
Boy quotes from Balabob's Neural Network

Today for you we have generated interesting and funny “boy quotes” using a neural network - Balabob from Yandex. It turned out not bad enough, but somewhere even plausible.

Quotes about wife

A wife is a treasure created so that men can feel like gods ...

A wife is the best friend with whom you can and should discuss all your friends.

A wife is such a lady who every day reminds her husband of his duties.

The wife is the only woman we recognize the right to do whatever we want.

A wife is a being who always knows what you need.

A wife is a person who helps her husband get rid of selfishness ...

Quotes about love

Love is what happens to men who are not afraid to appear weak.

Love is when you want to take not into your property, but into your heart.

Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone.

Love is when you can't fall asleep thinking about your loved one, and when you get up to turn off the light, he also gets up and goes to you...

Love is a big game of strip cards.

Love is when you don’t have to say “no”, because it’s clear that she will say “yes”.

Quotes about the wolf

A wolf is an animal that lives by its own laws and does not care how others live.

The wolf is the master in the forest, not in the pack.

The wolf is the only representative of the animal world that, in case of danger, runs not to its hole, but to prey.

The wolf is the one who drives you into a dead end, not you.

A lone wolf is always right.

The wolf is not a profession, but a lifestyle.

The wolf is not the one who runs forward, but the one who overtakes!

The wolf is a symbol of freedom.

A wolf is not a profession, but a state of mind!

Quotes about brotherhood

Brothers are people to whom I can entrust not only my life.

Brotherhood is when you get out of the car and don’t know that it couldn’t be better, and not when you sit at home, waiting for your mother, but she doesn’t come.

Brotherhood is not just friendship, it is a way of life.

The lads are not those who drink with you, but those who will give their lives for you!

Brotherhood is when you can come to a party and not be the first guy in the village there.

Brotherhood is where everyone knows each other, and everyone laughs together at a common misfortune.

Brotherhood is strength, and strength has the property of growing.

The lads are not those who fought with you in childhood, but those who know by name when your birthday is.

Brothers are those who are with you in sorrow and in joy.

Brotherhood is when you do not just say the word “brother”, but you see in front of you the person to whom you say it ...

Brother Quotes

A brother is someone who knows your past, believes in your future, and now ... just loves you.

A brother is someone who will hold your hand before leaving.

A brother is that person who, when you misbehave, will always say: "I'm with you, brother" ...

Brother is not just a word, brother is a support, it is courage, strength, it is a responsibility for you ...

A brother is not the one who handed over his own blood to the zone ...

A brother is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

A brother is someone who knows the song "Brother for Brother" and at the same time will not beat you ...

A brother is the one who will see tears in your eyes, will not laugh, but will simply sit next to you and be silent.

A brother is not the one who is responsible for you, but the one for whom you yourself are ready to be responsible.

Quotes about life

Life is a boomerang - everything returns to everyone ...

Life is like a zebra.

Life is a game of poker where one game is always missing...

Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered.

Life is a queue for a perpetual motion machine.

Life is a game, and if you lose, it's not scary - you just start playing again.

Quotes about a girl

A girl is one who, even with stilettos, can look like shoes ...

A girl is not the person from whom you have to wait for the first step.

A girl is such a creature that even when she is with you, you still think about another ...

A girl is such a goddess that you want not only to love, but also to kiss, hug and give all the caress that you are capable of.

A girl is such a flower that, before giving, you must definitely smell it ...

A girl is such a creature from which it is impossible to break away, but it is also impossible to live with her ...

The girl is the one whose smell drives you crazy, even if you're drunk...

That’s all for today… what conclusions, not bad enough, some phrases really turn out to be funny versions of quotes, but often, they turn out to be more vital and truthful.