
The best 1970s anime to watch

If there's one thing the Internet has taught me, it's that nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

And if you watched anime back in the 70s, you could probably tell that it's come a long way since then.

So why not take a look at some classic old anime to see how it stacks up decades later?

Whether it's nostalgia or just because you're into an old classic, we've got this list to help you find incredible anime straight out of the 70s.

15. Sweet honey

While this show doesn't have the most impressive MAL score, I just have to say it.

It was one of the first shows to feature a magical girl transformation scene – and may even have pioneered fanservice.

This is a "monster of the week" type show where all the "monsters" are also female and are presented as a mixture of a human and some kind of animal.

But where the show really shines is in its tone.

For the most part, Cutey Honey is innocent as hell and, as you'd expect, exudes Sailor Moon vibes.

However, once you get close to the show, it is pure pure violence.

I can only imagine how many parents wore this for their kids at the time, only to have them cry a few hours later when someone's head flew off.

Peak entertainment in my books.

14. Boy from the future Conan

If there is one thing that has remained unchanged in the past few decades, it is the fact that everything Miyazaki touches immediately turns to gold.

And Future Boy Conan is no exception.

Of course, the plot setup may seem a bit typical by today's standards, where a boy lives completely out of society and then ventures out into the outside world to rescue a girl he's just met.

However, we are talking about Miyazaki.

The art, storytelling, soundtrack and even the animation itself are all top notch.

So if you're turning down 70s anime for lack of visual polish, this should put your mind at ease.

13. Candy