
10 most incredible love stories

"You know, when you're truly in love, you can't sleep because reality is finally better than dreams.", - Dr. Seuss, American children's writer, cartoonist

Even if our hearts have been broken repeatedly and we are the most inveterate cynics, all the same, the fairy tales that are shown on the screen warm hearts. The best love stories are stories that go beyond the usual boundaries of life. The screens show happiness and unity, the heroes triumph over mistakes and missteps, and there is a feeling that it is quite acceptable to go beyond the generally accepted social framework.

Love is sacred and famous love stories give the desire to seek pleasure in this life. I know everyone has heard of Romeo and Juliet, but there are other heartbreaking stories out there. Believe me, these 10 Incredible Love Stories melt your heart. You might be interested in the article 10 books with the most intricate love stories.

1. Dashrath Manjhi - the man who moved mountains for love

«I will move mountains for you". If you have ever fallen in love, then you have probably heard this phrase from the lips of a partner. And here is Dashrath Manjhi, also known as "mountain man' did it for real. He split the mountain for his love. Dashrath Manjhi, a poor man from the small Indian village of Gechlor, lost his wife due to delayed medical care. They were unable to get to the doctor in time because the road from their settlement ran along a long mountain range.

Dashrakht was often called a psycho, but he spent 22 years of his life moving stones alone to make a road, 110 meters long and 9.1 meters wide, from the village to the neighboring town. The only goal he pursued was to provide fellow villagers with access to medical services so that no one else would lose a loved one.

2. Faizul Hasan Qwardi - the man who built the second Taj Mahal

The famous mosque-mausoleum Taj Mahal is considered in the world the most real embodiment of love. It was built by the ruler of the Empire of the Great Mongols Shah-Dzharkhan for his wife Mumtaz. A 77-year-old Indian named Faizul Hasan Qwardi promised to build the same "monument of lovefor his wife Tajammul Begum in Bulandshahr in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

Faizul married Begum when she was 14 years old and taught her to read and write in Urdu. The couple had no children, and Faizul's wife was constantly worried that everyone would forget her after her death. Then Kvardi promised to build a mausoleum for her, thus preserving the memory of her beloved for centuries. "We have been together for over 58 years and our love has grown stronger every day. After she left, she was forever on my mind”, he said. Tajammul died of cancer in 2011.

3. Chadil Deffi and Sarina Kamsuk - Love that goes beyond death

Chadil Deffy and Sarina Kamsuk were going to get married after Deffy graduated. But his life was destroyed at the moment when he learned about the accident, as a result of which the life of his beloved Sarina ended. This happened two days before the wedding. But death could not destroy love.

Deffy still married a dead girlfriend during the funeral ceremony. He put a ring on the finger of a girlfriend with whom he spent 10 years of his life and kissed goodbye during a ceremony in Surin province in Thailand.

4. David Hurd and Avril Cato - Lovers brought together by letters

People write letters to each other all the time. This is the story of two strangers who were pen pals and got married on the day they first met. Yes, that's how David Heard and Avril Cato became one. David Hurd moved to New York in 1907 and after a while began writing letters to Avril Cato, a stranger living in the Caribbean.

His first letter came to Avril in 1913. So the two began to get closer, and a year later David asked Avril to marry him. They first met on their wedding day in Jamaica. Two pen pals became so close to each other during written communication that they became one..

5. Kurt Klein and Gerda Weismann - Love in the Time of War

Gerda Weisman, a Polish and American writer, spent several months in a Nazi camp with 4,000 Jewish women. Only 120 of the women survived and ended up at the factory, where they lived for several days with little to no food. She hadn't bathed for three years and was wearing rags the day American Lieutenant Kurt Klein found her and rescued her. The couple met in September 1945 and soon got married.

6. Anna and Boris - Two lovers who are reunited after 60 years

The Russian couple Anna and Boris got married three days before Boris joined the Red Army. Anna, along with her relatives, had to go into exile and the two lost contact with each other. Boris tried to find her, but to no avail. Anna even thought about suicide, but she still hoped to meet her man.

One fine day, Anna Kozlova noticed an old man getting out of a car in a Siberian village. The woman began to choke with excitement, she could not believe her eyes. This man was her Boris. "I thought my eyes were playing some kind of game with me.”, Anna recalls. "I saw this man approaching me and my heart began to jump out of my chest. I knew it was him and I just started crying for joy". The couple reunited after 60 years, and love blossomed again in their souls.

7. Eija-Ritta Berliner-Mauer (Berlin Wall) - The lady who married the Berlin Wall

Eija-Ritta was only 7 years old when she first saw the Berlin Wall on TV. Then she felt her life turned upside down. Eya turned outpioneer"among the fetishists of this kind - she married a concrete structure and took the surname"Concrete wall". When the structure was broken in 1989, she cried for a long time, and said: “What they did was terrible. They mutilated my husband».

Doctors diagnosed Eya-Ritta - "sexual disorder". Despite physically remaining a virgin, the woman insists she has had a full relationship with the concrete structure for over 30 years.

8. Bonnie and Clyde are accomplices who loved each other

Love is blind and Bonnie and Clyde proved it. Bonnie and Clyde, two American lovers who committed a lot of crime during the Great Depression. They robbed banks, small shops, gas stations, killed several policemen and ordinary people.

They first met on January 5, 1930 at the home of a friend of Clyde named Clarence Clay and quickly became friends before they felt they were in love. Later, these two put together a gang and became accomplices in several high-profile crimes and became real enemies of the society of that era. They continued to love each other for the rest of their lives. They were shot dead in 1934.

9. Helen and Les - Lifetime of Love

It is not uncommon for couples to make promises to love each other and die on the same day. Helen and Les proved this to be true. This case can be called a pure accident or a crazy truth of love. They were born on the same day, December 31, 1918, went to the same school, where they met and fell in love.

High school students in love ran away and lived together for 75 years. At the end of his life, Les suffered from Parkinson's disease and fell into a coma, and at this time Helen was battling stomach cancer. She passed away on July 16, and Les died the next day. He did not even know about the death of his beloved. They were 94 years old.

10. Shah Hussein and Mado Lal - They are together even after death

The Punjabi poet Shah Hussain, also known as a Sufi saint, fell in love with a Brahmin boy named Mado Lal. Until recently, same-sex marriage was not allowed anywhere in the world.Two lovers dared to declare their love in the Muslim state of Pakistan in 1960. This pair is commonly referred to as "Madho Lal Hussein". Thousands of people visit their grave as a shrine during the festival of lights, where the two rest in silence together.

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