
10 ways to remove rough skin from your feet

Removing rough skin from your feet can be difficult. You may need to visit a specialist many times in order to achieve the result. Previously, I myself have struggled with this problem and I know that in such cases it sometimes even hurts to walk. If you can't afford to spend a lot of money and want to remove rough skin from your feet at home, then 10 home remedies may come in handy.

Try it 10 ways to get rid of dry skin on your feet... You might be interested in article 10 Insane Beauty Treatments.

10. Rice flour - preparing a thick ointment

If you need to make a thick ointment, then this method may be the best solution. A good thick mixture is made with rice flour, apple cider vinegar, and honey. Take 2-3 tablespoons of rice flour, then add a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and honey. The mass is ready. You can also add almond or olive oil if the skin on your legs is badly cracked. After everything is ready, soak your feet in warm water for ten minutes, then apply the mixture, massage and remove the rough skin.

9. Essential oils for removing dry skin from feet

There are many essential oils that can help get rid of dry skin on your feet. You can dilute them with olive oil or vegetable oil, dip your feet in there, and then use a brush to remove the rough skin. Oils that nourish dry skin include peppermint, lavender, lemon or the well-known eucalyptus oil. Tea tree oil can be used, but if mixed in the wrong proportion, it can irritate the skin.

8. Honey will help moisturize the skin on the legs

If you're looking for a good way to moisturize your feet, honey is the way to go. The effectiveness of honey is due to its antibacterial properties. Take a cup of honey and at least a bucket of warm water and mix everything together. Lower your legs for about 20 minutes, then massage.

7. Wear shoes that allow your feet to breathe

The advice to wear breathable shoes may not be what you would expect to see here, but it is very important. Shoes will either help with treatment, or vice versa, will aggravate the situation. You should even consult with a specialist and find out what kind of shoes you need to wear so that the condition of the skin on your feet does not get worse. It is also very important to wear breathable socks.

6. Lemon juice will relieve the feet of rough skin

I don’t know if you know this, but lemon juice helps to get rid of the keratinized particles on the skin. Lemon baths have other benefits as well. They will help make your feet beautiful and soft. This method is the easiest, since all you need is to take lemon juice, mix it with warm water and lower your feet for about ten minutes. Wash your feet and pat dry with a towel. You can then apply a natural moisturizer.

5. Vinegar will soften and facilitate the removal of rough skin

Vinegar is another well-known remedy that you can use to get rid of rough skin on your feet. It also helps in healing cracked heels... And if your legs are tired, take a vinegar bath and you will feel better. Take apple cider vinegar and two glasses of warm water. Mix. Lower your feet for 15 minutes, remove dry skin with a pumice stone, then wash your feet and dry thoroughly. You can also lubricate the feet with petroleum jelly.

4. Olive oil will soften your feet

Using olive oil is one of the best ways to keep your heels soft and healthy. Although not as simple as the others. Apply olive oil to a cotton pad, massage your feet in slow, circular motions for 15 minutes. Put on heavy cotton socks for about an hour and wash off with water.

Then take 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of lavender or lemon oil. Pour into a small bottle, add a little water and shake well until thick. Apply this mixture to your feet throughout the day and you will quickly notice the difference.

3. Oatmeal and jojoba oil will soften chapped skin

Oatmeal has been used for decades as a remedy for dry and chapped skin on your feet. However, adding jojoba oil to it, you can get a thick ointment that will soften the heels well. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of crushed oatmeal with jojoba oil. Apply to heels for about 30 minutes and rinse off with cool water. Dry with a towel.

2. Do not throw away overripe bananas, make a foot ointment from them

Yes, yes, ripe bananas will help your legs. For this to work, you need to take an avocado. Combine a couple of overripe bananas and half an avocado in a blender. You will get a creamy thick paste. Apply it to your feet and leave it on for 20 minutes.

Rinse your feet first with warm and then cool water. Rub gently with a pumice stone and pat dry.

1. Coconut oil will perfectly moisturize your feet

It's amazing how beneficial coconut oil is. It not only moisturizes the skin on the legs well, but also fights bacterial and fungal infections. And all because it contains substances that have antifungal and antibacterial properties. Before going to bed, dip your feet in warm water, massage well with a washcloth and dry.

Then generously lubricate your feet with coconut oil and wear cotton breathable socks overnight. Take them off in the morning and wash your feet. Do this for several days until the result is satisfactory.

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We enthusiastically watch our hands. We want them to be perfect. But the legs also need care. And perhaps even more than hands.