
How to strengthen and protect the immune system in winter

What does a person need to maintain immunity and the body's ability to resist numerous infections? Everyone wants to protect their child and themselves, and we have asked ourselves this question more than once. Here are some recommendations to strengthen and protect our immunity.

An important role in maintaining the immune system is occupied by proper nutrition, vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements, immunomodulators of natural origin necessary for the body.

Immunity is weakened by a lack of vitaminswhich reduces cell activity. Vitamins are needed to fight off colds: Vitamin A is found in sweet potatoes, liver, melons, apricots, pumpkin, carrots, spinach, broccoli, all raw, milk.

Food source

Vitamin B - peanuts, whole grains, bran, in the yolk, chicken meat, bananas, beef, tuna, beans, walnuts, avocados, soybeans, seafood.
The food source of Vitamin C is in black currants, melons, citrus fruits, sweet peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, raw cabbage and greens.

Vitamin E is located - sunflower, saffron, cottonseed, corn and many other vegetable oils, sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, then the lack of vitamins will be the least of your worries.


Deficiency of this product cripple the immune system. The sickly look of the inhabitants of poor countries, for whom complete protein is a luxury. Complete protein in the form of lean meats, fish, poultry, egg whites and dairy products is available to almost everyone.

Healthy fats - olive oil, cold pressed, in fish meat (cod, salmon, tuna) these are lipids. The body needs these essential fatty acids.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. Vegetable carbohydrates - found in grains, fruits and vegetables, there are vitamins and fiber.

trace elements - if you have a deficiency in minerals, you can seriously get sick. A severe deficiency can even lead to death. You must know for sure that food contains all the necessary mineral components, zinc, chorus, selenium, carbons, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, iron, magnesium, fluorine, sodium.

Food source of micronutrients - meat (including beef, veal, pork and liver), prunes, raisins, wheat, dried apricots, melons, potatoes, avocados, bananas, broccoli, milk, nut butter, white cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, egg yolks, nuts, figs, fish, dairy products, green vegetables, peas, tea and many others.

Immunomodulators - There are synthetic and natural origin. Natural immunomodulators are those that nature itself gives us in products such as honey, wild rose, currant leaves, hawthorn, etc. It is best to take natural immunomodulators as a strengthening of immunity. Natural immunomodulator is a Transfer factor is a small protein molecule, which includes 44 amino acids, obtained as a result of a unique processing, these molecules are called transfer factors. This drug has no contraindications and side effects, is completely harmless, has passed many tests and has proved its effectiveness in practice.

When a child is born, the mother's immunity is already preparing for him immune experience and genetic memory, which is passed on, accumulates from generation to generation. This memory is transmitted, the first 30-60 minutes after the birth of a child with mother's milk. The uniqueness of the drug transfer factor classic is that it helps us to put things in order in the immune system of the human body. Immunotherapy Transfer Factor Classic, created on the basis of bovine colostrum, which restores our molecular composition and restores damaged DNA. To date, this is the best immunomodulator from nature itself.