
Top 20 Bald Anime Characters

There are a lot of crazy looking characters in the anime.

From girls with cute pink hair to guys with mohawks and everything else.

But we tend to forget about those who have no hair at all! And often these are some of the craziest people on any show.

In their honor, here is a fun list of the best and most colorful (headed) bald anime characters. Their personality and charisma will make you truly appreciate the bald lifestyle.

20. Bob (Fairy Tail)

If you're a young mage from the Blue Pegasus Guild, chances are you've run into Bob and seen his creepy flirtatious manner.

He is the founder and guild master of the Blue Pegasus Guild.

Bob for some unknown reason likes to dress like a woman and be feminine in nature... but oh! He has wings!

If you're not interested, you'd better be on the lookout; it can literally fly right at you!

19. Principal Shinonome (Nichijō)

How would you react if you saw your old principle brutally fighting a deer in the schoolyard?

You would be very shocked, right?

All this headmaster is known for among his students is his outdated jokes and bad puns.

He is insecure about his baldness and it turns out his little hair is actually a wig.

For some reason, he becomes paranoid when the Vice Principal tries to take his job. Think you know why?

18. Yutaka Takenouchi (Cromartie High School)

Named after a famous Japanese actor, this high school student is regarded among his friends as a reliable and strong fighter.

They found him so smart that he was able to score 60 out of 100 on one of their tests... that says a lot about them.

Seasickness is Yutaka's only weakness.

The poor guy always sits in the back with the usual frightening expression on his face, trying to hide his illness.

Seasickness is the reason he goes to such a stupid school; he entered there because it was the closest school to his home. Well, yes, it brought him more problems!

17. Vito (Ristorante Paradiso)

This handsome hairless waiter at Cassette dell'Orso easily attracts women with his charming smile and huge muscles.

His motto is: "A beautiful woman cannot be denied."

What's really weird is that he's married to a young college girl. And surprisingly, she is not against his lifestyle.

Womenimportant to Vito, but his wife is special and always stands above all.

The two met at the gym and it was later revealed that they were both exercise addicts. Aren't they just an adorable fitness couple? Probably especially for the chrome dome.

16. Dino (banana fish)

This big mob boss in New York adopted Ash Lynx, raised him and used him to make his mob business more successful.

Dino is absolutely obsessed with Ash on both a sexual and personal level, and wants this "Wild Cat" to comply so badly that he would rather kill him himself if he didn't.

Dino is smart, has good manners, and treats his subordinates well.

But he loves power, knows that he has it, and is not afraid to use it.

Dino loved Ash so much (spoiler alert!) that he eventually seemed to be able to shoot Ash, but he didn't, leading to... well, you'll have to watch the series to find out!

15. Kamaji (Spirited Away)

Have you ever made friends with someone you hated in the past?

Because that's how it was between Kamaji and Chihiro. Kamaji didn't want to help her and seemed hostile, but they ended up working well together and helping each other with a lot of different problems.

Like a spider, this man has eight arms that allow him to reach the top cabinet in his workplace without even getting up from his seat!

Kamaji remembers the herb cabinet well; he eats, sleeps and does almost everything at his workplace.

14. Dutch (Black Lagoon)

Claiming to be a former US Marine who served in the Vietnam War, the man fled to Thailand and worked as a mercenary.

But he doesn't seem to like quarrels or troubles and avoids them when he can.

He initiates orders and talks to his customer to run the business.

Dutch is so enthusiastic that he is willing to complete his missions, even if doing them goes against his morals.

But he is usually friendly, easy-going, and exceptionally pragmatic. Most of the time, Dutch certainly knows how to keep his hair!

13. Yasushi Takagi (Nana)

Who would have thought that the most selfless, caring person is hiding behind these terrible black glasses?

You will always feel like you occasionally see Yasu without sunglasses.

Yasu's love for music led him to give up his position as a paralegal and become the drummer in a punk band. He deserved to be jokingly called "Bald" because he had thick hair in the past, but he decided to shave it off.

Possesses maturity and thoughtfulness, speaks little. But when he does, everyone listens.

Yasu's formal, neat menacing appearance sets him apart from the rest of the group. He literally has no hair out of place!

12. Andrew Gilbert Mills (Sword Art Online)

It's hard to believe that someone loves money so much, so generously, that they spend all their money on leveling up mid-level players and lower-level players.

It is obvious that his friends and other people are in priority, and he shows concern for them; he will help his friends no matter what.

You can always count on Agil on the battlefield; he is a smart, reliable and efficient leader. Probably one of the funniest bald characters in SAO (which is also one of the best fantasy anime at the moment).

11. Keith Shadis (Attack on Titan)

You would hate your life if you were taught by Keith Shadis, senior instructor of the 104th cadet corps.

His intimidating nature leaves the recruits too scared to misbehave when he is around.

His low voice alone is enough to scare someone!

Keith considered himself special and smart and always looked down on others. He felt he had better ideas, but not for long.

Eventually, he was humiliated by his failures and he began to realize that he had not been "chosen" and admitted that he was not the right person for the job.

He then left his seat, making room for someone who was better than him.

10. Incognito (Hellsing)

Both Alucard and Incognito were out for blood when they first met.

Incognito is a cruel real vampire who created a miracle chip that makes impure vampires.

He is so strong that he is a worthy rival to Alucard. (Spoiler alert!) In their battle, killing Incognito was like trying to get blood from a stone. Incognito asked his rival before dying to show him his true identity.

He got what he wanted, but then he was brutally stabbed by Alucard. Well, rest in peace, I guess.

9. Dot Pixis (Attack on Titan)

Since he is an eccentric drunk man who once said he wouldn't mind being eaten by a beautiful female titan, it's hard to say that Dot Pixis is forward-thinking, organized, and wise.

But if not for him, Kitz Weilman would have given the order to open fire on Eren. But Pyxis was adamant that Eren's titan form could successfully close the hole in Rose's Wall, a step towards saving humanity.

The success of this crazy plan just shows how calm this person can be and how he can make the right decisions in the midst of complete chaos.

8. Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)

Being the oldest member of the Bebop crew means that Jet Black is considered to be the father figure among them, whom he hates.

He prefers to be seen as a young man.

Don't be fooled by his rudeness and rough attitude, he is actually such a kind hearted and thoughtful guy. He may try to hide his emotions, but always acts out of his affection, loyalty, and concern for his comrades. He considers them his family.

Jet Black of the whole team is the one who makes the right decisions.

He is a perfect example of a good leader and a good friend. I bet you would like it to be yours.

7. Alexis Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Although Alexis Louis Armstrong only has one strand of blond hair hanging from his forehead, we'll assume he's bald for the sake of this article.

All Alexis has to do is flex his huge muscles to rip off his blue military garb and show off his intimidating, well-built physique.

Besides, this intimidating jock with a stiff walrus mustache is so harmless and sympathetic; especially with innocents and children, whom he often cries out of sympathy for them.

And while it may do more harm than good, he will always try to help his friend Edward in battle.

6. Hanzo (Hunter X Hunter)

What happens if you don't break the strict ninja training for 18 years?

You will, of course, become the prince's bodyguard.

So it was with Hanzo. He is strong and reliable but very trusting and just talks so much!

His anger and brash demeanor often prevent him from being a professional, but he has proven to be a worthy and reliable cold-hearted ninja.

Do not rush to judge Hanzo. Everyone has good sides, right?

5. Ikkaku Madarame (Bleach)

Behind those terrible red scars on the eyes is actually a noble opponent who sees the battlefield as a fun game.

Whether he wins or loses, it's all about the honor he gets from it, and he doesn't win until he kills his opponent in a fair one-on-one duel.

But it is his duty to finish him off properly, he is indeed a Spartan warrior! Ikkaku is embarrassed by his glowing bald head. And sometimes he says that she is "shaved."

He gets angry and threatens anyone who points out his baldness. Would you dare to do it?

4. Master Roshi (Dragon Ball)

"We don't study martial arts to fight" , "Twisted and powerful" are the best words to describe this man who is over three hundred years old.

Thanks to him, Son Goku became the popular hero he is today.

Although he is short and thin, he can transform into a big angry old man with huge muscles when he is serious, and he has a signature destructive technique that can vaporize an entire mountain!

3. Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto (Bleach)

"No Shinigami was born to rival me in power" ," said Yamamoto, who was the captain-commander of the Gotei 13 FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS (yes, that's a thousand followed by three zeros).

Old, experienced, strong and wise, Genryusai was highly respected by Shinigami, but when faced with rebellion and betrayal, he became angry and intolerant.

He is calm and, as a rule, does not twirl his “hair” in situations, but responds by opening one or both eyes.

You'll be lucky if you get out of the fight with that old muscle badass alive!

2. Krillin (Dragon Ball)

Krillin was a monk competing with Goku to become Roshi's student.

In some situations, he turned out to be smarter than Goku, and often did this by breaking the rules.

Krillin never had real family or friends, but after a while, he and Gouko became best friends.

He is a comic character in the chaotic fantasy world of Dragon Ball; this iconic character is one of the closest people and a famous bald anime character not even by fans.

He is perceptive, quick to anger, forgiving, but has a strong sense of honor.

Krillin is a fighter when he needs to be. But like many of us, he just wants to relax and enjoy life.

1. Saitama (One Punch Man)

Imagine losing your precious short black hair due to daily hard workouts consisting of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 sit-ups and a 10K run.

At first glance, Saitama might not seem like the toughest superhero out there.

But looks can be deceiving.

Saitama has simple inoffensive features and a sluggish posture that really won't make you take him seriously.

But when someone gets into his "hair", he becomes a completely different person with sharp, well-built muscles, a serious expression and fierce, focused eyes.

This surprises his enemies and in seconds he knocks them out with his crushing punch!

Of course, I picked number 1 and a really memorable character in the annals of skinhead anime friends.