishes for home use by women all over the world. It also has a light fixation, while practically does not stick the hair together. It lifts the hair roots and easily fixes them, creating additional volume. It must be applied to curls, tilting your head forward. Spray onto roots from a distance of at least 25 cm. Keep your head down until the polish dries.

  • Color effects and glitter

Colored varnishes are good for unstable staining (then easily washed off) or highlighting some strands in the hairstyle. Suitable for fair-haired girls, as they can be invisible on dark curls. Glitter polishes are less popular today. But you can pick up a styling product with a beautiful small shimmer, mother-of-pearl shimmer - for special occasions and an evening out.

How to use varnish correctly?

Having decided on what kind of varnish you need, it is worth knowing how to use it correctly. Here are the main rules:

  • for dry hair, use light varnishes that do not weigh down curls;

  • to create volume, choose sprays with the finest spray;

  • for oily hair, take dry or powder varnishes of medium fixation;

  • for colored hair, choose varnishes that will not spoil your color (especially important for blondes to avoid yellowness);

  • apply varnish only on clean and completely dried hair;

  • after blow-drying or curling, let the curls also cool completely before applying varnish; for fixing complex hairstyles or for perfect smoothness, choose a super-strong hold varnish;

  • try not to spray the product from a distance of less than 25 cm to avoid the effect of sticky hair;

  • do not use styling products every day, let your hair rest;

  • Rinse hairspray thoroughly after use to allow curls to breathe.