
10 AdSense Tips to Increase Your Revenue

Follow the 10 AdSense tips below and you'll see your earnings increase without risking or violating any AdSense rules.

AdSense is one of the most popular ways to make money online and probably one of the easiest ways if you do it right.

By good behavior, I mean following standards and practices that are in line with the AdSense policies, but that can also maximize your revenue.

So, let's take a look at the most important AdSense tips below to help you with that.

#1 Don't violate any AdSense principles

I've already mentioned this 3 times in the article and we're only in the first AdSense tip, but it's very important that whatever you do to increase your income doesn't go against these rules. You can read full instructionshere, but in general avoid:

Clicking on your own ads for any reason (even testing them)

  • Buying traffic or clicks
  • Make ads look like ads
  • Show the user only ads without content
  • Ask friends to click on ads
  • Placing ads on websites with inappropriate content (adult, alcohol, gambling, etc.)

#2 Use Responsive AdSense Blocks

We have done several tests and all tests show (more details will be posted in future posts) that responsive websites with responsive AdSense blocks perform better than non-responsive ones.

If you have a responsive website, you can replace your ads with responsive AdSense blocks. This means that depending on the available ad space, AdSense will serve the most relevant ad (both in size and type).

You will soon realize that especially for mobile websites, 300×250 works much better on mobile devices than the standard 320×50.

#3 Place your ad where users can see it

Ad position is very important and can make a big difference in clicks and revenue.

It's always better to advertise intop of page (this is the area users see without scrolling), but if that's not possible, try advertising in the main content of the page instead of the sidebar.

Warning: Google penalizes websites that have too many ads at the top of the page, so if you decide to add ads to the main content, do so at the end of the article.

#4 Post content more often

Depending on the type of website, you may be able to post content more frequently.

The idea is that posting frequently will result in more visits to your website and naturally more clicks and AdSense earnings.

#5 Make your website load faster

Faster websites have been proven to lead to more ad clicks, so if you optimize your website speed it will ultimately increase your revenue as well.

Avoid using too many graphics and remove any images that don't add value to the user but slow down the site.

#6 Remove other ad networks

If you want to get more out of AdSense, you can remove any other ad networks and only run AdSense.

Not only will this make your website load faster, but it will also make your AdSense ads more visible, resulting in more clicks and more revenue.

Of course, a lot of ads doesn't mean more revenue, so it's always best to stick to three ads per page (even if you're not using AdSense).

#7 Find Your AdSense Referrers and Improve Them

When you connect your Google Analytics account to Google AdSense, you can sign in to Analytics and see which referral sources are generating your AdSense revenue. You can see this under Behavior -> AdSense -> AdSense Referral Sources.

Maybe visits from Facebook or other social networks generate AdSense income when they visit your website, so it's a good idea to work on them and improve your presence to get more traffic and revenue.

#8 Use standard ad sizes (text and image)

When customizing your ads, use the sizes recommended by AdSense as the most popular. These are typically 728×90, 336×280, 300×250, and 300×600. Other sizes may have less demand from advertisers and result in lower revenue.

Also, make sure your ads are set to show both text and images, as this will increase the number of advertisers competing for your ad slots and result in higher revenue per click.

#9 Use AdSense experiments to test different ad options

One of the features of AdSense that users don't know much about is the AdSense experiments (which can be found in the "My Ads" section of your AdSense account). With experimentation, you can test different variations of the same ad slot and see which one performs better.

For example, you can test different link colors, border or no border, etc. This feature is very easy to use and after a few days you will be able to see which of your ads are performing better.

#10 Don't make your site look like it's built for AdSense (MFA)

AdSense aims to improve the user experience (and indeed it does in most cases) by displaying relevant ads that may be of interest to the user.

This does not mean that your website should be ad-focused, but your focus should still be on usability and high quality content.

AdSense is a way to monetize your content, not the reason your site exists.