
TOP 10 Reasons Why We Need Friends

Empathy is one of the key human abilities, but it works an order of magnitude stronger with friends. Man is a social being, he needs friends by his very nature, but this article deals specifically with the benefits that friendship and other people can give. As they say, don't have a hundred rubles, but have ...

10. Friends are a mirror in which we are reflected

Imagine that you have no friends, you are a lonely person, how then can they understand you? But when you are surrounded by friends, people will judge you by their general behavior.

Let's say there is a guy who is obsessed with football. For some reason, he himself does not play football. How can others guess that football is his passion? But if a guy enters the circle of the same fans who all the time just talk among themselves that about goals, players and the like, it is immediately clear what he is fond of.

People tend to choose friends who are similar to themselves. Tell me who your friend is and I will tell who you are. It is quite possible to say that in friends you see yourself as in a mirror. If you don't know how outsiders perceive you, take a closer look at your company, and you will understand everything.

9. A friend is the perfect companion

Loneliness is painful, especially if you live alone for a long time. The desire to avoid loneliness is another reason to pay special attention, to spend time, energy in order to make close friends.

As a creature endowed with reason, man is inherent in the need for his own kind. Who is a better companion than a friend? When friends are around, sometimes the most ordinary seems wonderful, simply because you are with the right people for you.

8. A friend in need will not leave

Dictionaries define the concept of "help" as "helping someone in trouble or problem, participating in something that brings relief." When you need help, you turn to your friends first. Sometimes friends are even more responsive than relatives.

And it doesn't have to be help in some very difficult matter, sometimes a trifling service can please, because you feel that you have someone to rely on.

A good friend won't let you down! Yes, sometimes he can laugh at you, but when necessary, he will do anything for you.

7. Friends are like-minded people

A good friend will not point out and dictate: you must do this and that; but it will support you in your endeavors, in what you want to achieve. One sincere word of friendship or support in a difficult time is much more valuable than everyone's praise after success.

When no one believes in you, friends will not back down. Even when you're carrying a blizzard.

6. Sometimes friends are the only people who understand you.

Let's say you meet up with your best friend to have lunch together. You put on a smile ... Your friend's first question is, "Are you in trouble?" Without a single complaint from you, she sensed your true state. It instantly becomes easier ... all the problems of a hard day recede ...

Friends see right through you, no matter what you pretend to be.

Friends feel when you want to have fun, and when the opposite. They are sad when you have a hard time and laugh with you when you are having fun. And sometimes, on the contrary, they will start fooling around when you are sad, and now you are already laughing with them!

5. Friends can make you better.

There is such a thing - the influence of friends. From an early age, friends influence your perception of life and attitudes.

Sometimes friends can bring you down to earth. For example, say that your new outfit is completely tasteless, but others will flatter and say: "Oh! You look gorgeous!"

Friends know you perfectly, they see you from the outside and are not afraid to open your eyes to reality.

4. A friend is the best counselor

Friends can give good advice because they understand the situation better. Friendly advice is more valuable than any other.

Even your views and prospects for the future can be changed by the influence of friends.

3. Friends can make you happier.

As stated above, a friend is a wonderful companion and brings a lot of joy and fun into life. With friends, you hang out, go hiking, play and all that.

Friends can laugh when you are depressed and infect you with their good mood. They are ready to give you a reassuring slap on the shoulder and raise a glass to you when you have good news.

A compelling example is provided by Ed Diener and Martin Seligman, leading experts in the field of positive psychology. When they compared happy people with not very happy people, it turned out that the former were sociable and had strong attachments. Indeed, good social relationships are essential for people to feel happy.

And if our friends are happy, we are happy for them. To be friends means to be happy.

2. Friends are our second family

The family is given at birth. Friends can be called a second family, because we are with them throughout our lives.

As a child, we ran to our mother with all our sorrows, but the older we get, the more we look for support from friends. They influence our life no less than relatives.

1. Friends will give you more friends

And finally, the last reason: we need friends to acquire more of them.

People tend to like those who have a good reputation, who are considered useful, they love those who love themselves. If you want to be a person who attracts new friends, these qualities will help you create your social group. The more friends you have, the more fully you can enjoy the benefits of friendship.

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How many friends do you have and is it true that we need them? Answer yourself this question by watching a video from the author